4,947 research outputs found

    Specificity distinction

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    This paper is concerned with semantic noun phrase typology, focusing on the question of how to draw fine-grained distinctions necessary for an accurate account of natural language phenomena. In the extensive literature on this topic, the most commonly encountered parameters of classification concern the semantic type of the denotation of the noun phrase, the familiarity or novelty of its referent, the quantificational/nonquantificational distinction (connected to the weak/strong dichotomy), as well as, more recently, the question of whether the noun phrase is choice-functional or not (see Reinhart 1997, Winter 1997, Kratzer 1998, Matthewson 1999). In the discussion that follows I will attempt to make the following general points: (i) phenomena involving the behavior of noun phrases both within and across languages point to the need of establishing further distinctions that are too fine-grained to be caught in the net of these typologies; (ii) some of the relevant distinctions can be captured in terms of conditions on assignment functions; (iii) distribution and scopal peculiarities of noun phrases may result from constraints they impose on the way variables they introduce are to be assigned values. Section 2 reviews the typology of definite noun phrases introduced in Farkas 2000 and the way it provides support for the general points above. Section 3 examines some of the problems raised by recognizing the rich variety of 'indefinite' noun phrases found in natural language and by attempting to capture their distribution and interpretation. Common to the typologies discussed in the two sections is the issue of marking different types of variation in the interpretation of a noun phrase. In the light of this discussion, specificity turns out to be an epiphenomenon connected to a family of distinctions that are marked differently in different languages

    On the sharpness of the zero-entropy-density conjecture

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    The zero-entropy-density conjecture states that the entropy density, defined as the limit of S(N)/N at infinity, vanishes for all translation-invariant pure states on the spin chain. Or equivalently, S(N), the von Neumann entropy of such a state restricted to N consecutive spins, is sublinear. In this paper it is proved that this conjecture cannot be sharpened, i.e., translation-invariant states give rise to arbitrary fast sublinear entropy growth. The proof is constructive, and is based on a class of states derived from quasifree states on a CAR algebra. The question whether the entropy growth of pure quasifree states can be arbitrary fast sublinear was first raised by Fannes et al. [J. Math. Phys. 44, 6005 (2003)]. In addition to the main theorem it is also shown that the entropy asymptotics of all pure shift-invariant nontrivial quasifree states is at least logarithmic.Comment: 11 pages, references added, corrected typo

    Syzygies of torsion bundles and the geometry of the level l modular variety over M_g

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    We formulate, and in some cases prove, three statements concerning the purity or, more generally the naturality of the resolution of various rings one can attach to a generic curve of genus g and a torsion point of order l in its Jacobian. These statements can be viewed an analogues of Green's Conjecture and we verify them computationally for bounded genus. We then compute the cohomology class of the corresponding non-vanishing locus in the moduli space R_{g,l} of twisted level l curves of genus g and use this to derive results about the birational geometry of R_{g, l}. For instance, we prove that R_{g,3} is a variety of general type when g>11 and the Kodaira dimension of R_{11,3} is greater than or equal to 19. In the last section we explain probabilistically the unexpected failure of the Prym-Green conjecture in genus 8 and level 2.Comment: 35 pages, appeared in Invent Math. We correct an inaccuracy in the statement of Prop 2.

    Using of bioethanol fuels in ic engine

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    Renewables - excluding large hydro accounted for 48% - increased to 15.2% of world cumulative generation capacity in 2014, from 13.8% in 2013. In the EU, the European Parliament approved a reform of the 2020 biofuels target. The new version of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) distributes the 10% cal. biofuels target into a share for cropbased biofuel (limited at 7% cal.) with the rest to be met with another biofuels and renewable electricity containing multiple counting possibilities.[7] Merely 2% of the EU’s fuel consumption can be covered by its own researches, which looks good pretend a strong dependence on the oil exporting countries. The implementations of biogenic fuels produced from fast growing plant is continuously gaining in importance with regard to economic and environmental effects. Generally they are not offered in their pure form but just as blend components to conventional fuels. [1][3][4] Their mixtures can bring about fundamental feature improvements.[2][5][6] Ethanol fuel output in 2015 reached a peak high helped by rising gasoline demand in the US. Besides, the changes in the fuel taxation in Brazil and an increase in the minimum blending ratio also pushed along the ethanol fuel demand. The weaker euro and low grain prices on the back of a record wheat crop turned into a considerable growth in output in the EU. Disregard the stimulating developments on the legislative side, it must also be confessed that the decreasing crude oil prices took their customs on the 2015 biofuel markets. For ethanol fuel, more growth could theoretically arrive from an extending of E-10 in EU member states. Unnecessary to discuss that an outlook for a post-2020 biofuels target at the EU level does not valid [8][9]

    Polarity particles revisited

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    Systematically extending classical nucleation theory

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    The foundation for any discussion of first-order phse transitions is Classical Nucleation Theory(CNT). CNT, developed in the first half of the twentieth century, is based on a number of heuristically plausible assumtptions and the majority of theoretical work on nucleation is devoted to refining or extending these ideas. Ideally, one would like to derive CNT from a more fundamental description of nucleation so that its extension, development and refinement could be developed systematically. In this paper, such a development is described based on a previously established (Lutsko, JCP 136:034509, 2012 ) connection between Classical Nucleation Theory and fluctuating hydrodynamics. Here, this connection is described without the need for artificial assumtions such as spherical symmetry. The results are illustrated by application to CNT with moving clusters (a long-standing problem in the literature) and the constructrion of CNT for ellipsoidal clusters

    Copernicus in the Carpathian Basin

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    Epistemic stance without epistemic modals: the case of the presumptive future

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    This paper deals with the non-temporal use of the future in Italian known as "epistemic" or "presumptive" (PF) in declaratives and interrogatives. We first distinguish PF from epistemic necessity and possibility, as well as from weak necessity modals, providing in the process the main empirical challenges PF raises. We then propose and justify a semantic account that treats PF as a special normality modal that involves a subjective likelihood component. Since in our account the prejacent (the proposition in the scope of the modal) is at issue, the use of PF triggers the implicature that the speaker is not in a position to appeal to what she knows in order to support her commitment to the prejacent. This, we claim, is the source of the intuition that PF is often used to offer a “guess” relative to the question under discussion (QUD)
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