430 research outputs found

    Exergy Optimized Wastewater Heat Recovery: Minimizing Losses and Maximizing Performance

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    I n this project a system to utilize the heat that would otherwise be destroyed in warm water going down the drain has been optimized. Both the quantity and quality of the energy flows are considered using exergy analysis. The system recovers the heat using a batch process with an insulated tank containing a heat exchanger. The analysis is based on statistical annual hot water usage profiles. The system shows that the exergy available in warm wastewater can be optimized with specific tank size and heat exchanger flow rate to the exergy the extraction. This gives an energy recovery of 3000 kWh or 10% of the U.S. single-family residential household demand or over 50% of annual hot water demand. A complete system would utilize this optimized exergy output to minimize the temperature lift required by a heat pump. This would create an integrated low exergy space and water heating system. The project theory is a part of the IEA ECBCS Annex 49, and also collaboration has been setup with Geberit AG to eventually bring a product to market

    Hyperfine Structure and Nuclear Moment of Rhenium

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    The Re I spectrum has been photographed in the range 3000A to 6800A with spectrographs of high resolving power at the Mount Wilson Observatory, and the majority of lines are found to be complex, having 2 to 6 components

    Doppler-free Yb Spectroscopy with Fluorescence Spot Technique

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    We demonstrate a simple technique to measure the resonant frequency of the 398.9 nm 1S0 - 1P1 transition for the different Yb isotopes. The technique, that works by observing and aligning fluorescence spots, has enabled us to measure transition frequencies and isotope shifts with an accuracy of 60 MHz. We provide wavelength measurements for the transition that differ from previously published work. Our technique also allows for the determination of Doppler shifted transition frequencies for photoionisation experiments when the atomic beam and laser beam are not perpendicular and furthermore allows us to determine the average velocity of the atoms along the direction of atomic beam

    Re II and Other Exotic Spectra in HD 65949

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    Powerful astronomical spectra reveal an urgent need for additional work on atomic lines, levels, and oscillator strengths. The star HD 65949 provides some excellent examples of species rarely identified in stellar spectra. For example, the Re II spectrum is well developed, with 17 lines between 3731 and 4904 [A], attributed wholly or partially to Re II. Classifications and oscillator strengths are lacking for a number of these lines. The spectrum of Os II is well identified. Of 14 lines attributed wholly or partially to Os II, only one has an entry in the VALD database. We find strong evidence that Te II is present. There are NO Te II lines in the VALD database. Ru II is clearly present, but oscillator strengths for lines in the visual are lacking. There is excellent to marginal evidence for a number of less commonly identified species, including Kr II, Nb II, Sb II, Xe II, Pr III, Ho III, Au II, and Pt II (probably Pt-198), to be present in the spectrum of HD 65949. The line Hg II at 3984 [A] is of outstanding strength, and all three lines of Multiplet 1 of Hg I are present, even though the surface temperature of HD 65949 is relatively high. Finally, we present the case of an unidentified, 24 [mA], line at 3859.63 [A], which could be the same feature seen in magnetic CP stars. It is typically blended with a putative U II line used in cosmochronology.Comment: ASOS9 Poster (Lund, Sweden, August 2007), to be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), 6 pages 1 figur

    Experimental and theoretical lifetimes and transition probabilities in Sb I

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    We present experimental atomic lifetimes for 12 levels in Sb I, out of which seven are reported for the first time. The levels belong to the 5p2^2(3^3P)6s 2^{2}P, 4^{4}P and 5p2^2(3^3P)5d 4^{4}P, 4^{4}F and 2^{2}F terms. The lifetimes were measured using time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence. In addition, we report new calculations of transition probabilities in Sb I using a Multiconfigurational Dirac-Hartree-Fock method. The physical model being tested through comparisons between theoretical and experimental lifetimes for 5d and 6s levels. The lifetimes of the 5d 4^4F3/2,5/2,7/2_{3/2, 5/2, 7/2} levels (19.5, 7.8 and 54 ns, respectively) depend strongly on the JJ-value. This is explained by different degrees of level mixing for the different levels in the 4^4F term.Comment: 10 page

    Quantum transport through a DNA wire in a dissipative environment

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    Electronic transport through DNA wires in the presence of a strong dissipative environment is investigated. We show that new bath-induced electronic states are formed within the bandgap. These states show up in the linear conductance spectrum as a temperature dependent background and lead to a crossover from tunneling to thermal activated behavior with increasing temperature. Depending on the strength of the electron-bath coupling, the conductance at the Fermi level can show a weak exponential or even an algebraic length dependence. Our results suggest a new environmental-induced transport mechanism. This might be relevant for the understanding of molecular conduction experiments in liquid solution, like those recently performed on poly(GC) oligomers in a water buffer (B. Xu et al., Nano Lett 4, 1105 (2004)).Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
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