2 research outputs found
Predictors of Quality of Life in Patients With Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'American Psychiatric Association Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Anxiety and Depression
- Author
- A Doris
- A Pacifico
- A Pacifico
- A Pacifico
- AE Buxton
- AF Schatzberg
- AH Glassman
- AJ Moss
- AM Dubin
- AP Haines
- B Baker
- B Hoffmann
- BG Druss
- BH Harvey
- BS Jonas
- C Herrmann
- C Hiemke
- C Iribarren
- C Peterson
- C Pycha
- CB Nemeroff
- CD May
- CM Dougherty
- CM Dougherty
- CM Stoney
- Coronary-prone behavior and coronary heart disease: a critical review
- Cross-National Collaborative Group (CNCG)
- DC Steffens
- DC Steffens
- DC Steffens
- DC Steffens
- DD Roman
- DG Blazer
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV)
- DK Ahem
- DK Cooper
- DR Ragland
- DS Echt
- ED Eaker
- EJ Lenze
- ES Burgess
- F Godeman
- G Cesana
- H Schoder
- I Kawachi
- I Kawachi
- IM Anderson
- J Leor
- J Unutzer
- JC Ballenger
- JD Spence
- JEJ Gallacher
- JM Carney
- JM Murkin
- JP Bourke
- JW Vries De
- K Davidson
- K Orth-Gomer
- K-H Ladwig
- KE Freedland
- KH Ladwig
- L Berkman
- LA Pratt
- LD Kubzansky
- LD Wijesinghe
- LW Scherwitz
- M Ahmad
- M Fava
- MJ Sauvé
- MM Redfield
- MM Wiessman
- MT Hegel
- MV Mendlowicz
- MW Enns
- N Frasure-Smith
- NV Sneed
- OA Seines
- P Chevalier
- P Palatini
- PE Greenberg
- PH Silverstone
- PH Stone
- PL Morris
- PL Schnall
- PM Schuster
- R Keren
- R Lampart
- RB Case
- RC Rosen
- RH Rosenman
- RM Carney
- RM Carney
- RM Hirschfeld
- S Oberndorfer
- SA Everson
- SB Dunbar
- SC Vlay
- SF Sears
- SJ Crow
- SJ Scleifer
- SK Fifer
- SM Bremmer
- SM Stahl
- SP Roose
- SP Roose
- SS Heller
- TG Pickering
- The Antiarrhythmics versus Implantable Defibrillators (AVID) Investigstors
- The Sixth Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention Detection
- W Jiang
- W Jung
- W Katon
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2002
- Field of study