7 research outputs found

    Architectural Reflection - Realising Software Architectures via Reflective Activities

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    Architectural reflection is the computation performed by a software system about its own software architecture. Building on previous research and on practical experience in industrial projects, in this paper we expand the approach and show a practical (albeit very simple) example of application of architectural reflection. The example shows how one can express, thanks to reflection, both functional and non-functional requirements in terms of object-oriented concepts, and how a clean separation of concerns between application domain level and architectural level activities can be enforced

    Responses of two Mediterranean seagrasses to experimental changes in salinity

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    The aim of this study is to examine the effects of variations in salinity levels on growth and survival of two fast-growing Mediterranean seagrasses, Cymodocea nodosa and Zostera noltii. We also tested the capacity of C. nodosa to acclimate to a gradual increase in salinity and to discover how it responds to a sharp rise in salinity in combination with other factors, such as increases in temperature, seasonality and different plant-population origins. Several short-term (10 days) experiments were conducted under controlled conditions. For each experiment, ten marked shoots were placed in 5-l aquaria, where they were exposed to different salinity treatments (ranging from 2 to 72 psu). Growth and survival of both species were significantly affected by salinity. A significant effect between salinity and temperature on the shoot growth rate of C. nodosa was also detected, but not on shoot mortality. When C. nodosa plants were acclimated by gradually increasing the salinity level, it was observed that acclimatisation improved tolerance to salinity changes. A different response to salinity variations, depending on the origin of the plants or the season of the year, was also detected. These results indicated that Z. noltii plants tolerate conditions of hyposalinity better than C. nodosa, and that the tolerance range of C. nodosa may change depending on the temperature, the season or the population.This research was financed by an ACUAMED contract and by an FPI grant (FPI 01 A 002) from the Generalitat Valenciana

    Zostera: Biology, Ecology, and Management

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    Reproductive, dispersal and recruitment strategies in Australian seagrasses

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    Seagrasses are a relatively small group of marine angiosperms that have successfully colonised the oceans and includes monecious, dioecious and hermaphroditic species. They display a range of mating systems, dispersal mechanisms and recruitment strategies that have allowed them to adapt and survive within the marine environment. This includes a general reduction in the size and complexity of floral structures, and subsurface pollination (hydrophily) in the majority of species. Fertilisation occurs through water-dispersed pollen that is typically filamentous and sticky, however, recent work has also suggested that marine invertebrates may play a role in pollen movement and fertilisation. Seed size and morphology varies widely among species, from fleshy floating fruit (e.g. Posidonia) to small negatively buoyant seeds less than 0.5 mm (e.g. Halophila). Nearly all species retain some capacity of asexual reproduction through rhizome elongation or the production of asexual fragment or propagules that can be more widely dispersed. These differences in reproductive strategies have important effects on recruitment and dispersal potential and subsequent population dynamics. Direct estimates of dispersal and recruitment are inherently difficult to assess in seagrasses, but the use of novel genetic and predictive modelling approaches are providing new insights into these important processes. This chapter highlights the main reproductive strategies and adaptations seagrass have undergone in response to reproducing in a marine environment, with an emphasis on Australian seagrass species. We highlight the current state of knowledge in Australian seagrass reproductive biology and future directions in seagrass reproductive biology research