455 research outputs found

    Fibrations and Hasse diagrams for 6d SCFTs

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    We study the full moduli space of vacua of 6d worldvolume SCFTs on M5 branes probing an AA-type singularity, focusing on the geometric incarnation of the discrete gauging mechanism which acts as a discrete quotient on the Higgs branch fibered over the tensor branch. We combine insights from brane constructions and magnetic quiver techniques, in which discrete gauging is implemented through the concept of decoration introduced in [arXiv:2202.01218]. We discover and characterize new transverse slices between phases of 6d SCFTs, identifying some of them with a family of isolated symplectic singularities recently discovered in [arXiv:2112.15494], and conjecturing the existence of two new isolated symplectic singularities

    The Hasse diagram of the moduli space of instantons

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    Hasse diagrams (or phase diagrams) for moduli spaces of supersymmetric field theories have been intensively studied in recent years, and many tools to compute them have been developed. The moduli space of instantons, despite being well studied, has proven difficult to deal with. In this note we explore the Hasse diagram of this moduli space from several perspectives — using the partial Higgs mechanism, using brane systems and using quiver subtraction — having to refine previously developed techniques. In particular we introduce the new concept of decorated quiver, which allows to deal with a large class of unitary quivers, including those with adjoint matter

    Magnetic quivers for rank 2 theories

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    In this note we construct magnetic quivers for the known rank-2 four dimensional N=2\mathcal{N}=2 superconformal field theories. For every rank-1 theory one can find a unitary magnetic quiver; we observe that this is no longer possible at rank 2. Our list of magnetic quivers necessarily includes orthosymplectic quivers, in addition to unitary ones, of both the simply and non-simply laced variety. Using quiver subtraction, one can compute Higgs branch Hasse diagrams and compare with the results obtained via other methods finding nearly perfect agreement

    Higgs branches of U/SU quivers via brane locking

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    We solve a long standing problem on the computation of the Higgs branch H of linear quivers with 8 supercharges and with both unitary and special unitary gauge nodes. The solution uses the concept of magnetic quivers, where components of H are described as 3d N = 4 Coulomb branches. When the starting quiver is good, there is a single component in H and the magnetic quiver is a 3d mirror. The magnetic quivers are obtained from studying the brane web for an auxiliary 5d theory (with only special unitary gauge groups), constrained by a new notion called brane locking, where some branes are required to move together. We view this as a computational tool rather than an operation in 5d. A detailed algorithm is provided

    S-fold magnetic quivers

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    Magnetic quivers and Hasse diagrams for Higgs branches of rank rr 4d N=2\mathcal{N}=2 SCFTs arising from Z\mathbb{Z}_{\ell} S\mathcal{S}-fold constructions are discussed. The magnetic quivers are derived using three different methods: 1) Using clues like dimension, global symmetry, and the folding parameter \ell to guess the magnetic quiver. 2) From 6d N=(1,0)\mathcal{N}=(1,0) SCFTs as UV completions of 5d marginal theories, and specific FI deformations on their magnetic quiver, which is further folded by Z\mathbb{Z}_{\ell}. 3) From T-duality of Type IIA brane systems of 6d N=(1,0)\mathcal{N}=(1,0) SCFTs and explicit mass deformation of the resulting brane web followed by Z\mathbb{Z}_{\ell} folding. A choice of the ungauging scheme, either on a long node or on a short node, yields two different moduli spaces related by an orbifold action, thus suggesting a larger set of SCFTs in four dimensions than previously expected

    Folding orthosymplectic quivers

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    Folding identical legs of a simply-laced quiver creates a quiver with a nonsimply laced edge. So far, this has been explored for quivers containing unitary gauge groups. In this paper, orthosymplectic quivers are folded, giving rise to a new family of quivers. This is realised by intersecting orientifolds in the brane system. The monopole formula for these non-simply laced orthosymplectic quivers is introduced. Some of the folded quivers have Coulomb branches that are closures of minimal nilpotent orbits of exceptional algebras, thus providing a new construction of these fundamental moduli spaces. Moreover, a general family of folded orthosymplectic quivers is shown to be a new magnetic quiver realisation of Higgs branches of 4d N = 2 theories. The Hasse (phase) diagrams of certain families are derived via quiver subtraction as well as Kraft-Procesi transitions in the brane system