782 research outputs found

    Mejora de la reflexividad y de la competencia de aprender a aprender en el proyecto INSTALL

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    This paper is related to the European Project INSTALL. This Project has undertaken research and intervention with non-traditional and disadvantaged students to promote social inclusion and avoid dropout through narrative tools. We will present the concept of narrative learning, discussing an intervention model, applied and evaluated across four European countries. The aim of INSTALL has been to develop the acquisition of the key competence of “Learning to learn” and of reflexivity in HE, through a training aimed to disadvantaged students. This innovative methodology, named Narrative Mediation Path (NMP), has produced positive results and increased the level of reflexivity of the students targeted in the project.Este texto está referido al proyecto europeo INSTALL, que ha llevado a cabo investigación e intervención sobre estudiantes universitarios en desventaja, a fin de promover la inclusión social y evitar la deserción temprana por medio de herramientas narrativas. Nos centraremos en el aprendizaje narrativo presentando y discutiendo un modelo para la intervención en estudiantes con desventajas en la educación universitaria. Este modelo de aprendizaje narrativo ha sido aplicado y evaluado en cuatro países europeos. El objetivo de INSTALL ha sido el desarrollo de la adquisición de la competencia clave de “aprender a aprender” y de la reflexividad en la universidad, mediante un training dirigido a estudiantes desventajados a través de la experimentación de una metodología innovadora, el llamado Itinerario de Mediación Narrativa (IMN). Los resultados de la evaluación del proyecto muestran la validez de la metodología empleada.Unión Europea 517750-LLP-1-IT-ERASMUS-ESI

    Mejora de la reflexividad y de la competencia de aprender a aprender en el proyecto INSTALL

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    This paper is related to the European Project INSTALL. This Project has undertaken research and intervention with non-traditional and disadvantaged students to promote social inclusion and avoid dropout through narrative tools. We will present the concept of narrative learning, discussing an intervention model, applied and evaluated across four European countries. The aim of INSTALL has been to develop the acquisition of the key competence of “Learning to learn” and of reflexivity in HE, through a training aimed to disadvantaged students. This innovative methodology, named Narrative Mediation Path (NMP), has produced positive results and increased the level of reflexivity of the students targeted in the project.Este texto está referido al proyecto europeo INSTALL, que ha llevado a cabo investigación e intervención sobre estudiantes universitarios en desventaja, a fin de promover la inclusión social y evitar la deserción temprana por medio de herramientas narrativas. Nos centraremos en el aprendizaje narrativo presentando y discutiendo un modelo para la intervención en estudiantes con desventajas en la educación universitaria. Este modelo de aprendizaje narrativo ha sido aplicado y evaluado en cuatro países europeos. El objetivo de INSTALL ha sido el desarrollo de la adquisición de la competencia clave de “aprender a aprender” y de la reflexividad en la universidad, mediante un training dirigido a estudiantes desventajados a través de la experimentación de una metodología innovadora, el llamado Itinerario de Mediación Narrativa (IMN). Los resultados de la evaluación del proyecto muestran la validez de la metodología empleada.Unión Europea 517750-LLP-1-IT-ERASMUS-ESI

    Aeronautical facilities catalogue. Volume 2: Airbreathing propulsion and flight simulators

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    Volume two of the facilities catalogue deals with Airbreathing Propulsion and Flight Simulation Facilities. Data pertinent to managers and engineers are presented. Each facility is described on a data sheet that shows the facility's technical parameters on a chart and more detailed information in narratives. Facilities judged comparable in testing capability are noted and grouped together. Several comprehensive cross-indexes and charts are included

    Aeronautical Facilities Catalogue. Volume 1: Wind Tunnels

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    Domestic and foreign wind tunnel facilities are enumerated and their technical parameters are described. Data pertinent to managers and engineers are presented. Facilities judged comparable in testing capability are noted and grouped together. Several comprehensive cross-indexes and charts are included

    Counselling for (disadvantaged) students: Models of intervention and experiences at two european universities

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    Higher Education is experiencing a critical reform process in which, among other things, the importance of the social dimension has been highlighted. The essential role that the University has to play in promoting social cohesion and reducing inequalities should be translated into the provision of adequate services to students and the creation of more flexible pathways (London Communiqué, ). As a consequence, international studies (such as the Eurostudent project ) have been promoted, allowing a first characterisation of the different “publics” that enter Higher Education, and providing statistical and comparable data on many European countries. However, it is necessary to go beyond this information, adopting a more in–depth perspective that allows us to go deeply into the daily reality of non–traditional students. This paper presents the process and results of research that has been developed in two university contexts which have different traditions regarding the provision of support services for students: the University of Seville and the University of Nottingham. First, a description of the profiles of non–traditional students in both contexts is made, emphasising some of the problems and difficulties they experience. This information comes from the analysis of written narratives of a total of students ( in the University of Seville and at the University of Nottingham). Second, existing services in both universities are described, exploring the opinions of the technical staff of these services concerning the mechanisms and support strategies commonly used. This information has been collected through open– question interviews of technical staff and people in charge of the support services in both universities. Beyond looking at the comparison between the services and profiles in both contexts, the results are intended to serve as a reflection of the strengths and weaknesses in the support given to students with non–traditional profiles, who may present disadvantages and the risk of social and academic exclusio

    Giving Voice to Non-traditional Students “Walking” the Narative Mediation Path. An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

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    The growing phenomenon of disadvantaged and non-traditional students increases the risk of educational underachievement and drop-out in universities in Europe. Within the European funded project INSTALL (Innovative Solutions to Acquire Learning to Learn) researchers developed a qualitative methodology — Narrative Mediation Path (NMP) — consisting of a group training process targeted to disadvantaged students. NMP, based on the psychological concept of ‘mentalization’‚ also known as ‘reflexive competence’, combines into one methodology four discursive modules: Metaphoric, Iconographic, Written and Bodily. In this chapter, we present the findings from an evaluative study about how participating students experienced the NMP training process, how NMP is able to support non-traditional students and the implications for policy makers. The results suggest that the use of different discursive modules supports the students in developing their reflexive competence during a formative experience which enables them to better adjust to the university context. Several propositions are made as to how NMP methodology can be integrated in various institutional contexts, and some key issues about policies and practice in supporting non-traditional students are made available for policy makers