168 research outputs found

    Case report: primary osteochondromatosis of the right TMJ

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    Round ligament varicocele

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    A 24-year-old pregnant woman (at 25 weeks gestation) was referred to our department because of a painless swelling in the left groin which she was feeling for one week. The swelling was more apparent in the upright position and when coughing. The swelling was reducible. Ultrasound demonstrated an anechoic structure with intralesional septa at the left inguinal area (Fig. A, longitudinal ultrasound image). The lesion augmented with the Valsalva manoeuvre and in standing position. Power Doppler confirmed the presence of venous flow (Fig. B). Inverted venous flow was seen after Valsalva (Fig. C, arrow)

    Correction: Imaging Findings of the Distal Radio-Ulnar Joint in Trauma

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    This article details a correction to: Mespreuve, M, Vanhoenacker, F and Verstraete, K 2015 Imaging Findings of the Distal Radio-Ulnar Joint in Trauma. 'Journal of the Belgian Society of Radiology', 99(1), pp. 1–20, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/jbr-btr.846</a

    Ischemic gallbladder perforation

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    Background: A 63-year-old woman was admitted to the department of vascular surgery with abdominal angor and hypertension. Abdominal CT angiography revealed occlusion of the celic trunk and superior mesenteric trunk and severe stenosis on the left renal artery. Stenting of the left renal artery was successfully performed. One week after the procedure, the patient was admitted at the emergency department with severe abdominal pain, which began a few hours before admission

    Abdominal mass due to crossed renal ectopia and fusion

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    Background: A 22-year-old woman was referred to the department of Radiology, because of a painless mass at the right hemiabdomen

    Longitudinal cortical split sign as a potential diagnostic feature for cortical osteitis

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    Septic cortical osteitis is a rare but distinct type of bone infection that is characterized as a hematogenously seeded infection predominantly or exclusively limited to the cortex. Diagnosis is difficult and often delayed. Combination of clinical and laboratory findings together with the typical radiological findings consisting of vertically orientated cortical osteolysis, the ‘cortical split sign’ and the predominantly cortical disruption at the periosteal side of the cortex may lead to the correct diagnosis

    Epilectic seizure due to neuroglial cyst

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    Background: A 41-year-old woman without a relevant history was admitted to the emergency department after an epileptic seizure

    Multicentric carpal-tarsal osteolysis

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    A 2.5-year-old girl presented with pain and reduced strength in hands and wristsand walking difficulties. Clinical examination revealed a position deformity of both hands and broad elbows with limited extension

    Fallen fragment sign

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    A 16-year-old boy presented at the emergency room after he fell on his left shoulder while playing American football. Plain radiographs showed a pathological fracture through a well- defined expansile radiolucent lesion within the proximal meta-diaphysis of the left humerus (Fig. A). The lesion caused cortical thinning and contained multiple linear cortical fragments within the central part of the lesion (arrows in Fig. A). Based on the age, location and the plain radiographic characteristics (“fallen fragment sign”), the diagnosis of a solitary bone cyst (SBC) was suggested
