1,712 research outputs found

    Switching of +/-360deg domain wall states in a nanoring by an azimuthal Oersted field

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    We demonstrate magnetic switching between two 360∘360^\circ domain wall vortex states in cobalt nanorings, which are candidate magnetic states for robust and low power MRAM devices. These 360∘360^\circ domain wall (DW) or "twisted onion" states can have clockwise or counterclockwise circulation, the two states for data storage. Reliable switching between the states is necessary for any realistic device. We accomplish this switching by applying a circular Oersted field created by passing current through a metal atomic force microscope tip placed at the center of the ring. After initializing in an onion state, we rotate the DWs to one side of the ring by passing a current through the center, and can switch between the two twisted states by reversing the current, causing the DWs to split and meet again on the opposite side of the ring. A larger current will annihilate the DWs and create a perfect vortex state in the rings.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Local states of free bose fields

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    These notes contain an extended version of lectures given at the ``Summer School on Large Coulomb Systems'' in Nordfjordeid, Norway, in august 2003. They furnish a short introduction to the theory of quantum harmonic systems, or free bose fields. The main issue addressed is the one of local states. I will adopt the definition of Knight of ``strictly local excitation of the vacuum'' and will then state and prove a generalization of Knight's Theorem which asserts that finite particle states cannot be perfectly localized. It will furthermore be explained how Knight's a priori counterintuitive result can be readily understood if one remembers the analogy between finite and infinite dimensional harmonic systems alluded to above. I will also discuss the link between the above result and the so-called Newton-Wigner position operator thereby illuminating, I believe, the difficulties associated with the latter. I will in particular argue that those difficulties do not find their origin in special relativity or in any form of causality violation, as is usually claimed

    First foods and gut microbes

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    The establishment of the human gut microbiota in early life has been associated with later health and disease. During the 1st months after birth, the microbial composition in the gut is known to be affected by the mode of delivery, use of antibiotics, geographical location and type of feeding (breast/formula). Consequently, the neonatal period and early infancy has attracted much attention. However, after this first period the gut microbial composition continues to develop until the age of 3 years, and these 1st years have been designated “a window of opportunity” for microbial modulation. The beginning and end of this window is currently debated, but it likely coincides with the complementary feeding period, marking the gradual transition from milk-based infant feeding to family diet usually occurring between 6 and 24 months. Furthermore, the ‘first 1000 days,’ i.e., the period from conception until age 2 years, are generally recognized to be of particular importance for the healthy development of children. While dietary changes are known to affect the adult gut microbiota, there is a gap in our knowledge on how the introduction of new dietary components into the diet of infants/young children affects the gut microbiota development. This perspective paper summarizes the currently very few studies addressing the effects of complementary diet on gut microbiota, and highlights the recent finding that transition to family foods greatly impacts the development of gut microbial diversity. Further, we discuss potential impacts on child health and the need for further studies on this important topic

    Microbiota composition of simultaneously colonized mice housed under either a gnotobiotic isolator or individually ventilated cage regime

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    Germ-free rodents colonized with microbiotas of interest are used for host-microbiota investigations and for testing microbiota-targeted therapeutic candidates. Traditionally, isolators are used for housing such gnotobiotic rodents due to optimal protection from the environment, but research groups focused on the microbiome are increasingly combining or substituting isolator housing with individually ventilated cage (IVC) systems. We compared the effect of housing systems on the gut microbiota composition of germ-free mice colonized with a complex microbiota and housed in either multiple IVC cages in an IVC facility or in multiple open-top cages in an isolator during three generations and five months. No increase in bacterial diversity as assessed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing was observed in the IVC cages, despite not applying completely aseptic cage changes. The donor bacterial community was equally represented in both housing systems. Time-dependent clustering between generations was observed in both systems, but was strongest in the IVC cages. Different relative abundance of a Rikenellaceae genus contributed to separate clustering of the isolator and IVC communities. Our data suggest that complex microbiotas are protected in IVC systems, but challenges related to temporal dynamics should be addressed

    Effect of gluon-exchange pair-currents on the ratio G(E(P))/G(M(P))

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    The effect of one-gluon-exchange (OGE) pair-currents on the ratio μpGEp/GMp\mu_p G_E^p/G_M^p for the proton is investigated within a nonrelativistic constituent quark model (CQM) starting from SU(6)×O(3)SU(6) \times O(3) nucleon wave functions, but with relativistic corrections. We found that the OGE pair-currents are important to reproduce well the ratio μpGEp/GMp\mu_p G_E^p/G_M^p. With the assumption that the OGE pair-currents are the driving mechanism for the violation of the scaling law we give a prediction for the ratio μnGEn/GMn\mu_n G_E^n/G_M^n of the neutron.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Big sugar in southern Africa : rural development and the perverted potential of sugar/ethanol exports

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    This paper asks how investment in large-scale sugar cane production has contributed, and will contribute, to rural development in southern Africa. Taking a case study of the South African company Illovo in Zambia, the argument is made that the potential for greater tax revenue, domestic competition, access to resources and wealth distribution from sugar/ethanol production have all been perverted and with relatively little payoff in wage labour opportunities in return. If the benefits of agro-exports cannot be so easily assumed, then the prospective 'balance sheet' of biofuels needs to be re-examined. In this light, the paper advocates smaller-scale agrarian initiatives

    Two Metrics Describing the Causes of Seasonal and Spatial Changes in Subglacial Aqueous Chemistry

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    Seasonal change in surface melt input and spatial controls on the distribution of subglacial water can cause considerable variability in the aqueous chemistry of subglacial waters. Much of this variability has been interpreted in terms of a single variable: water residence time, with slow flow assumed to correlate with greater mineral dissolution and oxidative weathering. We synthesize data from a range of glacier and ice sheet settings to show that this approach does not adequately describe presently available data. Instead, we propose that two independent variables control spatial and seasonal changes in aqueous chemistry in subglacial settings: atmospheric gas abundance and sediment supply abundance. Where atmospheric gases are abundant, carbonation weathering is responsible for most of the subglacial chemical activity; where they become limited, oxidation weathering becomes more dominant. Where freshly comminuted sediment is abundant, easily dissolved minerals, especially calcite, have proportionally more influence on subglacial hydrochemistry; where sediment supply is limited, silicate minerals, and less reactive carbonate minerals will increase in relative influence. In most settings, simple metrics of the abundance of SO42− and Ca2+ in the subglacial waters can characterize these two variables. In the data we synthesize, neither variable consistently correlates to the inferred water residence time, nor do the variables consistently correlate with each other. Spatial data show that point locations and small catchments on the glacial bed differ substantially from the integrated composition found at glacial outlets. The varied response in the subglacial aqueous chemistry to changing water residence times suggests complex control by a broad range of glaciological factors that affect water routing and subglacial sediment generation
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