2,457 research outputs found

    Indigenous Land Rights and Self-Determination in Botswana

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    This article argues that government resistance to the recognition of indigenous land tenure and rights in Botswana presents a serious challenge for the future of indigenous Basarwa peoples. While the government of Botswana was a signatory to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, it has not been willing to offer policy support for self-determination

    “Gambling on the Economic Future of East St. Louis: The Casino Queen”

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    When the Casino Queen opened on the riverfront at East St. Louis, it was touted as a major contributor to the city\u27s economy. Has it been so

    The Art of Solidarity: Visual and Performative Politics in Cold War Latin America, edited by Jessica Stites Mor and MarĂ­a del Carmen Suescun Pozas (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2018).

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    The Art of Solidarity: Visual and Performative Politics in Cold War Latin America, edited by Jessica Stites Mor and María del Carmen Suescun Pozas (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2018), 310 pages, Black and white images What does it mean when an artist sends an artwork in solidarity with Salvador Allende’s government in Chile, joining other artists who may or may not know each other, separated by national borders? What is the significance of boycotting the São Paulo biennial in solidari..

    The Art of Solidarity: Visual and Performative Politics in Cold War Latin America

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    What does it mean when an artist sends an artwork in solidarity with Salvador Allende’s government in Chile, joining other artists who may or may not know each other, separated by national borders? What is the significance of boycotting the São Paulo biennial in solidarity with the people living under dictatorship in Brazil, even if you have never travelled there? While “solidarity” is not usually thought of as jargon, it sometimes stands as a placeholder or stopgap for more detailed, micro-h..

    Prospective randomized trial of ACUSEAL (Gore-Tex) versus Hemashield-Finesse patching during carotid endarterectomy: Early results

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    Background/PurposeSeveral studies have reported that carotid endarterectomy (CEA) with patch angioplasty produces superior results compared with primary closure. Conventional polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) patching has been shown to have results comparable to autogenous vein patching; however, it requires a prolonged hemostasis time. Therefore, many surgeons use collagen-impregnated Dacron patching (Hemashield [HP]). Recently, we reported a satisfactory hemostasis time using the new hemostatic PTFE patch (ACUSEAL by Gore). This study is the first prospective randomized trial comparing the ACUSEAL patch with the HP Finesse patch.Methods200 CEAs were 1:1 randomized into two patch closure groups (ACUSEAL or Finesse). All patients underwent immediate and 1 month postoperative duplex ultrasound studies. Demographic and clinical characteristics were similar in both groups, including the mean operative diameter of the internal carotid artery and length of arteriotomy.ResultsThe overall perioperative ipsilateral stroke rate was 2% (2% ACUSEAL, 2% Finesse; P = 1.0). The perioperative ipsilateral TIA rates were 0% for the ACUSEAL and 2% for the Finesse patch (P = .5). The combined perioperative neurological event (TIA + stroke) rates were 2% for ACUSEAL and 4% for the Finesse (P = .68). The early ≥50% restenosis rate was 0% for ACUSEAL vs 4% for Finesse patching. Two perioperative carotid thromboses were noted with Finesse patching vs none with ACUSEAL patching (P = .50). The combined early morbidity rate (TIA, stroke, and ≥50% restenosis or thrombosis) was 2% for the ACUSEAL patch vs 8% for the Finesse patch (P = .10). The mean hemostasis time for the ACUSEAL and Finesse patches was 5.1 vs 3.7 minutes (P = .01), however, the mean operative times were similar for both groups (P = .61).ConclusionThe perioperative neurological events and overall short-term morbidity associated with CEA when using ACUSEAL or Finesse patches were similar. Both patches have short hemostasis times

    A variational principle for stationary, axisymmetric solutions of Einstein's equations

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    Stationary, axisymmetric, vacuum, solutions of Einstein's equations are obtained as critical points of the total mass among all axisymmetric and (t,Ď•)(t,\phi) symmetric initial data with fixed angular momentum. In this variational principle the mass is written as a positive definite integral over a spacelike hypersurface. It is also proved that if absolute minimum exists then it is equal to the absolute minimum of the mass among all maximal, axisymmetric, vacuum, initial data with fixed angular momentum. Arguments are given to support the conjecture that this minimum exists and is the extreme Kerr initial data.Comment: 21 page

    Seagrass Habitats as Nurseries for Reef-Associated Fish: Evidence from Fish Assemblages in and Adjacent to a Recently Established No-Take Marine Reserve in Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida, USA

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    Scientists and managers worldwide have increasingly advocated the use of marine protected areas (MPAs) to protect at—risk fish stocks. Most MPAs, however, have been established to protect reefs, while nonreef habitats, such as seagrasses, have received less consideration. In January 2007, an MPA called the Research Natural Area (RNA), was established as a no—take marine reserve in the Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida (DTNP), becoming the first MPA within the park boundaries to offer direct protection to seagrasses and reef habitat. We conducted a study using small—mesh Antillean Z—traps to (1) characterize fish assemblages in seagrass and reef habitats and (2) assess if differences in community structure existed between the RNA and adjacent open—use areas. Over 3 sampling events (Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010), 3,163 individuals of 38 species were collected from 129 stations. Fish assemblages differed significantly among sampling events and between habitat types, but no differences were evident between the RNA and open—use areas. Unlike previous sampling efforts that focused on larger—bodied fish in the DTNP, Z—traps targeted small—bodied reef— and seagrass—associated fishes. Juvenile Haemulon plumierii and Epinephelus morio strongly contributed to community structure and were more abundant in seagrass habitats, which may serve as an important nursery area. Because the RNA was only established 2 years before this study was conducted, it could still be several years before benefits to the juvenile population become evident, but this study establishes the importance of consider-ing seagrass habitats when developing a reef—associated no—take marine reserve
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