223 research outputs found
Kajian Implementasi Kebijakan dalam Pengelolaan Beberapa Hutan Lindung di Kalimantan Timur
Tulisan ini bertujuan mengkaji kesesuaian antara kebijakan di tingkat pusat dan di daerah dengan kegiatan pengelolaan beberapa hutan lindung di Kalimantan Timur, yaitu Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain (HLSW), Hutan Wehea (HW), Hutan Lindung Gunung Lumut (HLGL), dan Hutan Lindung Gunung Beratus (HLGB). Berdasarkan PP No 62/1998, kewenangan pengelolaan hutan lindung berada pada pemerintah kabupaten/kota sehingga pembentukan lembaga pengelola hutan lindung juga merupakan wewenang mereka. Lembaga pengelola kolaboratif telah dibentuk di HLSW dan HW. Di HLGL peran lembaga pengelola dijalankan oleh Kelompok Kerja Pengelola, sedang di HLGB baru sampai pada tahap pembentukan Kelompok Kerja Penyiapan Lembaga Pengelola. Di HLSW, HW, dan HLGB, isu utama yang mendorong proses pembentukan lembaga pengelola adalah pelestarian fauna langka dan habitatnya. Ketidaksesuaian antara kebijakan pemerintah pusat dengan pemerintah daerah terjadi di HW yang meskipun berstatus hutan produksi, namun pemerintah kabupaten setempat telah membentuk Badan Pengelola Hutan Lindung Wehea. Pada kawasan hutan yang telah mempunyai Badan Pengelola, pelaksanaan kegiatan perlindungan hutan lebih efektif dengan dibentuknya tim pengamanan yang melibatkan masyarakat. Demikian juga kegiatan pemanfaatan hutan lebih terarah dengan diterbitkannya kebijakan pemerintah daerah dan lembaga adat mengenai pemanfaatan kawasan hutan dan perizinannya. Namun belum ada Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang mencantumkan kewajiban konsumen membayar insentif pemakaian air untuk kepentingan pengelolaan hutan lindung
Kajian Efektivitas Pengelolaan Kolaboratif Taman Nasional Kutai
Kawasan Taman Nasional Kutai (TNK) mengalami defragmentasi dan degradasi habitat akibat perambahan, penebangan liar, serta kebakaran hutan. Kemitraan pengelolaan TNK terbentuk sejak 1994 dengan adanya Mitra Kutai. Namun berbagai permasalahan yang muncul mengindikasikan bahwa pengelolaan kawasan TNK belum efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh informasi mengenai efektivitas kelembagaan pengelolaan kolaboratif di TNK. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara : 1) identifikasi kebijakankesepakatan yang berlaku, 2) analisis isi kebijakan, 3) identifikasi persepsi dan peran pemangku kepentingan; 4) analisis kualitatif terhadap persepsi dan peran pemangku kepentingan 5) analisis SWOT, dilanjutkan 6) rekomendasi penyempurnaan kelembagaan kolaborasi Mitra Kutai. Disimpulkan bahwa pengelolaan kolaborasi di TNK ternyata belum efektif, sehingga perlu dilakukan langkah-langkah berikut : 1) Penelitian potensi dan kondisi terkini TNK; 2) publikasi hasil penelitian serta mengangkat isu permasalahan dan nilai penting TNK melalui media; 3)Penguatan jejaring kerja dengan lembaga donor Internasional; 4) Penetapan/zonasi kawasan; 5) Rekonfigurasi lembaga kolaborasi pengelolaan TNK serta penyusunan program dan skema pendanaan yang disepakati semua pihak; 6) Kolaborasi dalam Pembangunan model Desa Konservasi; dan 7) Kolaborasi dalam program pemanfaatan ekonomi kawasan, seperti pembangunan kawasan agrowisata, pusat pendidikan lingkungan, taman safari dan kawasan ekowisata serta areal riset/penelitian
Species Identification of Traditional Medicine Plants for Women's Health in East Kalimantan: Lesson Learned From Local Wisdom
Traditional communities in East Kalimantan have been using traditional medicinal plants for centuries. This paper aims to identify the plant species used for traditional medicine for women's health in three tribes in East Kalimantan: Dayak Benuaq around Gunung Beratus Protection Forest, Dayak Bahau around Wehea Forest, and Kutai tribe around Kutai National Park. Medicinal plant species identification is important for plant breeding and developing utilization technology of those species. Data were collected by: 1) interview with traditional midwives and traditional medicinal plants users in those villages; 2) collecting the medicinal plant specimens in their natural habitat; 3) qualitative analysis of the interview records; 4) botanical identification of the specimens in Herbarium Wanariset Samboja; and 5) literature review about the USAge of those medicinal plants by traditional communities in other places. This research result showed 44 medicinal plant species from 30 families for cosmetics, maternal uses, and women's reproductive health. The used parts of the medicinal plants were the roots, leaves, barks, stem, and fruits. The medicinal plants were processed by simple methods. There were 27 species also used by other communities for similar or different efficacies, and the active chemical compounds of 25 species have been known. The utilization of traditional medicinal plants are cheaper, more available, and accessible. However, the quality of the medicinal plants can not be guaranteed, and the dosage was not standardized. Therefore the medicinal plants need to be cultivated to ensure the quality and quantity, and to prevent species extinction
Omega-3 Oil Ameliorate Histological and Ultrastructural Alterations Induced by Cadmium Chloride in Rats Testis
Cadmium (Cd) is considered to be one of the major environmental pollutants which have potential threat to human health. Reports of declining male fertility have renewed interest in the role of environmental and occupational exposures in the etiology of human infertility. Cd exposure led to obvious degenerative changes in testicular tissue. This study was performed to investigate the Cd-induced structural effects on the testes and to evaluate the possible protective effect of omega-3 oil in adult albino rats. Thirty adult male rats were used in the present work, divided randomly into five groups, six rats in each group; the first group was considered as a control group and left without treatment except the standard rat chow and tap water. The second group was given 40 mg/L of CdCl2 in drinking water while the third group was given 60 mg/L of CdCl2 in drinking water. The fourth group was given 40 mg/L of CdCl2 in drinking water plus omega-3 oil (4 g/kg diet), while the fifth group was given 60 mg/L of CdCl2 in drinking water plus omega-3 oil (4 g/kg diet), the Cd-treated rats showed dose-dependent histological and ultrastructural alterations which have been ameliorated after exposure to omega-3 oil. The present investigation concluded that omega-3 played a protective role against Cd-induced histopathological changes in rat testis
Pengaruh Kelembagaan Sertifikasi Sumber Benih terhadap Efisiensi Tataniaga Benih Tanaman Hutan : Studi Kasus di Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Selatan
Kegiatan rehabilitasi hutan memerlukan pasokan benih dalam jumlah yang berlimpah dari sumber benih berkualitas. Sertifikasi sumber benih diterbitkan untuk menjamin kebenaran kelas sumber benih dan kualitas produknya. Dalam kegiatan sertifikasi sumber benih terdapat aturan main dalam relasi antar pihak atau disebut kelembagaan. Dari sudut pandang ekonomi, kelembagaan yang berlaku dalam kegiatan sertifikasi sumber benih ini diharapkan dapat membuat manfaat yang diperoleh para pihak seimbang dengan pengorbanan sumberdaya yang dikeluarkan (efisien). Tulisan ini memaparkan hasil penelitian mengenai efisiensi kelembagaan sertifikasi sumber benih tanaman hutan di Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Selatan. Kriteria efisiensi yang digunakan adalah manfaat yang diperoleh parapihak seimbang dengan pengorbanan sumberdaya yang dikeluarkan dan biaya transaksi yang dikeluarkan dalam relasi antar pihak dapat diminimumkan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan cara : 1) Menganalisis kelayakan finansial pengelola sumber benih; 2) Mengidentifikasi dan menghitung biaya transaksi; dan 3) Mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis distribusi manfaat antar pihak yang terlibat dalam tataniaga benih. Hasil analisis finansial memperlihatkan bahwa pengusahaan sumber benih bersertifikat layak secara finansial dan biaya transaksi sertifikasi tidak signifikan (minimum), namun distribusi manfaat antar pelaku tataniaga perbenihan dapat lebih seimbang dengan jalan memperpendek saluran tataniaga dan memperkuat posisi tawar pengelola sumber benih
Using Alternative Cogeneration Plants in Iraqi Petroleum Industry
The present paper describes and analyses three proposed cogeneration plants include back pressure steam-turbine system, gas turbine system, diesel-engine system, and the present Dura refinery plant. Selected actual operating data are employed for analysis. The same amount of electrical and thermal product outputs is considered for all systems to facilitate comparisons. The theoretical analysis was done according to 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamic. The results demonstrate that exergy analysis is a useful tool in performance analysis of cogeneration systems and permits meaningful comparisons of different cogeneration systems based on their merits, also the result showed that the back pressure steam-turbine is more efficient than other proposals. Moreover, the results of the present work indicate that these alternative plants can produce more electric power than that required in the refinery. At present time, the industrial cogeneration plants are recommended in Iraq, especially in petroleum industry sectors, in order to contribute with ministry of electricity to solve the present crisis of electric power generation. Such excess in the power can sold to the main electric network. The economic analysis are proved the feasibility of the proposed cogeneration plants with payback period of four year and six months ,three year and eight months, and ten years for steam cogeneration plant, gas turbine cogeneration plant and diesel engine cogeneration plant respectively
Numerical Investigation of Forced Convection Heat Transfer from Longitudinal Perforated Fins in a Horizontal Rectangular Channel
The present paper reports a numerical study to investigate the heat transfer enhancement over horizontal channel with longitudinal rectangular fin arrays by laminar forced convection heat transfer. Fins are perforated with two types of holes, square and circular with different diameters. Three-dimensional steady-state continuity, momentum and energy equations along with the Boussinesq approximation were solved by finite volume method with commercial available software ANSYS FLUENT 15.1. The bottom finned wall of the channel was supplied with constant heat flux, while the other sides are insulated. Data used in performance analysis were obtained numerically for fin arrays of material aluminum, by varying geometry, diameter and number of perforation (12, 16 and 20) mm, (10-22) respectively. In addition at different channel inclinations ( 150?"> , 1590?"> and 15 180?"> ), as well as by varying Reynolds number from 1800 to 2300, at modified Grashof number Gr* 5 15?108"> . The results show that the Reynolds number and size perforation have a larger impact on average heat transfer coefficients for the both type of Perforations. Also the channel inclination increases the removal heat from the channel. Keywords: Force convection, heat transfer, perforated fin arrays, square holes, notch fins, ordination angle. DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/9-16-05 Publication date: August 31st 201
Hypnocounseling Sebagai Metode Terapi Bimbingan Dan Konseling Islam (Studi Pada Lembaga Indonesian Hypnocounseling Association Budi Sarwono YOGYAKARTA)
Perkembangan psikologis dan kesehatan mental menjadikan penerapan hypnocounseling berbasiskan bimbingan dan konseling Islam sangat diperlukan. Asumsi ini berasal dari perkiraan rasional antara jumlah populasi penduduk Islam di Indonesia dengan data mengenai kesehatan mental penduduk Indonesia secara umum. Terdapat sekitar 85,2% atau 199.959.285 jiwa dari total 234.693.997 jiwa penduduk Indonesia beragama Islam. Asumsi sederhana ini mengundang para praktisi yang bergerak pada upaya membantu individu untuk semakin merespon perkembangan zaman dengan cara mengembangkan metode-metode penanganan layanan konseling yang lebih efektif dan tetap sesuai dengan nilai-nilai agama sebagai konsekuensi dari karakteristik manusia Indonesia. Aplikasi hypnocounseling dalam Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam menjadi keunggulan baru. Proses hypnocounseling dapat dilakukan selama proses assesment sekaligus sebagai metode preventif, kuratif dan pengembangan. Dengan hypnocounseling, selain dapat melaksanakan bimbingan dan konseling, konselor dapat memberikan terapi dan arahan-arahan kepada klien dengan efektif karena proses ini dilakukan dengan menyampaikan sugesti-sugesti positif secara langsung pada pikiran bawah sadar sebagai pusat kendali klien
Preparation, Characterization, and Photocatalytic Applications of MWCNTs/TiO2 Composite
The multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)/titanium dioxide (P25) composite in different ratios was prepared using simple evaporation and drying process. The composite was characterized by Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV-visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The photocatalytic activity of this composite was investigated using degradation of the Bismarck brown R dye (BBR). An optimal MWCNTs/TiO2 ratio of 0.5% (w/w) was found to achieve the maximum rate of BBR degradation. It was observed that the composite exhibits enhanced photocatalytic activity compared with TiO2. The enhancement in photocatalytic activity performance of the MWCNTs/P25 composite is explained in terms of recombination of photogenerated electron-hole pairs. In addition, MWCNTs act as a dispersing support to control the morphology of TiO2 particles in the MWCNTs/TiO2 composite
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