352 research outputs found

    On an application of extended kalman filtering to activated sludge processes: a benchmark study

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    The growing demand for performance improvements of urban wastewater system operation coupled with the lack of instrumentation in most wastewater treatment plants motivates the need for non-linear observers to be used as virtual sensors for estimation and control of effluent quality. This paper is focused on the development of a general procedure for on-line monitoring of activated sludge processes, using an extended Kalman filter (EKF) approach. The Activated Sludge Model no.1 (ASM1) is selected to describe the biological processes in the reactor. On-line measurements are corrupted by additive white noise and unknown inputs are modelled using fast Fourier transform (FFT) and spectrum analyses. The given procedure aims at reducing the original ASM1 model to an observable and identifiable model, which can be used for joint non-linear state and parameter estimations. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods and show that on-line monitoring of SND and XND concentrations is achieved when dynamic input data are used tocharacterize the influent wastewater for the model

    Dynamic modelling of nitrous oxide emissions from three Swedish sludge liquor treatment systems

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    The objective of this paper is to model the dynamics and validate the results of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from three Swedish nitrifying/denitrifying, nitritation and anammox systems treating real anaerobic digester sludge liquor. The Activated Sludge Model No. 1 is extended to describe N2O production by both heterotrophic and autotrophic denitrification. In addition, mass transfer equations are implemented to characterize the dynamics of N2O in the water and the gas phases. The biochemical model is simulated and validated for two hydraulic patterns: (1) a sequencing batch reactor; and (2) a moving-bed biofilm reactor. Results show that the calibrated model is partly capable of reproducing the behaviour of N2O as well as the nitritation/nitrification/denitrification dynamics. However, the results emphasize that additional work is required before N2O emissions from sludge liquor treatment plants can be generally predicted with high certainty by simulations. Continued efforts should focus on determining the switching conditions for different N2O formation pathways and, if full-scale data are used, more detailed modelling of the measurement devices might improve the conclusions that can be drawn.</jats:p

    Dynamics of cerebrospinal fluid levels of matrix metalloproteinases in human traumatic brain injury

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    Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are extracellular enzymes involved in the degradation of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. Increased expression of MMPs have been described in traumatic brain injury (TBI) and may contribute to additional tissue injury and blood–brain barrier damage. The objectives of this study were to determine longitudinal changes in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentrations of MMPs after acute TBI and in relation to clinical outcomes, with patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) serving as a contrast group. The study included 33 TBI patients with ventricular CSF serially sampled, and 38 iNPH patients in the contrast group. Magnetic bead-based immunoassays were utilized to measure the concentrations of eight MMPs in ventricular human CSF. CSF concentrations of MMP-1, MMP-3 and MMP-10 were increased in TBI patients (at baseline) compared with the iNPH group (p < 0.001), while MMP-2, MMP-9 and MMP-12 did not differ between the groups. MMP-1, MMP-3 and MMP-10 concentrations decreased with time after trauma (p = 0.001–0.04). Increased concentrations of MMP-2 and MMP-10 in CSF at baseline were associated with an unfavourable TBI outcome (p = 0.002–0.02). Observed variable pattern of changes in MMP concentrations indicates that specific MMPs serve different roles in the pathophysiology following TBI, and are in turn associated with clinical outcomes

    First documentation of the Polygnathoides siluricus conodont Zone (Ludfordian) in South America (Argentina) and the stratigraphic significance of the younger species of Kockelella (Conodonta)

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    The coquinoid beds from the middle part of the Los Espejos Formation at the Poblete creek section (Talacasto Creek) yielded abundant conodonts. The genus Kockelella (Walliser) represents the most relevant biostratigraphical genus in this conodont fauna. The co-occurrence of Kockelella maenniki Serpagli and Corradini, Kockelella variabilis ichnusae Serpagli and Corradini, K. variabilis Walliser, Kockelella ortus sardoa (Serpagli & Corradini), and Kockelella ortus absidata (Barrick & Klapper) allow us to record for the first time the Polygnathoides siluricus Zone in South America, which suggests the Ludfordian Stage (late Ludlow). We also propose an accurate correlation of the Los Espejos Formation with the lower Ludfordian deposits from the Carnic Alps, Sardinia, Morocco, Czech Republic, Gotland, and North America.Fil: Gomez, Maria Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera; ArgentinaFil: Mestre, Ana Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera; ArgentinaFil: Garcias Paez, Yanina Vanesa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera; ArgentinaFil: Corradini, Carlo. Università degli Studi di Cagliari; Itali

    Bifidobacterium infantis strains with and without a combination of Oligofructose and Inulin (OFI) attenuate inflammation in DSS-induced colitis in rats

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    BACKGROUND: Pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease is thought to be through different factors and there is a relationship between the gut flora and the risk of its development. Probiotics can manipulate the microflora in chronic inflammation and may be effective in treating inflammation. Bifidobacterium are saccharolytic and their growth in the gut can be promoted by non-absorbable carbohydrates and its increase in the colon appears to be of benefit. METHODS: Oligofructose and inulin (OFI) alone and the two B. infantis DSM 15158 and DSM 15159 with and without OFI, were fed to Sprague-Dawley rats for 7 days prior to colitis induction and administrations continued for another 7 days with the DSS. Colitis severity assessed using a Disease Activity Index. Samples were collected 7 days after colitis induction, for intestinal bacterial flora, bacterial translocation, short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), myeloperoxidase (MPO), cytokines (IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-10 and TGF-β) and malondialdehyde (MDA). RESULTS: OFI alone or the B. infantis strains with and without OFI improved significantly the DAI and decreased colonic MPO activity. Colonic tissue IL-1β decreased significantly in all treated groups except B. infantis DSM 15158. MDA decreased significantly in B. infantis DSM 15159 with and without OFI compared to colitis control. Succinic acid increased significantly in OFI group with and without DSM 15159 compared to all groups. Sum values of propionic, succinic acid and butyric acid increased significantly in all groups compare to the colitis control. Bacterial translocation to mesenteric lymph nodes decreased significantly in all groups compared to colitis control. Translocation to the liver decreased significantly in all groups compare to the colitis control and OFI + B. infantis DSM 15158 groups. CONCLUSION: Administrations of OFI and Bifidobacterium improve DSS-induced acute colitis and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Major differences in effect were observed between the two B. infantis strains as indicated in MDA and succinic acid concentration as well as bacterial translocation rate in synbiotic combinations

    Exceptionally Preserved Cambrian Trilobite Digestive System Revealed in 3D by Synchrotron-Radiation X-Ray Tomographic Microscopy

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    The Cambrian ‘Orsten’ fauna comprises exceptionally preserved and phosphatised microscopic arthropods. The external morphology of these fossils is well known, but their internal soft-tissue anatomy has remained virtually unknown. Here, we report the first non-biomineralised tissues from a juvenile polymerid trilobite, represented by digestive structures, glands, and connective strands harboured in a hypostome from the Swedish ‘Orsten’ fauna. Synchrotron-radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy enabled three-dimensional internal recordings at sub-micrometre resolution. The specimen provides the first unambiguous evidence for a J-shaped anterior gut and the presence of a crop with a constricted alimentary tract in the Trilobita. Moreover, the gut is Y-shaped in cross section, probably due to a collapsed lumen of that shape, another feature which has not previously been observed in trilobites. The combination of anatomical features suggests that the trilobite hypostome is functionally analogous to the labrum of euarthropods and that it was a sophisticated element closely integrated with the digestive system. This study also briefly addresses the preservational bias of the ‘Orsten’ fauna, particularly the near-absence of polymerid trilobites, and the taphonomy of the soft-tissue-harbouring hypostome
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