1,593 research outputs found

    Importing Credible Monetary Policy: A Way for Transition Economies to Fight Inflation?

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    In the 1990s, transition economies were rearranging their monetary regimes. This paper compares the chosen regimes based on the level of discretionary power and the ability to control inflation. Results show that non-discretionary regimes produce lower and more stable inflation.

    Non-discretionary monetary policy: The answer for transition economies?

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    It is a well-established fact that monetary institutions help shape the macroeconomic environment of countries by stabilizing prices. In the early 1990s, transition economies had the opportunity to rearrange their monetary institutions to better achieve low levels of inflation. Those economies had several prominent monetary arrangements to choose from, such as sovereign central banks or currency boards. This paper surveys the monetary institutions currently in place in several transition economies and compares them based on their ability to control inflation. More specifically, we intend to test whether the transition economies have better inflation performance when they import the monetary policy of a credible central bank. --Transition economies,currency board,European monetary union

    Entrepreneurship and State Public Policy

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    Many state and local governments have focused on enacting policies to promote entrepreneurship in an effort to enhance economic growth. This paper will test the relationship between entrepreneurial activity and state economic freedom in a Granger causality framework. We build a panel data set of freedom scores and entrepreneurial activity measures within the fifty US states from 1981 to 2003, and our results show that, as a whole, economic freedom causes entrepreneurship. However, we find evidence that once entrepreneurs are in place, they increase the size of government spending, which is contradictory to economic freedom.entrepreneurship, public Policy, economic freedom

    Quantum algorithms for testing Boolean functions

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    We discuss quantum algorithms, based on the Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm, for finding which variables a Boolean function depends on. There are 2^n possible linear Boolean functions of n variables; given a linear Boolean function, the Bernstein-Vazirani quantum algorithm can deterministically identify which one of these Boolean functions we are given using just one single function query. The same quantum algorithm can also be used to learn which input variables other types of Boolean functions depend on, with a success probability that depends on the form of the Boolean function that is tested, but does not depend on the total number of input variables. We also outline a procedure to futher amplify the success probability, based on another quantum algorithm, the Grover search

    Alexandria: Extensible Framework for Rapid Exploration of Social Media

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    The Alexandria system under development at IBM Research provides an extensible framework and platform for supporting a variety of big-data analytics and visualizations. The system is currently focused on enabling rapid exploration of text-based social media data. The system provides tools to help with constructing "domain models" (i.e., families of keywords and extractors to enable focus on tweets and other social media documents relevant to a project), to rapidly extract and segment the relevant social media and its authors, to apply further analytics (such as finding trends and anomalous terms), and visualizing the results. The system architecture is centered around a variety of REST-based service APIs to enable flexible orchestration of the system capabilities; these are especially useful to support knowledge-worker driven iterative exploration of social phenomena. The architecture also enables rapid integration of Alexandria capabilities with other social media analytics system, as has been demonstrated through an integration with IBM Research's SystemG. This paper describes a prototypical usage scenario for Alexandria, along with the architecture and key underlying analytics.Comment: 8 page

    Non-discretionary monetary policy: The answer for transition economies?

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    It is a well-established fact that monetary institutions help shape the macroeconomic environment of countries by stabilizing prices. In the early 1990s, transition economies had the opportunity to rearrange their monetary institutions to better achieve low levels of inflation. Those economies had several prominent monetary arrangements to choose from, such as sovereign central banks or currency boards. This paper surveys the monetary institutions currently in place in several transition economies and compares them based on their ability to control inflation. More specifically, we intend to test whether the transition economies have better inflation performance when they import the monetary policy of a credible central bank

    Fuzzy Logic Based Direct Power Control of Induction Motor Drive

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    This paper is the design of an induction motor drive system that can be controlled using direct power control. First the possibilities of direct power control (DPC) of induction motors (IMs) fed by a voltage source inverter have been studied. Principles of this method have been separately evaluated. Also the drive system is more versatile due to its small size and low cost. Therefore it is advantageous to use the system where the speed is estimated by means of a control algorithm instead of measuring. This paper proposed one novel induction motor speed control system with fuzzy logic. The estimator was designed and simulated in Matlab/Simulink. Simulation result shows a good performance of speed estimator

    Two-dimensional profiling of proteins from Curculigo latifolia fruit by three different extraction protocols.

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    Lemba, Curculigo latifolia (family Hypoxidaceae) is an indigenous plant of Malaysia, found mainly in swampy areas of tropical Asia and Australia. This study was designed to compare the efficiency of three protocols employed for the extraction of proteins from C. latifolia fruit and to find the best compatible with proteomic analysis of fruit on the basis of profiling using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Phenol, trichloroacetic acid–acetone and trichloroacetic acid–acetone/phenol-based extraction protocols were evaluated by examining the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the extracted proteins. A few modifications were introduced to the phenol and the combination of phenol and trichloroacetic acid–acetoneprotocols in order to improve the two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analysis results. With the exception of trichloroacetic acid–acetone method, the two other protocols were found to extract proteins efficiently and reproducibly. The protein yields from the phenol (3.5 ± 0.12 mg/g) and trichloroacetic acid–acetone/phenol-based (3.7 ± 0.11 mg/g) protocols as well as and the two-dimensional gel electrophoresis patterns showed no appreciable differences. Since using phenol protocol is considerably more time consuming and laborious than the trichloroacetic acid– acetone/phenol-based protocol, therefore trichloroacetic acid–acetone/phenol-based protocol was considered to be a superior protocol for total proteins extraction of C. latifolia fruit


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    Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the acute toxicity of intraperitoneally administrated silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) with different particle sizes in BALB/c mice.Methods: Citrate-capped AgNPs were prepared by citrate reduction method and isolated into small particles (average size 20 nm) and large particles (average size 50 nm). The median lethal dose (LD50) of 20 nm and 50 nm AgNPs was estimated using two toxicological methods, classical Dixon's up-and-down method and AOT425statPgm method for up-and-down procedure.Results: The LD50 was evaluated at the dosage level of 169 and 213.8 mg/kg, respectively for 20 nm AgNPs and at the dosage level of 354 and 391.5 mg/kg, respectively for 50 nm AgNPs. The results showed that LD50 obtained by the AOT425statPgm method was in accord with that of the Dixon's method and no significant differences between them (P = 0.06). The size 20 nm AgNPs were more toxic than the size 50 nm AgNPs. The behavioural responses and deviations were dose dependent, increasing by increasing the dose. The anatomical examinations showed that AgNPs were mainly accumulated in liver and spleen of dosed mice.Conclusion: The results suggested that the AOT425statPgm method was an efficient tool and a good alternative method for use in future acute toxicity studies.Â