662 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Persepsi Siswa Tentang Kompetensi Profesional Guru dan Minat Belajar Siswa terhadap Prestasi Belajar Sejarah Siswa Kelas XI IPS di SMA Negeri 3 Boyolali Tahun Pelajaran 2012-2013

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    Dimas Fajar Pradika K4409019. THE EFFECT OF STUDENT PERCEPTION ABOUT TEACHER\u27S PROFESSIONAL OF COMPETENCE AND INTEREST LEARNING TO THE HISTORY LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT 11th GRADE STUDENTS OF SMA N 3 BOYOLALI SCHOOL YEAR 2012/2013. Script. Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education. Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, July 2013. The aims of this study were to investigate the effect of: (1) Perception of students about the professional competence of t history learning achievement. (2) Interest in learning the history of history learning achievement. (3) Students \u27perceptions about teacher\u27s professional competence and interest in learning history learning achievement This research used survey method with a correlational design. The samples of research are 57 students from 4 classes of SMA N 3 Boyolali. In taking of the samples used sample proportional cluster random sampling techniques from 117 students in population. The population in this study were students of class XI SMA Negeri 3 IPS Boyolali a sample of 117 students taking 4 classes with as many as 57 students. Sampling technique using tenik Proportionate cluster random sampling (random class groups), The data were collected by using instruments namely documentation and questionnaire in the form of likert scale. The techniques of data analysis were correlation and regression techniques. According to the research, the researcher found: (1) The effect of students\u27 perceptions about teacher\u27s professional competence of to the history learning achievement of 11th grade students of SMA N 3 Boyolali obtained by calculation the value is its relative contribution 45,% and its effective contribution is 10,89% so the hypothesis as follows" students\u27 perceptions about teacher\u27s professional competence gives positive effect to the history learning achievement of 10th grade students of SMA N 3 Boyolali”, is accepted. (2) Effect of interest to the history learning achievement of 11th students of SMA N 1 Boyolali obtained by calculation the value is its relative contribution 55% and its effective contribution is 13,31% so the hypothesis as follows "learning interest gives positive effect to the history learning achievement of 11th grade students of SMA N 1 Boyolali”, is accepted. (3) Effect students of perception about teacher\u27s professional competences by with the learning interest to history learning achievement of 11th students of SMA N 3 Boyolali has its relative contribution 100% and effective contribution is 42,2% so the hypothesis as follows “the students of perception about teacher\u27s competences by with learning interest gives positives contribution to the history learning achievement of 11th grade students SMA N 3 Boyolali”, is accepted. Thus, the result of the research shows that perception about teacher\u27s competences and the learning interest are the important variables to history learning achievement. Both of the variables gave positive effect to the history learning achievement

    Management of urban water and sanitation, Bahia, Brazil

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    The management of water and sanitation services has always been a major concern in developing countries, where many people still do not have access to such services. Researchers have demonstrated that in majority of the cases failures in 'watsan' projects are related to lack of suitable institutional frameworks, rather than to technical problems. Lately, world-wide a higher private sector involvement in the provision of these services has been seen as a suitable mean of achieving institutional efficiency. In Bahia, Brazil, urban 'watsan' services have been run mainly by a state owned company, that, as in many developing countries, is 'in debt'. It is also an organisation providing insufficient maintenance and misallocating investments. In addition to these problems, there is no current formal policy for the sector. [Continues.

    Administrative System of Inter-City Bus Ticket Booking - Inter-Province (AKAP) in PO. XYZ Ciputat by Using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

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    Penulisan Penelitian ini menjelaskan mengenai sistem adeministrasipemesanan tiket pada PO. XYZ Ciputat yang selama ini prosesnya dilakukansecara manual. Oleh sebab itu penulis membuat sistem administrasi pemesanantiket dengan menggunakan sistem komputerisasi dengan menggunakan bahasapemrograman Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 dan Databases dengan menggunakanMicrosoft Access. Mudah-mudahan penulisan ini menjadi alternatif bagiperusahan maupun kepada karyawannya yang mengharapkan semuakegiatannya berjalan dengan efektif, efisien dan terkoordinasi

    Pemodelan Spasial Beban Sumber Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca di Kecamatan Driyorejo

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    Kecamatan Driyorejo merupakan salah satu kecamatan yang mengalami proses urbanisasi hinterland dari Kota Surabaya yang menyebabkan pencemaran udara dari berbagai kegiatan. Selama ini aspek keruangan di bidang udara tidak dimasukkan dalam pembahasan rencana tata ruang dan ruang wilayah (RTRW) Kabupaten Gresik dan di Indonesia. Metode perhitungan beban emisi menggunakan rumus default IPCC tahun 2006 pada tier-1. Memodelkan spasial menggunakan software ArcGIS 10.1 yang ditampilkan secara visual. Besarnya total perkiraan emisi gas rumah kaca di Kecamatan Driyorejo adalah untuk beban sumber emisi CO2 dari kegiatan industri sebesar 18766405,94 kg CO2/tahun, kegiatan transportasi 37070628 kg CO2/tahun, kegiatan pertanian 123588,40 kg CO2/tahun, kegiatan permukiman 9514595,13 kg CO2/tahun. Untuk beban sumber emisi CH4 dari kegiatan pertanian sebesar 101925 kg CH4/tahun, kegiatan peternakan 19718 kg CH4/tahun, kegiatan transportasi 21929 kg CH4/tahun. Untuk beban sumber emisi N2O dari kegiatan pertanian sebesar 6336,80 kg N2O/tahun, kegiatan transportasi 861,55 N2O/tahun. Hasil pemodelan spasial beban sumber emisi menunjukan kelurahan Karangandong mempunyai tingkat emisi besar. Arahan penataan ruang untuk wilayah dengan tingkat emisi besar agar dibuat ruang terbuka hijau publik

    Desain Sistem Monitoring State Of Charge Baterai pada Charging Station Mobil Listrik Berbasis Fuzzy Logic dengan Mempertimbangkan Temperature

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    Baterai memiliki peran penting dalam perkembangan kebutuhan energi. Peforma baterai yang baik, akan mendukung perangkat yang ditunjangnya. Energi yang dapat disimpan baterai jumlahnya terbatas, maka baterai akan mengalami siklus charge dan discharge. Proses charge dan discharge yang tidak tepat dapat menyebabkan peforma baterai menurun. Oleh karena itu manajemen baterai diperlukan agar peforma baterai dapat mencapai maksimal. Salah satu aspek manajemen baterai adalah pemantauan state of charge yang merupakan rasio kapasitansi energi yang tersedia dengan kapasitas energy maksimum. Salah satu metode untuk mengestimasi state of charge adalah metode fuzzy logic yaitu dengan menilai input dan output system dari hasil pengamatan. Dalam tugas akhir ini akan dilakukan analisis dan monitoring baterai terkait proses charge discharge pada baterai agar diperoleh state of charge yang akurat sehingga membuat baterai tidak cepat rusak. Hasil monitoring dan analisis baterai menunjukkan bahwa state of charge pada baterai telah diukur secara akurat dan bisa memperkirakan kerusakan baterai. Akan tetapi pada tugas akhir ini masih belum dapat dilakukan perkiraan umur dan kerusakan baterai

    Implementasi Pendekatan Investigasi Dengan Strategi Pembelajara Kooperatif Tipe Stad Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematik Siswa SMA

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    This research was motivated by the poor ability of solving problems of high school students, so it is necessary to find an alternative learning can improve students' mathematical problem-solving abilities, one of which is the implementation of Investigation Approach By Type STAD Cooperative Learning Strategies. This study aimed to determine (1) whether the mathematical problem-solving ability of students who obtain investigative approach with STAD cooperative learning strategies better than students who received conventional learning, (2) whether the increase in mathematical problem-solving ability of students who obtain investigative approach to learning strategies STAD cooperative better than the increase in mathematical problem-solving ability of students receiving conventional learning, (3) whether there are differences in the increase in mathematical problem-solving ability of students in groups of high, medium and low who obtain investigative approach with STAD cooperative learning strategies. This research was conducted at SMAN 2 Serang. The method used is the method of quasi- experimental control groups are not equivalent. The results showed: (1) mathematical problem solving ability of students who obtain investigative approach with STAD cooperative learning strategies better than students using the conventional model, (2) an increase in mathematical problem-solving ability of students who obtain investigative approach with STAD cooperative learning strategies better than the increase in mathematical problem-solving ability of students receiving conventional learning, (3) there are differences in the increase in mathematical problem solving ability in a group of high school students high, medium and low who obtain investigative approach with STAD cooperative learning strategies.Keywords : Investigative Approach , Type STAD Cooperative Learning , Math Problem Solvin

    Analisis Avo Menggunakan Grafik Respon Avo (Avo Signature) Dan Crossplot Intercept Dan Gradient Dalam Penentuan Kelas Avo Studi Kasus : Lapisan Taf-5 Formasi Talang Akar Lapangan “Lmg” Cekungan Jawa Barat Utara

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang interpretasi seismik untuk potensi hidrokarbon di Lapangan “LMG” Cekungan Jawa Barat Utara yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui persebaran zona gas sand. Zona target merupakan Lapisan TAF-5 Formasi Talang Akar, Cekungan Jawa Barat Utara dengan litologi perselingan batupasir dan serpih. Dalam zona target dilakukan analisis Amplitude Versus Offset (AVO) untuk mengetahui karakter hidrokarbon area studi dengan memanfaatkan AVO signature dan produk atribut AVO berupa crossplot intercept-gradient zona penelitian. Dari kedua metode analisis dari Amplitude Versus Offset (AVO) yang dilakukan dalam batas lapisan zona target menunjukkan persebaran anomali zona gas pada respon AVO kelas III yang menunjukkan anomali low impedance contrast sands dalam batas penelitian

    Institutional development, Brazil

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    To ensure the safe provision of water and sanitation it is necessary to have effective and efficient institutions. This paper investigates the institutional changes in the urban water supply and sanitation sector in Latin American countries as different generations have sought to find the best approach. The study focusses on Salvador in Brazil, covering the period 1853-1990. It is thought that with some differences due to local peculiarities, the pattern in other Latin America countries has followed a similar process

    Implementasi Perda Nomor 12 Tahun 2011 Terkait Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Anak Panti Asuhan Gatot Soebroto Semarang

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    Social welfare is a state of fulfillment of living for the people , so that they can developthemselves and to carry out social functions that governments , local governments andcommunities in the form of social services that include social rehabilitation , social security ,social empowerment , and social protection ( Law No. 11 of 2009 article 1 and 2 ) .This study aims to examine the government\u27s policy of Semarang in developingcommunity capacity through the construction of an abandoned orphanage. The orphanage is asocial welfare institution that has the responsibility to provide social welfare services toneglected children and various other social problem with implementing sponsorship and poverty, provide replacement services of physical , mental and social well in foster care , so as to obtainample opportunity , appropriate and adequate for the development of his personality as expectedas part of the next generation of the ideals of the nation and as individuals who will participateactively in the field of national development.In the development of child welfare orphanage children who mostly come from waif ,Semarang government provides assistance in two forms , namely in the form of materialassistance that may include money , goods , or groceries , and coaching support in order to createa special skill for both children to foster and orphanage administrators.Semarang City Government should be able to formulate specific local regulationsregarding the construction of the orphanage, both in physical development and educationaldevelopment. So the orphanage in Semarang has its own budget in the construction and built it,and orphanages can also have a clear standard under development goals. With the specialregulations of Semarang City Government can monitor and control the orphanage in the city ofSemarang by looking at the number of orphanages now too many and difficult to monitor
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