2,142 research outputs found

    The impact of tidal errors on the determination of the Lense-Thirring effect from satellite laser ranging

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    The general relativistic Lense-Thirring effect can be detected by means of a suitable combination of orbital residuals of the laser-ranged LAGEOS and LAGEOS II satellites. While this observable is not affected by the orbital perturbation induced by the zonal Earth solid and ocean tides, it is sensitive to those generated by the tesseral and sectorial tides. The assessment of their influence on the measurement of the parameter mu, with which the gravitomagnetic effect is accounted for, is the goal of this paper. After simulating the combined residual curve by calculating accurately the mismodeling of the more effective tidal perturbations, it has been found that, while the solid tides affect the recovery of mu at a level always well below 1%, for the ocean tides and the other long-period signals Delta mu depends strongly on the observational period and the noise level: Delta mu(tides) amounts to almost 2% after 7 years. The aliasing effect of K1 l=3 p=1 tide and SRP(4241) solar radiation pressure harmonic, with periods longer than 4 years, on the perigee of LAGEOS II yield to a maximum systematic uncertainty on \m_{LT} of less than 4% over different observational periods. The zonal 18.6-year tide does not affect the combined residuals.Comment: 24 pages, 4 tables, 6 figures, submitted to Int. Journal of Mod. Phys. D. Changes in auctorship, references and conten

    Constraints on cosmic-ray efficiency in the supernova remnant RCW 86 using multi-wavelength observations

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    Several young supernova remnants (SNRs) have recently been detected in the high-energy and very-high-energy gamma-ray domains. As exemplified by RX J1713.7-3946, the nature of this emission has been hotly debated, and direct evidence for the efficient acceleration of cosmic-ray protons at the SNR shocks still remains elusive. We analyzed more than 40 months of data acquired by the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on-board the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope in the HE domain, and gathered all of the relevant multi-wavelength (from radio to VHE gamma-rays) information about the broadband nonthermal emission from RCW 86. For this purpose, we re-analyzed the archival X-ray data from the ASCA/Gas Imaging Spectrometer (GIS), the XMM-Newton/EPIC-MOS, and the RXTE/Proportional Counter Array (PCA). Beyond the expected Galactic diffuse background, no significant gamma-ray emission in the direction of RCW 86 is detected in any of the 0.1-1, 1-10 and 10-100 GeV Fermi-LAT maps. In the hadronic scenario, the derived HE upper limits together with the HESS measurements in the VHE domain can only be accommodated by a spectral index Gamma <= 1.8, i.e. a value in-between the standard (test-particle) index and the asymptotic limit of theoretical particle spectra in the case of strongly modified shocks. The interpretation of the gamma-ray emission by inverse Compton scattering of high energy electrons reproduces the multi-wavelength data using a reasonable value for the average magnetic field of 15-25 muG. For these two scenarios, we assessed the level of acceleration efficiency. We discuss these results in the light of existing estimates of the magnetic field strength, the effective density and the acceleration efficiency in RCW 86.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A; 10 pages and 4 figure

    Vertical Crustal Motion Derived from Satellite Altimetry and Tide Gauges, and Comparisons with DORIS Measurements

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    A somewhat unorthodox method for determining vertical crustal motion at a tide-gauge location is to difference the sea level time series with an equivalent time series determined from satellite altimetry, To the extent that both instruments measure an identical ocean signal, the difference will be dominated by vertical land motion at the gauge. We revisit this technique by analyzing sea level signals at 28 tide gauges that are colocated with DORIS geodetic stations. Comparisons of altimeter-gauge vertical rates with DORIS rates yield a median difference of 1.8 mm/yr and a weighted root-mean-square difference of2.7 mm/yr. The latter suggests that our uncertainty estimates, which are primarily based on an assumed AR(l) noise process in all time series, underestimates the true errors. Several sources of additional error are discussed, including possible scale errors in the terrestrial reference frame to which altimeter-gauge rates are mostly insensitive, One of our stations, Male, Maldives, which has been the subject of some uninformed arguments about sea-level rise, is found to have almost no vertical motion, and thus is vulnerable to rising sea levels. Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of COSPAR

    Design Considerations for a Dedicated Gravity Recovery Satellite Mission Consisting of Two Pairs of Satellites

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    Future satellite missions dedicated to measuring time-variable gravity will need to address the concern of temporal aliasing errors; i.e., errors due to high-frequency mass variations. These errors have been shown to be a limiting error source for future missions with improved sensors. One method of reducing them is to fly multiple satellite pairs, thus increasing the sampling frequency of the mission. While one could imagine a system architecture consisting of dozens of satellite pairs, this paper explores the more economically feasible option of optimizing the orbits of two pairs of satellites. While the search space for this problem is infinite by nature, steps have been made to reduce it via proper assumptions regarding some parameters and a large number of numerical simulations exploring appropriate ranges for other parameters. A search space originally consisting of 15 variables is reduced to two variables with the utmost impact on mission performance: the repeat period of both pairs of satellites (shown to be near-optimal when they are equal to each other), as well as the inclination of one of the satellite pairs (the other pair is assumed to be in a polar orbit). To arrive at this conclusion, we assume circular orbits, repeat groundtracks for both pairs of satellites, a 100-km inter-satellite separation distance, and a minimum allowable operational satellite altitude of 290 km based on a projected 10-year mission lifetime. Given the scientific objectives of determining time-variable hydrology, ice mass variations, and ocean bottom pressure signals with higher spatial resolution, we find that an optimal architecture consists of a polar pair of satellites coupled with a pair inclined at 72deg, both in 13-day repeating orbits. This architecture provides a 67% reduction in error over one pair of satellites, in addition to reducing the longitudinal striping to such a level that minimal post-processing is required, permitting a substantial increase in the spatial resolution of the gravity field products. It should be emphasized that given different sets of scientific objectives for the mission, or a different minimum allowable satellite altitude, different architectures might be selected

    The mass of Mars, Phobos, and Deimos, from the analysis of the Mariner 9 and Viking Orbiter tracking data

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    We have estimated the mass of Phobos, Deimos, and Mars using the Viking Orbiter and Mariner 9 tracking data. We divided the data into 282 arcs and sorted the data by periapse height, by inclination, and by satellite. The data were processed with the GEODYN/SOLVE orbit determination programs, which have previously been used to analyze planetary tracking data. The a priori Mars gravity field applied in this study was the 50th degree and order GMM-1 (Goddard Mars Model-1) model. The subsets of data were carefully edited to remove any arcs with close encounters of less than 500 km with either Phobos or Deimos. Whereas previous investigators have used close flybys (less than 500 km) to estimate the satellite masses, we have attempted to estimate the masses of Phobos and Deimos from multiday arcs which only included more distant encounters. The subsets of data were further edited to eliminate spurious data near solar conjunction (Nov.-Dec. 1976 and January 1979). In addition, the Viking-1 data from Oct. through Dec. 1978 were also excluded because of the low periapse altitude (as low as 232 km) and thus high sensitivity to atmospheric drag

    A critical approach to the concept of a polar, low-altitude LARES satellite

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    According to very recent developments of the LARES mission, which would be devoted to the measurement of the general relativistic Lense--Thirring effect in the gravitational field of the Earth with Satellite Laser Ranging, it seems that the LARES satellite might be finally launched in a polar, low--altitude orbit by means of a relatively low--cost rocket. The observable would be the node only. In this letter we critically analyze this scenario.Comment: LaTex2e, 11 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Progress in the development of the GMM-2 gravity field model for Mars

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    Last year we published the GMM-1 (Goddard Mars Model-1) gravity model for Mars. We have completely re-analyzed the Viking and Mariner 9 tracking data in the development of the new field, designated GMM-2. The model is complete to degree and order 70. Various aspects of the model are discussed

    Belinfante Tensors Induced by Matter-Gravity Couplings

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    We show that any generally covariant coupling of matter fields to gravity gives rise to a conserved, on-shell symmetric energy-momentum tensor equivalent to the canonical energy-momentum tensor of the flat-space theory. For matter fields minimally coupled to gravity our algorithm gives the conventional Belinfante tensor. We establish that different matter-gravity couplings give metric energy-momentum tensors differing by identically conserved tensors. We prove that the metric energy-momentum tensor obtained from an arbitrary gravity theory is on-shell equivalent to the canonical energy-momentum tensor of the flat-space theory.Comment: 10 pages, LaTex; misprints corrected, references added; to appear in Physical Review

    Is it possible to test directly General Relativity in the gravitational field of the Moon?

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    In this paper the possibility of measuring some general relativistic effects in the gravitational field of the Moon via selenodetic missions, with particular emphasis to the future Japanese SELENE mission, is investigated. For a typical selenodetic orbital configuration the post-Newtonian Lense-Thirring gravitomagnetic and the Einstein's gravitoelectric effects on the satellites orbits are calculated and compared to the present-day orbit accuracy of lunar missions. It turns out that for SELENE's Main Orbiter, at present, the gravitoelectric periselenium shift, which is the largest general relativistic effect, is 1 or 2 orders of magnitude smaller than the experimental sensitivity. The systematic error induced by the mismodelled classical periselenium precession due to the first even zonal harmonic J2 of the Moon's non-spherical gravitational potential is 3 orders of magnitude larger than the general relativistic gravitoelectric precession. The estimates of this work could be used for future lunar missions having as their goals relativistic measurements as well.Comment: Latex2e, 7 pages, no figures, ets2000.cls and art12.sty used. Major rewriting in introduction. References adde

    Hepatitis B testing and treatment in HIV patients in The Gambia - compliance with international guidelines and clinical outcomes

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    Background Compliance with WHO guidelines on HBV screening and treatment in HIV-coinfected patients is often challenging in resource limited countries and has been poorly assessed in sub-Saharan Africa. Methods Between 2015 and 2016, we assessed physician’s compliance with WHO guidelines on HIV-HBV coinfection in the largest HIV clinic in The Gambia, and the hepatic outcomes in HIV-HBV coinfected patients as compared to randomly selected HIV-monoinfected controls. Results 870 HIV-infected patients regularly seen in this clinic agreed to participate in our study. Only 187 (21.5%, 95% CI 18.8–24.3) had previously been screened for HBsAg, 23 (12.3%, 95% CI 8.0–17.9) were positive of whom none had liver assessment and only 6 (26.1%) had received Tenofovir. Our HBV testing intervention was accepted by all participants and found 94/870 (10.8%, 95% CI 8.8–13.1) positive, 78 of whom underwent full liver assessment along with 40 HBsAg-negative controls. At the time of liver assessment, 61/78 (78.2%) HIV-HBV coinfected patients received ART with 7 (11.5%) on Tenofovir and 54 (88.5%) on Lamivudine alone. HIV-HBV coinfected patients had higher APRI score compared to controls (0.58 vs 0.42, p = 0.002). HBV DNA was detectable in 52/53 (98.1%) coinfected patients with 14/53 (26.4%) having HBV DNA >20,000 IU/L. 10/12 (83.3%) had at least one detectable 3TC-associated HBV resistance, which tended to be associated with increase in liver fibrosis after adjusting for age and sex (p = 0.05). Conclusions Compliance with HBV testing and treatment guidelines is poor in this Gambian HIV programme putting coinfected patients at risk of liver complications. However, the excellent uptake of HBV screening and linkage to care in our study suggests feasible improvements
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