104 research outputs found

    New insights on commemoration of the dead through mortuary and architectural use of pigments at Neolithic Çatalhöyük, Turkey

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    The cultural use of pigments in human societies is associated with ritual activities and the creation of social memory. Neolithic Çatalhöyük (Turkey, 7100–5950 cal BC) provides a unique case study for the exploration of links between pigments in burials, demographic data and colourants in contemporary architectural contexts. This study presents the first combined analysis of funerary and architectural evidence of pigment use in Neolithic Anatolia and discusses the possible social processes underlying the observed statistical patterns. Results reveal that pigments were either applied directly to the deceased or included in the grave as a burial association. The most commonly used pigment was red ochre. Cinnabar was mainly applied to males and blue/green pigment was associated with females. A correlation was found between the number of buried individuals and the number of painted layers in the buildings. Mortuary practices seem to have followed specific selection processes independent of sex and age-at-death of the deceased. This study offers new insights about the social factors involved in pigment use in this community, and contributes to the interpretation of funerary practices in Neolithic Anatolia. Specifically, it suggests that visual expression, ritual performance and symbolic associations were elements of shared long-term socio-cultural practices

    New insights on commemoration of the dead through mortuary and architectural use of pigments at Neolithic Çatalhöyük, Turkey.

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    The cultural use of pigments in human societies is associated with ritual activities and the creation of social memory. Neolithic Çatalhöyük (Turkey, 7100-5950 cal BC) provides a unique case study for the exploration of links between pigments in burials, demographic data and colourants in contemporary architectural contexts. This study presents the first combined analysis of funerary and architectural evidence of pigment use in Neolithic Anatolia and discusses the possible social processes underlying the observed statistical patterns. Results reveal that pigments were either applied directly to the deceased or included in the grave as a burial association. The most commonly used pigment was red ochre. Cinnabar was mainly applied to males and blue/green pigment was associated with females. A correlation was found between the number of buried individuals and the number of painted layers in the buildings. Mortuary practices seem to have followed specific selection processes independent of sex and age-at-death of the deceased. This study offers new insights about the social factors involved in pigment use in this community, and contributes to the interpretation of funerary practices in Neolithic Anatolia. Specifically, it suggests that visual expression, ritual performance and symbolic associations were elements of shared long-term socio-cultural practices

    Provenancing Archaeological Wool Textiles from Medieval Northern Europe by Light Stable Isotope Analysis (δ13C, δ15N, δ2H)

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    We investigate the origin of archaeological wool textiles preserved by anoxic waterlogging from seven medieval archaeological deposits in north-western Europe (c. 700-1600 AD), using geospatial patterning in carbon (δ13C), nitrogen (δ15N) and non-exchangeable hydrogen (δ2H) composition of modern and ancient sheep proteins. δ13C, δ15N and δ2H values from archaeological wool keratin (n = 83) and bone collagen (n = 59) from four sites were interpreted with reference to the composition of modern sheep wool from the same regions. The isotopic composition of wool and bone collagen samples clustered strongly by settlement; inter-regional relationships were largely parallel in modern and ancient samples, though landscape change was also significant. Degradation in archaeological wool samples, examined by elemental and amino acid composition, was greater in samples from Iceland (Reykholt) than in samples from north-east England (York, Newcastle) or northern Germany (Hessens). A nominal assignment approach was used to classify textiles into local/non-local at each site, based on maximal estimates of isotopic variability in modern sheep wool. Light element stable isotope analysis provided new insights into the origins of wool textiles, and demonstrates that isotopic provenancing of keratin preserved in anoxic waterlogged contexts is feasible. We also demonstrate the utility of δ2H analysis to understand the location of origin of archaeological protein samples

    Ochre, ground stone and wrapping the dead in the Late Epipalaeolithic (Natufian) Levant: revealing the funerary practices at Shubayqa 1, Jordan

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    The appearance of rich and diverse funerary practices is one of the hallmarks of the Late Epipalaeolithic Natufian in the Levant. Numerous burials at a number of sites excavated mostly in the Mediterranean zone of the southern Levant have fed into the interpretation of the Natufian as a sedentary society of complex hunter-gatherers. Here, we report on the human remains recovered from Shubayqa 1, a well-dated early to late Natufian site in northeast Jordan. The majority of the minimum of 23 individuals that are represented are perinates and infants, which represents an atypical population profile. Ground stone artifacts and traces of colourants are associated with some of these individuals, providing a rare insight into funerary treatment of subadults in Natufian contexts. We interpret the Shubayqa 1 evidence in the light of current and ongoing debates concerning Natufian burial practices and the issue of social complexity

    Frequency and histologic characterization of coelomatic neoplasms in koi Cyprinus carpio koi.

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    Koi carp presenting with coelomatic neoplastic lesions are of growing importance in Switzerland and elsewhere in Europe, as clinical diagnosis is usually difficult and prognosis is usually poor because of late recognition. To gain more information about this condition, between 2008 and 2012, 117 koi diagnosed with coelomatic tumours were included in this study. The nature and growth characteristics of these pathologic tissues were documented. Out of 117 koi, 48.9% (n = 57) were female; the ovary was the most often affected organ (35%, n = 41), and in 62.4% (n =73) of cases, the cells of origin were identified as stromal cells of the sex-cord and the tumours were identified as sex-cord stromal tumours. The characteristics of growth and histology showed that the majority of tumours were malignant


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    Qui châtie bien...: Mauvais traitements envers les enfants et contexte culturel

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    S’il est beaucoup question de maltraitance envers les enfants depuis quelques années, les différences culturelles dans le comportement des adultes à leur égard ont peu été approfondies. Cet ouvrage cherche à combler cette lacune par une approche multidisciplinaire, accueillant les points de vue de chercheur·e·s comme de praticie·ne·s. Une autre originalité du livre est de donner la parole à des spécialistes établis en Afrique comme en Europe, offrant une large perspective sur la manière d’aborder la question. La confrontation culturelle dans le comportement à l’égard des enfants est considérable, puisque même à l’intérieur d’un pays aussi petit que la Suisse, les pratiques familiales, celles des services spécialisés, et plus globalement les sensibilités diffèrent beaucoup d’une région à l’autre. Au fil des articles, un certain nombre de constantes se font jour autour des mauvais traitements envers les enfants. Mais l’adéquation dans la manière de se comporter varie dans le temps comme dans l’espace. Ce qui était toléré hier ne l’est plus forcément aujourd’hui. Ce que l’on dénonce ailleurs, comme le travail forcé, était une pratique courante sous nos latitudes jusqu’à la moitié du XXe siècle. La lecture de ces pages intéressera toutes les personnes concernées par des modes d’éducation et de comportement différents, au sein d’un même État ou entre pays