841 research outputs found

    Gaugino Mass without Singlets

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    In models with dynamical supersymmetry breaking in the hidden sector, the gaugino masses in the observable sector have been believed to be extremely suppressed (below 1 keV), unless there is a gauge singlet in the hidden sector with specific couplings to the observable sector gauge multiplets. We point out that there is a pure supergravity contribution to gaugino masses at the quantum level arising from the superconformal anomaly. Our results are valid to all orders in perturbation theory and are related to the `exact' beta functions for soft terms. There is also an anomaly contribution to the A terms proportional to the beta function of the corresponding Yukawa coupling. The gaugino masses are proportional to the corresponding gauge beta functions, and so do not satisfy the usual GUT relations.Comment: 25 pages, references added, typos and grammar correcte

    Supersymmetry-Breaking Loops from Analytic Continuation into Superspace

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    We extend to all orders in perturbation theory a method to calculate supersymmetry-breaking effects by analytic continuation of the renormalization group into superspace. A central observation is that the renormalized gauge coupling can be extended to a real vector superfield, thereby including soft breaking effects in the gauge sector. We explain the relation between this vector superfield coupling and the "holomorphic" gauge coupling, which is a chiral superfield running only at 1 loop. We consider these issues for a number of regulators, including dimensional reduction. With this method, the renormalization group equations for soft supersymmetry breaking terms are directly related to supersymmetric beta functions and anomalous dimensions to all orders in perturbation theory. However, the real power of the formalism lies in computing finite soft breaking effects corresponding to high-loop component calculations. We prove that the gaugino mass in gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking is ``screened'' from strong interactions in the messenger sector. We present the complete next-to-leading calculation of gaugino masses (2 loops) and sfermion masses (3 loops) in minimal gauge mediation, and several other calculations of phenomenological relevance.Comment: 50 pages, 1 ps and 1 eps figure, LaTe

    Baryon masses at second order in large-NN chiral perturbation theory

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    We consider flavor breaking in the the octet and decuplet baryon masses at second order in large-NN chiral perturbation theory, where NN is the number of QCD colors. We assume that 1/N1/NFms/Λmu,d/Λ,αEM1/N \sim 1/N_F \sim m_s / \Lambda \gg m_{u,d}/\Lambda, \alpha_{EM}, where NFN_F is the number of light quark flavors, and mu,d,s/Λm_{u,d,s} / \Lambda are the parameters controlling SU(NF)SU(N_F) flavor breaking in chiral perturbation theory. We consistently include non-analytic contributions to the baryon masses at orders mq3/2m_q^{3/2}, mq2lnmqm_q^2 \ln m_q, and (mqlnmq)/N(m_q \ln m_q) / N. The mq3/2m_q^{3/2} corrections are small for the relations that follow from SU(NF)SU(N_F) symmetry alone, but the corrections to the large-NN relations are large and have the wrong sign. Chiral power-counting and large-NN consistency allow a 2-loop contribution at order mq2lnmqm_q^2 \ln m_q, and a non-trivial explicit calculation is required to show that this contribution vanishes. At second order in the expansion, there are eight relations that are non-trivial consequences of the 1/N1/N expansion, all of which are well satisfied within the experimental errors. The average deviation at this order is 7 \MeV for the \De I = 0 mass differences and 0.35 \MeV for the \De I \ne 0 mass differences, consistent with the expectation that the error is of order 1/N210%1/N^2 \sim 10\%.Comment: 19 pages, 2 uuencoded ps figs, uses revte

    Baryon Masses at Second Order in Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    We analyze the baryon mass differences up to second order in chiral perturbation theory, including the effects of decuplet intermediate states. We show that the Coleman--Glashow relation has computable corrections of order (mdmu)ms(m_d - m_u) m_s. These corrections are numerically small, and in agreement with the data. We also show that corrections to the Σ\Sigma equal-spacing rule are dominated by electromagnetic contributions, and that the Gell-Mann--Okubo formula has non-analytic corrections of order ms2lnmsm_s^2 \ln m_s which cannot be computed from known matrix elements. We also show that the baryon masses cannot be used to extract model-independent information about the current quark masses.Comment: 11 pages, 1 uu-encoded figure, LBL-34779, UCB-PTH-93/2

    Mediation of supersymmetry breaking in extra dimensions

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    We review the mechanisms of supersymmetry breaking mediation that occur in sequestered models, where the visible and the hidden sectors are separated by an extra dimension and communicate only via gravitational interactions. By locality, soft breaking terms are forbidden at the classical level and reliably computable within an effective field theory approach at the quantum level. We present a self-contained discussion of these radiative gravitational effects and the resulting pattern of soft masses, and give an overview of realistic model building based on this set-up. We consider both flat and warped extra dimensions, as well as the possibility that there be localized kinetic terms for the gravitational fields.Comment: LaTex, 15 pages; brief review prepared for MPLA. v2: minor correction

    Chiral perturbation theory analysis of baryon temperature mass shifts

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    We compute the finite temperature pole mass shifts of the octet and decuplet baryons using heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory and the 1/N_c expansion, where N_c is the number of QCD colors. We consider temperatures of the order of the pion mass m_\pi, and truncate the chiral and 1/N_c expansions assuming that m_\pi \sim 1/N_c. There are three scales in the problem: the temperature T, the pion mass m_\pi, and the octet--decuplet mass difference. Therefore, the result is not simply a power series in T. We find that the nucleon and \Delta temperature mass shifts are opposite in sign, and that their mass difference changes by 20% in the temperature range 90 MeV < T < 130 MeV, that is the range where the freeze out in relativistic heavy ion collisions is expected to occur. We argue that our results are insensitive to the neglect of 1/N_c- supressed effects; the main purpose of the 1/N_c expansion in this work is to justify our treatment of the decuplet states.Comment: 8 pages + 4 uuencoded figures (or available from the Author upon request), REVTEX. Figures previously corrupted are correcte

    Anomaly Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking in Four Dimensions, Naturally

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    We present a simple four-dimensional model in which anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking naturally dominates. The central ingredient is that the hidden sector is near a strongly-coupled infrared fixed-point for several decades of energy below the Planck scale. Strong renormalization effects then sequester the hidden sector from the visible sector. Supersymmetry is broken dynamically and requires no small input parameters. The model provides a natural and economical explanation of the hierarchy between the supersymmetry-breaking scale and the Planck scale, while allowing anomaly mediation to address the phenomenological challenges posed by weak scale supersymmetry. In particular, flavor-changing neutral currents are naturally near their experimental limits.Comment: 14 pages, Late

    The Gaugephobic Higgs

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    We present a class of models that contains Randall-Sundrum and Higgsless models as limiting cases. Over a wide range of the parameter space WW scattering is mainly unitarized by Kaluza-Klein partners of the W and Z, and the Higgs particle has suppressed couplings to the gauge bosons. Such a gaugephobic Higgs can be significantly lighter than the 114 GeV LEP bound for a standard Higgs, or heavier than the theoretical upper bound. These models predict a suppressed single top production rate and unconventional Higgs phenomenology at the LHC: the Higgs production rates will be suppressed and the Higgs branching fractions modified. However, the more difficult the Higgs search at the LHC is, the easier the search for other light resonances (like Z', W', t', exotic fermions) will be.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Evidence for Magnetic Field Induced Changes of the Phase of Tunneling States: Spontaneous Echoes in (KBr)1x_{1-x}(KCN)x_x in Magnetic Fields

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    Recently, it has been discovered that in contrast to expectations the low-temperature dielectric properties of some multi-component glasses depend strongly on magnetic fields. In particular, the low-frequency dielectric susceptibility and the amplitude of coherent polarization echoes show striking non-monotonic magnetic field dependencies. The low-temperature dielectric response of these materials is governed by atomic tunneling systems. We now have investigated the coherent properties of tunneling states in a crystalline host in magnetic fields up to 230 mT. Two-pulse echo experiments have been performed on a KBr crystal containing about 7.5% CN^-. Like in glasses, but perhaps even more surprising in the case of a crystalline system, we observe a very strong magnetic field dependence of the echo amplitude. Moreover, for the first time we have direct evidence that magnetic fields change the phase of coherent tunneling systems in a well-defined way. We present the data and discuss the possible origin of this intriguing effect.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PR

    "Gaugomaly" Mediated SUSY Breaking and Conformal Sequestering

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    Anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking in the context of 4D conformally sequestered models is combined with Poppitz-Trivedi D-type gauge-mediation. The implementation of the two mediation mechanisms naturally leads to visible soft masses at the same scale so that they can cooperatively solve the mu and flavor problems of weak scale supersymmetry, as well as the tachyonic slepton problem of pure anomaly-mediation. The tools are developed in a modular fashion for more readily fitting into the general program of optimizing supersymmetric dynamics in hunting for the most attractive weak scale phenomenologies combined with Planck-scale plausibility.Comment: 14 pages, Late