11,689 research outputs found

    Biomechanical Modeling of Pediatric Clubfoot

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    Promoting competitiveness in South African agriculture and agribusiness: The role of institutions

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    This paper considers private and public institutions that will help promote the competitiveness of commercial farms and agribusiness firms, and enhance the productivity of communal farmers and the competitiveness of emerging farmers in South Africa. Commercial agriculture and agribusiness are creating institutions (such as food safety standards and strategic partnerships), adopting existing private and public institutions (e.g. TQM, ISO 9000 and HACCP) or restructuring to add value to products and services, reduce costs and gain access to export markets. Government should focus its relatively scarce resources on providing physical and legal infrastructure (such as secure property rights and contract enforcement) to reduce transaction costs, including risk, so that markets work efficiently. A major challenge for local agricultural economists is to provide information about institutions that will promote the productive use of land in communal areas, and the competitiveness of emerging farmers on redistributed commercial farmland.Agribusiness, International Relations/Trade,

    A study of the effect of synoptic scale processes in GCM modelling

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    Research was conducted to help modeling groups at NASA to develop better weather forecasting and general circulation models (GCM) for activities relating to the meteorological uses of satellite data. The focus was on the physical processes that were being simulated by models: radiative effects and latent heat release associated with clouds; orographic influences; and heat transfer at the ocean and ice surfaces. An attempt was made to deduce the role of diabatic heating in North Atlantic cyclogenesis and in the global heat budget. Inferences were made in four studies: heat budget statistics from GCM assimilations; dynamics of north Atlantic cyclones; Cage-type energy budget calculations; and grid scale cloud formation. Mechanisms that were responsible for the variability and structure of the atmospheric on a hemispheric scale were studied by a hybrid of statistical analysis and theoretical modeling. Variability and structure are both related to synoptic scale processes through baroclinic and barotropic energy transformations

    Use of information technology in South African agriculture

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    Rapid developments in information technology have exposed South African farmers to the potential benefits of using these technologies in farm decision-making. Use of computers on South African commercial farms is increasing, with three studies showing adoption rates of 48 percent (1993), 64 percent (1996) and 72 percent (1998). About 38 percent of computer users in a 1998 survey of commercial maize farmers had access to the Internet. Spreadsheets and financial management software are popular amongst commercial farmers, while use of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are being used more widely in South African agriculture. Small-scale farmers in developing areas rely mainly on government and private industry extension services for farm information.Farm Management, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    The Global Spread of Stock Exchange, 1980-1998

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    Nations opened local stock exchanges at a rapid pace during the late 1980s and 1990s, creating a channel for investment capital from wealthy industrial nations to "emerging markets" as well as a mechanism for institutional change in local economies. This study examines the local and global processes by which exchanges spread, examining all nations "at risk" during the 1980s and 1990s. We find that local factors influencing the creation of stock exchanges included the size of the economy (overall and relative to population size); the legacy of colonialism; and a recent transition to multi-party democracy. Global factors associated with creating exchanges included levels of prior investment by multinationals; IMF "structural adjustment" aid; centrality in trade flows; and regional "contagion." In contrast to prior work in financial economics, we find no evidence for the influence of legal tradition, and contrary to the implications of dependency theory, we find no sign that foreign capital penetration affects the creation of exchanges. We also find no consistent evidence for the influence of stock exchanges on inequality or human development at the national level, above and beyond their effect on economic and population growth. The results indicate that globalization is usefully construed as a process analogous to institutional diffusion at the organization level.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/39725/3/wp341.pd

    What Helps Law Professors Develop as Teachers? -- An Empirical Study

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    The overall goal of this article is to provide concrete suggestions for how law schools can improve teaching and enrich law student learning. In doing so, it reviews and analyzes the data collected from two national surveys about the kinds of faculty development activities that are most effective in improving law professors’ teaching. One survey was designed to quantify how many law teachers engaged in twenty-two types of teaching development activities over the previous five years and to assess the effectiveness of each of those activities. The other survey focused on the effectiveness of a national conference on teaching and learning in law school. This article builds upon Improving Teaching and Learning in Law School: Faculty Development Research, Principles, and Programs, 12 WIDENER L. REV. 443 (2006), which presented the principles fundamental to effective faculty development programs. This article shows how these principles apply by providing data about the effectiveness of a wide range of teaching development activities
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