5,501 research outputs found

    Direct indication of particle size in fluidized beds

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    Differential pressure measurements indicate particle size and particle size distribution in fluidized beds. The technique is based on the relationship between bed particle size and the intensity and frequency of fluctuations. By measuring the fluctuations, an estimate of average particle size of the fluid-bed material can be made

    The lost sunspot cycle: New support from Be10 measurements

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    It has been suggested that the deficit in the number of spots on the surface of the Sun between 1790 and 1830, known as the Dalton minimum, contained an extra cycle that was not identified in the original sunspot record by Wolf. Though this cycle would be shorter and weaker than the average solar cycle, it would shift the magnetic parity of the solar magnetic field of the earlier cycles. This extra cycle is sometimes referred to as the 'lost solar cycle' or 'cycle 4b'. Here we reanalyse Be10 measurements with annual resolution from the NGRIP ice core in Greenland in order to investigate if the hypothesis regarding a lost sunspot cycle is supported by these measurements. Specifically, we make use of the fact that the Galactic cosmic rays, responsible for forming Be10 in the Earth's atmosphere, are affected differently by the open solar magnetic field during even and odd solar cycles. This fact enables us to evaluate if the numbering of cycles earlier than cycle 5 is correct. For the evaluation, we use Bayesian analysis, which reveals that the lost sunspot cycle hypothesis is likely to be correct. We also discuss if this cycle 4b is a real cycle, or a phase catastrophe, and what implications this has for our understanding of stellar activity cycles in general.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    The SCUBA-2 850 μm\mu m follow-up of WISE-selected, luminous dust-obscured quasars

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    Hot dust-obscured galaxies (Hot DOGs) are a new population recently discovered in the \wise All-Sky survey. Multiwavelength follow-up observations suggest that they are luminous, dust-obscured quasars at high redshift. Here we present the JCMT SCUBA-2 850 μm\mu m follow-up observations of 10 Hot DOGs. Four out of ten Hot DOGs have been detected at >3σ>3\sigma level. Based on the IR SED decomposition approach, we derive the IR luminosities of AGN torus and cold dust components. Hot DOGs in our sample are extremely luminous with most of them having LIRtot>1014L⊙L_{\rm IR}^{\rm tot}>10^{14} L_\odot. The torus emissions dominate the total IR energy output. However, the cold dust contribution is still non-negligible, with the fraction of the cold dust contribution to the total IR luminosity (∼8−24%)(\sim 8-24\%) being dependent on the choice of torus model. The derived cold dust temperatures in Hot DOGs are comparable to those in UV bright quasars with similar IR luminosity, but much higher than those in SMGs. Higher dust temperatures in Hot DOGs may be due to the more intense radiation field caused by intense starburst and obscured AGN activities. Fourteen and five submillimeter serendipitous sources in the 10 SCUBA-2 fields around Hot DOGs have been detected at >3σ>3\sigma and >3.5σ>3.5\sigma levels, respectively. By estimating their cumulative number counts, we confirm the previous argument that Hot DOGs lie in dense environments. Our results support the scenario in which Hot DOGs are luminous, dust-obscured quasars lying in dense environments, and being in the transition phase between extreme starburst and UV-bright quasars.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, PASP accepte

    Spawning of yellowfin tuna and the discrimination of subpopulations

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    ENGLISH: The spawning of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the eastern Pacific Ocean was examined to ascertain the existence of separate subpopulations within this area. Investigations of biochemical genetics of yellowfin indicate that there are a number of genetically distinct groups in the eastern Pacific. In addition, yellowfin belong to two recruitment cohorts, X and Y, which are composed of a mixture of these genetically different groups. Spawning data were collected from 1956 through 1961 from the coastal fishing grounds, and from 1970 through 1973 from the offshore fishing areas. Temporal and spatial aspects of spawning of the fish of the two cohorts were analyzed to determine if yellowfin spawning behavior supports the existence of genetically separate subpopulations. Spawning condition was inferred from the maturity of the ovaries. It was found that the coastal fish of each cohort exhibit at least two spawning periods per year which vary in length and time of occurrence from year to year. Fish taken from the offshore fishing grounds did not exhibit this variable spawning pattern. Although samples were not available for all months, the data showed that each cohort has a spawning period of at least 7 months and may spawn year around. Samples from offshore areas also had much higher percentages of spawners than those from the coastal areas. Temporal differences in spawning are not maintaining the genetically separate groups found in the fishery, since fish of both recruitment cohorts spawn at the same time. Also, fish of both the X and Y cohorts spawned in all areas examined; however, these data are insufficient to determine whether spatial isolation of spawning groups is occurring within the areas. SPANISH: Se examinó el desove del atún aleta amarilla (Thunnus albacares) en el Océano Pacífico oriental para averiguar la existencia de subpoblaciones separadas en esta zona. La investigación genética bioquímica del aleta amarilla indica que existen varios grupos genéticamente distintos en el Pacífico oriental. Además, el aleta amarilla pertenece a dos cohortes de reclutamiento X e Y, formadas por una mezcla de estos grupos genéticamente diferentes. Los datos del desove fueron obtenidos de 1956 a 1961, en las regiones neríticas de pesca y desde 1970 a 1973, en las áreas oceánicas de pesca. Se analizaron los aspectos temporales y espaciales del desove de los peces de las dos cohortes, para determinar si el comportamiento reproductor del aleta amarilla, apoya la existencia de subpoblaciones genéticamente diferentes. Se derivó la condición del desove según la madurez de los ovarios. Se encontró que los peces costeros de cada cohorte exhibían por lo menos dos períodos anuales de desove que varían en duración y fecha de ocurrencia de un año a otro. Los peces capturados en las regiones oceánicas de pesca no exhibieron este patrón variable de desove. Aunque o se consiguieron muestras en todos los meses, los datos indican que cada cohorte tiene un período de desove por lo menos de 7 meses y puede que desoven durante todo el año. Las muestras de las regiones oceánicas tuvieron porcentajes mucho mayores de reproductores que los de las zonas neríticas. Las diferencias temporales en el desove no sirven para explicar la presencia de grupos genéticamente separados que se encuentran en la pesca, ya que los peces de ambas cohortes de reclutamiento desovan al mismo tiempo. Además, los peces de ambas cohortes (X e Y) desovan en todas las zonas examinadas; sin embargo, estos datos no son suficientes para determinar si el aislamiento de los grupos de desove ocurre en las zonas. (PDF contains 53 pages.

    Energy efficient engine: Low-pressure turbine subsonic cascade component development and integration program

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    A subsonic cascade test program was conducted to provide technical data for optimizing the blade and vane airfoil designs for the Energy Efficient Engine Low-Pressure Turbine component. The program consisted of three parts. The first involved an evaluation of the low-chamber inlet guide vane. The second, was an evaluation of two candidate aerodynamic loading philosophies for the fourth blade root section. The third part consisted of an evaluation of three candidate airfoil geometries for the fourth blade mean section. The performance of each candidate airfoil was evaluated in a linear cascade configuration. The overall results of this study indicate that the aft-loaded airfoil designs resulted in lower losses which substantiated Pratt & Whitney Aircraft's design philosophy for the Energy Efficient Engine low-pressure turbine component

    A Dominance Hierarchy of Auditory Spatial Cues in Barn Owls

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    Background: Barn owls integrate spatial information across frequency channels to localize sounds in space. Methodology/Principal Findings: We presented barn owls with synchronous sounds that contained different bands of frequencies (3–5 kHz and 7–9 kHz) from different locations in space. When the owls were confronted with the conflicting localization cues from two synchronous sounds of equal level, their orienting responses were dominated by one of the sounds: they oriented toward the location of the low frequency sound when the sources were separated in azimuth; in contrast, they oriented toward the location of the high frequency sound when the sources were separated in elevation. We identified neural correlates of this behavioral effect in the optic tectum (OT, superior colliculus in mammals), which contains a map of auditory space and is involved in generating orienting movements to sounds. We found that low frequency cues dominate the representation of sound azimuth in the OT space map, whereas high frequency cues dominate the representation of sound elevation. Conclusions/Significance: We argue that the dominance hierarchy of localization cues reflects several factors: 1) the relative amplitude of the sound providing the cue, 2) the resolution with which the auditory system measures the value of a cue, and 3) the spatial ambiguity in interpreting the cue. These same factors may contribute to the relative weighting of soun

    Beyond DNA repair: DNA-PK function in cancer.

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    UNLABELLED: The DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) is a pivotal component of the DNA repair machinery that governs the response to DNA damage, serving to maintain genome integrity. However, the DNA-PK kinase component was initially isolated with transcriptional complexes, and recent findings have illuminated the impact of DNA-PK-mediated transcriptional regulation on tumor progression and therapeutic response. DNA-PK expression has also been correlated with poor outcome in selected tumor types, further underscoring the importance of understanding its role in disease. Herein, the molecular and cellular consequences of DNA-PK are considered, with an eye toward discerning the rationale for therapeutic targeting of DNA-PK. SIGNIFICANCE: Although DNA-PK is classically considered a component of damage response, recent findings illuminate damage-independent functions of DNA-PK that affect multiple tumor-associated pathways and provide a rationale for the development of novel therapeutic strategies

    Breakdown of disordered media by surface loads

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    We model an interface layer connecting two parts of a solid body by N parallel elastic springs connecting two rigid blocks. We load the system by a shear force acting on the top side. The springs have equal stiffness but are ruptured randomly when the load reaches a critical value. For the considered system, we calculate the shear modulus, G, as a function of the order parameter, \phi, describing the state of damage, and also the ``spalled'' material (burst) size distribution. In particular, we evaluate the relation between the damage parameter and the applied force and explore the behaviour in the vicinity of material breakdown. Using this simple model for material breakdown, we show that damage, caused by applied shear forces, is analogous to a first-order phase transition. The scaling behaviour of G with \phi is explored analytically and numerically, close to \phi=0 and \phi=1 and in the vicinity of \phi_c, when the shear load is close but below the threshold force that causes material breakdown. Our model calculation represents a first approximation of a system subject to wear induced loads.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure
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