9,552 research outputs found

    Enumeration of States in a Periodic Glass

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    We present an analytic enumeration of the metastable states, NsN_s, in a periodic long-range Josephson array frustrated by a transverse field. We find that the configurational entropy, SconflnNsS_{conf} \equiv \ln N_s, is extensive and scales with frustration, confirming that the non-random system is glassy. We also find that SconfS_{conf} is different from that of its disordered analogue, despite that fact that the two models share the same dynamical equations

    Gambaran Pengetahuan dan Sikap Ibu Tentang Pelaksanaan Toilet Training pada Anak Usia 1-3 Tahun di Wilayah Kerja Posyandu Desa Kubang Jaya Kabupaten Kampar

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    Toilet training is a technique for teaching children to defecate and urinate in the toilet. Mother's knowledge and attitude plays an important role in the implementation of toilet training. This study was conducted to know the mother's knowledge and attitude about the implementation of toilet training toward the children ages 1-3 years old in the area of Posyandu Kubang Jaya village Kampar District. This study was conducted in the area of Posyandu Kubang Jaya village Kampar District. The design research of this study is a descriptive cross-sectional approach. The sample of this study were the mothers of 1-3 years old children. The minimum number of samples required were 79 mothers. The data was taken from interviews and questionnaires. Based on the result of this study, it shows that the most knowledge, attitude and the implementation of toilet training is in the sufficient category (76%), neutral (60.8%) and most of mothers (79.8%) have conducted toilet training. Age <18 months is the most age where the toilet training is implemented (61.9%). The most mothers who have do the toilet training are the mothers in the age of 20-35 years old (68.4%), high school educated mothers (45.6%), housewife (69.6%) and mothers with children(≤2 child) 45.6%. Female babies (45.6%) are the most numerous who have conducted toilet training. Mothers who have conducted toilet training mostly have sufficient knowledge (60.8%) and neutral (49.4%)

    Pengelompokan Kualitas Kerja Pegawai Menggunakan Algoritma K-means++ Dan Cop-kmeans Untuk Merencanakan Program Pemeliharaan Kesehatan Pegawai Di PT. Pln P2b Jb Depok

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    PT. PLN P2B JB Depok merupakan sebuah Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa penyaluran dan pusat pengaturan beban listrik pada wilayah Jawa-Bali. Setiap divisi memiliki target dan harus selesai tepat waktu. Beban pekerjaan yang berat memaksa pegawai untuk bekerja lebih keras sehingga berakibat banyak pegawai yang sakit. Untuk mengurangi jumlah pegawai yang sakit PLN P2B JB Depok melakukan tindakan pencegahan setiap enam bulan sekali guna mencegah terjadinya penyakit yang sama pada semester berikutnya, tetapi jumlah penyakit masih tetap bahkan bertambah, karena itu dibutuhkan cara baru untuk merencanakan program kesehatan pegawai di semester berikutnya. Bu Fatma ingin menggabungkan database kesehatan pegawai dengan kualitas kerja pegawai agar mendapatkan penyakit dengan kelompok kualitas kerja yang berbeda-beda. Algoritma K-Means++ adalah algoritma yang mampu mengelompokkan data yang besar menjadi beberapa kelompok, tetapi K-Means++ tidak mampu mengelompokkan pegawai yang sama dalam satu kelompok kualitas kerja maka dari itu penggunaan COP-Kmeans dibutuhkan. Hasil dari perhitungan K-Means++ dan COP-Kmeans pada penelitian ini adalah 5 kelompok kualitas kerja dengan pegawai yang berbeda dan penyakit yang berbeda, dimana penyakit dan jumlah penyakit dalam kelompok tersebut akan digunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan Bu Fatma untuk merencanakan program kesehatan pegawai di semester berikutnya

    Excitons and high-order optical transitions in individual carbon nanotubes

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    We examine the excitonic nature of high-lying optical transitions in single-walled carbon nanotubes by means of Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy. A careful analysis of the principal transitions of individual semiconducting and metallic nanotubes reveals that in both cases the lineshape is consistent with an excitonic model, but not one of free-carriers. For semiconducting species, side-bands are observed at ~200 meV above the third and fourth optical transitions. These features are ascribed to exciton-phonon bound states. Such side-bands are not apparent for metallic nanotubes,as expected from the reduced strength of excitonic interactions in these systems

    Pengembangan Perangkat Penilaian Portofolio Pada Pembelajaran IPA Terpadu Melalui Scientfic Approach

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    The aims of this research were to develop portfolio assessment on science integrated learning through scientific approach and describe the opinion of teachers according the suitability, easiness, and effectiveness of using portofolio assesment through scientific approach. The method of this research was research and development by Sugiyono with the steps are consisted of analysis of potential measures and issues, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, product test, product revision, application test, product revision, and production. Based on the result of expert validation test, it obtained an average percentage by high criteria (85.42% for the construction aspect, 88.33% for the substance the aspect, and 77.78% for the language aspect). Based on trial results, it obtained the average percentage by high criteria(74.17% for suitability, 74.74% for ease, and 77.08% for the usefulness), so it can be concluded that the portfolio assessment product was useful to be used.­Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengem­bangkan perangkat penilaian portofolio pada pembelajaran IPA Terpadu melalui scientific approach serta mendeskripsikan pendapat guru mengenai kesesuaian, kemudahan, dan kemanfaatan penggunaan perangkat penilaian portofolio melalui scientific approach. Metode pene­litian yang digu­nakan adalah penelitian pengembangan yang mengacu pada Sugiyono dengan langkah-langkah analisis potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain, revisi desain, uji coba produk, revisi produk, uji coba pemakaian, revisi produk dan produksi. Berdasarkan uji validasi ahli diperoleh rata-rata persentase dengan kriteria tinggi (aspek konstruksi 85,42%, aspek subtansi 88,33%, dan aspek bahasa 77,78%). Berdasarkan hasil uji coba pemakaian diperoleh rata-rata persentase dengan kriteria tinggi (kesesuaian 74,17%, kemudahan 74,74%, dan kemanfaatan 77,08%, sehingga produk penilaian portofolio layak untuk digunakan

    Gambaran Pengetahuan dan Sikap Ibu Tentang Pelaksanaan Toilet Training pada Anak Usia 1-3 Tahun di Wilayah Kerja Posyandu Kelurahan Sukamaju Kecamatan Sail Kota Pekanbaru

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    One of the important aspects in development of children in toddler age is toilet training. The right knowledge and attitude of mother's are really needed in toilet training. The purposes of this study were to describe mother's knowledge and attitude about implementation of toilet training in children aged 1-3 years. This study was conducted at Posyandu (Integrated Health Service Center) Working Area, Sukamaju Village, Sail District, Pekanbaru City. This study was done by using descriptive method and cross sectional approach. The sample consisted of 56 mothers of toddlers. This data was collected by doing an interview which using a questionnaire. The result of this research showed that majority of mothers have adequate knowledge (73,2%), neutral attitude (67,9%) and already implemented toilet training (67,9%). Most children (44,7%) in this study were toilet trained before the age of 18 months and the most characteristic of mothers who implemented toilet training were mothers age 20-35 years (64,3%), senior high school (39,3%), housewife (57,1%) and having ≤2 child (62,5%). This study has been shown that boys (39,3%) were toilet trained have higher frequency than girls. Most mothers who implemented toilet training have adequate knowledge (48,2%) and neutral attitude (46,4%)

    Prevalensi Obesitas Pada Remaja SMA Ypkm Di Kota Manado

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    : Obesity is defined as a condition in which an abnormal accumulation of fat in adipose tissue or redundant to some extent which can be harmful to health. One of the risk factors of obesity are environmental factors, a category including behavioral or lifestyle patterns (e.g. what to eat and how many times a person eats and how their activities) are experienced by many young people in the city of Manado. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of obesity in adolescents. This study used cross sectional method with descriptive approach, the sampling technique which used is simple random sampling. The research sample is 100 students who met the inclusion criteria were age 13-18 years, willing to be sampled. Data retrieval is done by measuring waist circumference, weight, and height. Based on the measurement of waist circumference in 100 populations found 10 people students were obesity with a percentage of 10% which consist of 6 boys with the percentage of 6% and 4 girls with a percentage of 4%. Meanwhile, if measured by BMI CDC 2000 found 9 students who are obesity by 9% which consists of 6 boys with a percentage of 6% and 3 girls with a percentage of 3%

    Characteristic polynomials of random matrices at edge singularities

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    We have discussed earlier the correlation functions of the random variables \det(\la-X) in which XX is a random matrix. In particular the moments of the distribution of these random variables are universal functions, when measured in the appropriate units of the level spacing. When the \la's, instead of belonging to the bulk of the spectrum, approach the edge, a cross-over takes place to an Airy or to a Bessel problem, and we consider here these modified classes of universality. Furthermore, when an external matrix source is added to the probability distribution of XX, various new phenomenons may occur and one can tune the spectrum of this source matrix to new critical points. Again there are remarkably simple formulae for arbitrary source matrices, which allow us to compute the moments of the characteristic polynomials in these cases as well.Comment: 22 pages, late