439 research outputs found

    Coupled SDW and Superconducting Order in FFLO State of CeCoIn5_5

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    The mechanism of incommensurate (IC) spin-density-wave (SDW) order observed in the Flude-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) phase of CeCoIn5_5 is discussed on the basis of new mode-coupling scheme among IC-SDW order, two superconducting orders of FFLO with B1g_{1{\rm g}} (dx2y2d_{x^{2}-y^{2}}) symmetry and π\pi-pairing of odd-parity. Unlike the mode-coupling schemes proposed by Kenzelmann et al, Sciencexpress, 21 August (2008), that proposed in the present Letter can offer a simple explanation for why the IC-SDW order is observed only in FFLO phase and the IC wave vector is rather robust against the magnetic field.Comment: 3pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., Vol.77 (2008), No.1

    ESR of YbRh2Si2 and 174YbRh2Si2 : local and itinerant properties

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    Below the Kondo temperature the heavy Fermion compound YbRh2_{2}Si2_{2} shows a well defined Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) with local Yb3+^{3+} properties. We report a detailed analysis of the ESR intensity which gives information on the number of ESR active centers relative to the ESR of well localized Yb3+^{3+} in YPd3_3:Yb. The ESR lineshape is investigated regarding contributions from itinerant centers. From the ESR of monoisotopic 174^{174}YbRh2_{2}Si2_{2} we could exclude unresolved hyperfine contributions to the lineshape.Comment: 3 Figure

    Suppression of hidden order in URu2Si2 under pressure and restoration in magnetic field

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    We describe here recent inelastic neutron scattering experiments on the heavy fermion compound URu2Si2 realized in order to clarify the nature of the hidden order (HO) phase which occurs below T_0 = 17.5 K at ambient pressure. The choice was to measure at a given pressure P where the system will go, by lowering the temperature, successively from paramagnetic (PM) to HO and then to antiferromagnetic phase (AF). Furthermore, in order to verify the selection of the pressure, a macroscopic detection of the phase transitions was also achieved in situ via its thermal expansion response detected by a strain gauge glued on the crystal. Just above P_x = 0.5 GPa, where the ground state switches from HO to AF, the Q_0 = (1, 0, 0) excitation disappears while the excitation at the incommensurate wavevector Q_1 = (1.4, 0, 0) remains. Thus, the Q_0 = (1, 0, 0) excitation is intrinsic only in the HO phase. This result is reinforced by studies where now pressure and magnetic field HH can be used as tuning variable. Above P_x, the AF phase at low temperature is destroyed by a magnetic field larger than H_AF (collapse of the AF Q_0 = (1, 0, 0) Bragg reflection). The field reentrance of the HO phase is demonstrated by the reappearance of its characteristic Q_0 = (1, 0, 0) excitation. The recovery of a PM phase will only be achieved far above H_AF at H_M approx 35 T. To determine the P-H-T phase diagram of URu2Si2, macroscopic measurements of the thermal expansion were realized with a strain gauge. The reentrant magnetic field increases strongly with pressure. Finally, to investigate the interplay between superconductivity (SC) and spin dynamics, new inelastic neutron scattering experiments are reported down to 0.4 K, far below the superconducting critical temperature T_SC approx 1.3 K as measured on our crystal by diamagnetic shielding.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, ICN 2009 conference proceeding

    Evidence for unconventional superconducting fluctuations in heavy-fermion compound CeNi2Ge2

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    We present evidence for unconventional superconducting fluctuations in a heavy-fermion compound CeNi2_2Ge2_2. The temperature dependence of the 73^{73}Ge nuclear-spin-lattice-relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1 indicates the development of magnetic correlations and the formation of a Fermi-liquid state at temperatures lower than TFL=0.4T_{\rm FL}=0.4 K, where 1/T1T1/T_1T is constant. The resistance and 1/T1T1/T_1T measured on an as-grown sample decrease below Tconset=0.2T_{\rm c}^{\rm onset} = 0.2 K and TcNQR=0.1T_{\rm c}^{\rm NQR} = 0.1 K, respectively; these are indicative of the onset of superconductivity. However, after annealing the sample to improve its quality, these superconducting signatures disappear. These results are consistent with the emergence of unconventional superconducting fluctuations in close proximity to a quantum critical point from the superconducting to the normal phase in CeNi2_2Ge2_2.Comment: 4pages,5figures,to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Origin of Drastic Change of Fermi Surface and Transport Anomalies in CeRhIn5 under Pressure

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    The mechanism of drastic change of Fermi surfaces as well as transport anomalies near P=Pc=2.35 GPa in CeRhIn5 is explained theoretically. The key mechanism is pointed out to be the interplay of magnetic order and Ce-valence fluctuations. We show that the antiferromagnetic state with "small" Fermi surfaces changes to the paramagnetic state with "large" Fermi surfaces with huge enhancement of effective mass of electrons with keeping finite c-f hybridization. This explains the drastic change of the de Haas-van Alphen signals. Furthermore, it is also consistent with the emergence of T-linear resistivity simultaneous with the residual resistivity peak at P=Pc in CeRhIn5.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Journal of Physical Society of Japa

    Specific Heat Study of Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior in CeNi_2Ge_2: Anomalous Peak in Quasi-Particle Density-of-States

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    To investigate the non-Fermi liquid (NFL) behavior in a nonalloyed system CeNi_2Ge_2, we have measured the temperature and field dependences of the specific heat C on a CeNi_2Ge_2 single crystal. The distinctive temperature dependence of C/T (~a-b*T^(1/2)) is destroyed in almost the same manner for both field directions of B//c-axis and B//a-axis. The overall behavior of C(T,B) and the low-temperature upturn in magnetic susceptibility can be reproduced, assuming an anomalous peak of the quasi-particle-band density-of-states (DOS) at the Fermi energy possessing (epsilon)^(1/2) energy dependence. Absence of residual entropy around T=0 K in B~0 T has been confirmed by the magnetocaloric effect measurements, which are consistent with the present model. The present model can also be applied to the NFL behavior in CeCu_{5.9}Au_{0.1} using a ln(epsilon)-dependent peak in the DOS. Possible origins of the peak in the DOS are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX, using jpsj.sty, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 66 No. 10 (1997), 7 figures available at http://494-475.phys.metro-u.ac.jp/ao/ceni2ge2.htm

    New Superconducting and Magnetic Phases Emerge on the Verge of Antiferromagnetism in CeIn3_3

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    We report the discovery of new superconducting and novel magnetic phases in CeIn3_3 on the verge of antiferromagnetism (AFM) under pressure (PP) through the In-nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) measurements. We have found a PP-induced phase separation of AFM and paramagnetism (PM) without any trace for a quantum phase transition in CeIn3_3. A new type of superconductivity (SC) was found in P=2.282.5P=2.28-2.5 GPa to coexist with AFM that is magnetically separated from PM where the heavy fermion SC takes place. We propose that the magnetic excitations such as spin-density fluctuations induced by the first-order magnetic phase transition might mediate attractive interaction to form Cooper pairs.Comment: 4 pages, 4 EPS figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Inelastic contribution of the resistivity in the hidden order in URu2Si2

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    In the hidden order of URu2Si2 the resistivity at very low temperature shows no T^2 behavior above the transition to superconductivity. However, when entering the antiferromagnetic phase, the Fermi liquid behavior is recovered. We discuss the change of the inelastic term when entering the AF phase with pressure considering the temperature dependence of the Grueneisen parameter at ambient pressure and the influence of superconductivity by an extrapolation of high field data.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, SCES conference proceedin

    The quantum critical point in CeRhIn_5: a resistivity study

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    The pressure--temperature phase diagram of CeRhIn_5 has been studied under high magnetic field by resistivity measurements. Clear signatures of a quantum critical point has been found at a critical pressure of p_c = 2.5 GPa. The field induced magnetic state in the superconducting state is stable up to the highest field. At p_c the antiferromagnetic ground-state under high magnetic field collapses very rapidly. Clear signatures of p_c are the strong enhancement of the resistivity in the normal state and of the inelastic scattering term. No clear T2 temperature dependence could be found for pressures above T_c. From the analysis of the upper critical field within a strong coupling model we present the pressure dependence of the coupling parameter lambda and the gyromagnetic ratio g. No signatures of a spatially modulated order parameter could be evidenced. A detailed comparison with the magnetic field--temperature phase diagram of CeCoIn_5 is given. The comparison between CeRhIn_5 and CeCoIn_5 points out the importance to take into account the field dependence of the effective mass in the calculation of the superconducting upper critical field H_c2. It suggests also that when the magnetic critical field H_(0) becomes lower than H_c2 (0)$, the persistence of a superconducting pseudo-gap may stick the antiferromagnetism to H_c2 (0).Comment: 15 pages, 20 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Pressure Evolution of the Magnetic Field induced Ferromagnetic Fluctuation through the Pseudo-Metamagnetism of CeRu2Si2

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    Resistivity measurements performed under pressure in the paramagnetic ground state of CeRu2Si2 are reported. They demonstrate that the relative change of effective mass through the pseudo metamagnetic transition is invariant under pressure. The results are compared with the first order metamagnetic transition due to the antiferromagnetism of Ce0.9La0.1Ru2Si2 which corresponds to the "negative" pressure of CeRu2Si2 by volume expansion. Finally, we describe the link between the spin-depairing of quasiparticles on CeRu2Si2 and that of Cooper pairs on the unconventional heavy fermion superconductor CeCoIn5.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys. Soc. Jp