15 research outputs found

    Molecular diversity of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma’ species in pome and stone fruits in Turkey

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    Apple, pear and apricot trees showing phytoplasma associated symptoms from Ankara and Isparta provinces were sampled and investigated to verify the presence of phytoplasma-associated diseases. Totally 31 samples were tested with phytoplasma universal and group specific primers and the PCR products were restricted using Tru1I, RsaI and SspI endonucleases. Different RFLP profiles were obtained and selected samples were directly sequenced. The apple samples were found infected with 16SrX-A (‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’), while the majority of the pear samples were infected with 16SrX-A and 16SrX-C subgroup phytoplasmas in mixed infection. The 16SrX-B (‘Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum’), 16SrX-C (‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pyri’) and mixed infection of 16SrX-A/16SrX-C and 16SrX-C/16SrI (aster yellows) were detected in the apricot samples. In this study the 16SrI phytoplasmas in apricot and the mixed phytoplasma infections in pear and apricot trees were detected in Turkey for the first time

    A Complete procedure for predicting and improving the performance of HAWT's

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    A complete procedure for predicting and improving the performance of the horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) has been developed. The first process is predicting the power extracted by the turbine and the derived rotor torque, which should be identical to that of the drive unit. The BEM method and a developed post-stall treatment for resolving stall-regulated HAWT is incorporated in the prediction. For that, a modified stall-regulated prediction model, which can predict the HAWT performance over the operating range of oncoming wind velocity, is derived from existing models. The model involves radius and chord, which has made it more general in applications for predicting the performance of different scales and rotor shapes of HAWTs. The second process is modifying the rotor shape by an optimization process, which can be applied to any existing HAWT, to improve its performance. A gradient- based optimization is used for adjusting the chord and twist angle distribution of the rotor blade to increase the extraction of the power while keeping the drive torque constant, thus the same drive unit can be kept. The final process is testing the modified turbine to predict its enhanced performance. The procedure is applied to NREL phase-VI 10kW as a baseline turbine. The study has proven the applicability of the developed model in predicting the performance of the baseline as well as the optimized turbine. In addition, the optimization method has shown that the power coefficient can be increased while keeping same design rotational speed

    3 eksenli robot mekanizmasına monte edilmiş bir kamera vasıtasıyla farklı rotasyon ve boyutlardaki geometrik cisimlerin tanımlanarak vakum tutucu ile ayrılması

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    Bu dokümanda üç eksenli bir taşıyıcı sisteme monte edilmiş bir kamera vasıtasıyla siyah bir zemin üzerindeki dikdörtgen, kare, üçgen, daire, altıgen gibi değişik geometrik cisimlerin görüntü işleme yöntemleri kullanılarak tanınması ve cisimlerin farklı koordinatlardaki kutularda ayırt edilmesi işlemi anlatılmaktadır. Sistemin kontrolü PLC ve servo sürücü kartlar vasıtasıyla sağlanmıştır. Robotun düşey eksenine yerleştirilen bir kameradan alınan görüntü bilgisayar ortamında işlenerek, farklı rotasyon ve boyutlardaki geometrik cisimler ve onların merkez noktaları bulunmaktadır. Sonrasında düşey eksende bulunan pnömatik silindir ve bir vakum tutucu vasıtasıyla farklı koordinatlardaki kutulara yerleştirilmektedir

    Determination of the most significant serotypes and antimicrobial susceptibilities of avian pathogenic escherichia col isolates in turkey [Bestimmung der wichtigsten serotypen und der antibiotika-resistenz von pathogenen escherichia coli isolaten beim geflügel in der türkey]

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    The present study aimed to isolate Escherichia coli from chickens with colibacillosis, to detect the presence of important serotypes (O1, O2, O18, O78) and to examine antibiotic susceptibility profiles and resistance genes in antibiotic resistant isolates in Turkey. A total of 150 E. coli isolates collected from internal organs of broilers with colibacillosis were used in the study. Antibiotic resistance status of these isolates to 12 antimicrobial agents that belong to 7 antimicrobial families was examined by the disk diffusion method. The most important 23 resistance genes in antibiotic-resistant isolates and important APEC (Avian pathogenic E. coli) serotypes were investigated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). While 6.7% of the isolates were found to be susceptible to all antimicrobials, 66.7% were multidrug resistant. It was determined that 150 isolates of E. coli were resistant at a rate of 73.3%, 68.7%, 63.4%, and 60.7% to amoxicillin/ampicillin, tetracycline, enrofloxacin, and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, respectively. The blaTEM, blaCMY, blaSHV, blaCTX, blaOXA, tetA, tetB, qnrA, drfA1, drfA7,17 and sulII antibiotic resistance genes were detected. It was determined that 18.0% of isolates were O78, 10.0% were O2, 2.7% were O1, and 2.0% were O18. It was concluded that further epidemiological studies should be designed to investigate the virulence properties and clonal groups of APEC. This study was the first research of serotypes and antibiotic resistance genes of APEC isolates in Turkey using molecular methods. © 2019, Verlag Eugen Ulmer. All rights reserved

    Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in adults: Low incidence of primary neoplasm as a trigger in a case series from Turkey

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    Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is an indicator of an exaggerated immune response and eventually adverse outcomes. This study aimed to investigate the clinical and laboratory features and outcomes of patients with HLH. The medical records of 26 HLH adult patients (? 16 years of age) were retrospectively analyzed. Gender, age, the duration of fever, time to diagnosis, etiology and laboratory data were extracted from the records. The mean age was 38 ± 18 years, and 15 (58%) patients were female. A total of nine cases had infectious diseases; four cases had rheumatologic diseases, three cases had hematological malignancies while nine cases could not have a definitive diagnosis. The median time to detection of HLH was 20 days (IQR: 8-30 d). Of the 25 patients, 11 (44%) died. The erythrocyte sedimentation rates of the surviving and non-surviving patients were 39 ± 22 mm/h and 15 ± 13 mm/h, respectively. When a long-lasting fever is complicated by bicytopenia or pancytopenia (especially), clinicians should promptly consider the possibility of HLH syndrome to improve patients' prognosis. © 2018 Slovensko Kemijsko Drustvo. All Rights Reserved

    An interactive time series image analysis software for dendritic spines

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    Abstract Live fluorescence imaging has demonstrated the dynamic nature of dendritic spines, with changes in shape occurring both during development and in response to activity. The structure of a dendritic spine correlates with its functional efficacy. Learning and memory studies have shown that a great deal of the information stored by a neuron is contained in the synapses. High precision tracking of synaptic structures can give hints about the dynamic nature of memory and help us understand how memories evolve both in biological and artificial neural networks. Experiments that aim to investigate the dynamics behind the structural changes of dendritic spines require the collection and analysis of large time-series datasets. In this paper, we present an open-source software called SpineS for automatic longitudinal structural analysis of dendritic spines with additional features for manual intervention to ensure optimal analysis. We have tested the algorithm on in-vitro, in-vivo, and simulated datasets to demonstrate its performance in a wide range of possible experimental scenarios

    Clinical Prediction Models for Recurrence in Patients with Resectable Grade 1 and 2 Sporadic Non-Functional Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Systematic Review

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    Recurrence after resection in patients with non-functional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (NF-pNET) has a considerable impact on overall survival. Accurate risk stratification will tailor optimal follow-up strategies. This systematic review assessed available prediction models, including their quality. This systematic review followed PRISMA and CHARMS guidelines. PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Library were searched up to December 2022 for studies that developed, updated, or validated prediction models for recurrence in resectable grade 1 or 2 NF-pNET. Studies were critically appraised. After screening 1883 studies, 14 studies with 3583 patients were included: 13 original prediction models and 1 prediction model validation. Four models were developed for preoperative and nine for postoperative use. Six models were presented as scoring systems, five as nomograms, and two as staging systems. The c statistic ranged from 0.67 to 0.94. The most frequently included predictors were tumor grade, tumor size, and lymph node positivity. Critical appraisal deemed all development studies as having a high risk of bias and the validation study as having a low risk of bias. This systematic review identified 13 prediction models for recurrence in resectable NF-pNET with external validations for 3 of them. External validation of prediction models improves their reliability and stimulates use in daily practice