161 research outputs found

    Development of NEW, towards the first physics results of NEXT

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    The NEXT ßß0¿ experiment will use a high-pressure gas electroluminescent TPC to search for the decay of Xe- 136. The development, construction and installation of NEXT-WHITE (NEW), the first radio-pure version of NEXT, will take place this year at Laboratorio Subterra ´neo de Canfranc. NEW will run initially using 10 kg of natural xenon during which time NEXT technology will be validated and the topological reconstruction algorithms refined. Moreover, the background model will be benchmarked using data. A second run will use enriched xenon and will make a first measurement of the two neutrino channel (ßß2¿) by NEXT. This poster will present the various technical aspects of the detector detailing the radio-pure solutions for a low backgorund experiment and the low noise, high resolution measurement of both energy and position

    Sense and sensitivity of double beta decay experiments

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    The search for neutrinoless double beta decay is a very active field in which the number of proposals for next-generation experiments has proliferated. In this paper we attempt to address both the sense and the sensitivity of such proposals. Sensitivity comes first, by means of proposing a simple and unambiguous statistical recipe to derive the sensitivity to a putative Majorana neutrino mass, m_bb. In order to make sense of how the different experimental approaches compare, we apply this recipe to a selection of proposals, comparing the resulting sensitivities. We also propose a "physics-motivated range" (PMR) of the nuclear matrix elements as a unifying criterium between the different nuclear models. The expected performance of the proposals is parametrized in terms of only four numbers: energy resolution, background rate (per unit time, isotope mass and energy), detection efficiency, and bb isotope mass. For each proposal, both a reference and an optimistic scenario for the experimental performance are studied. In the reference scenario we find that all the proposals will be able to partially explore the degenerate spectrum, without fully covering it, although four of them (KamLAND-Zen, CUORE, NEXT and EXO) will approach the 50 meV boundary. In the optimistic scenario, we find that CUORE and the xenon-based proposals (KamLAND-Zen, EXO and NEXT) will explore a significant fraction of the inverse hierarchy, with NEXT covering it almost fully. For the long term future, we argue that Xe-based experiments may provide the best case for a 1-ton scale experiment, given the potentially very low backgrounds achievable and the expected scalability to large isotope masses.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figures, 6 table

    The NEXT experiment: A high pressure xenon gas TPC for neutrinoless double beta decay searches

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    Abstract Neutrinoless double beta decay (ββ0ν) is a hypothetical, very slow nuclear transition in which two neutrons undergo beta decay simultaneously and without the emission of neutrinos. The importance of this process goes beyond its intrinsic interest: an unambiguous observation would establish a Majorana nature for the neutrino and prove the violation of lepton number. NEXT is a new experiment to search for neutrinoless double beta decay using a radiopure high-pressure xenon gas TPC, filled with 100 kg of Xe enriched in Xe-136. NEXT will be the first large high-pressure gas TPC to use electroluminescence readout with SOFT (Separated, Optimized FuncTions) technology. The design consists in asymmetric TPC, with photomultipliers behind a transparent cathode and position-sensitive light pixels behind the anode. The experiment is approved to start data taking at the Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc (LSC), Spain, in 2014