45 research outputs found

    Hydraulic & Design Parameters in Full-Scale Constructed Wetland & Treatment Units: Six Case Studies

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    The efficiency of pond and constructed wetland (CW) treatment systems, is influenced by the internal hydrodynamics and mixing interactions between water and aquatic vegetation. In order to contribute to current knowledge of how emergent real vegetation affects solute mixing, and on what the shape and size effects are on the mixing characteristics, an understanding and quantification of those physical processes and interactions was evaluated. This paper presents results from tracer tests conducted during 2015-2016 in six full-scale systems in the UK under different flow regimes, operational depths, shapes and sizes, and in-/outlet configurations. The aim is to quantify the hydraulic performance and mixing characteristics of the treatment units, and to investigate the effect of size and shape on the mixing processes. Relative comparison of outlet configuration, inflow conditions, and internal features between the six different treatment units showed variations in residence times of up to a factor of 3. A key outcome of this study, demonstrated that the width is a more important dimension for the efficiency of the unit compared to the depth. Results underlined the importance of investigating hydrodynamics and physics of flow in full-size units to enhance treatment efficiency and predictions of water quality models

    Survey of tuberculosis drug resistance among Tibetan refugees in India

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    SETTING: Tuberculosis (TB) is a major health problem among Tibetans living in exile in India. Although drug-resistant TB is considered common in clinical practice, precise data are lacking. OBJECTIVE: To determine the proportion of drug-resistant cases among new and previously treated Tibetan TB patients. DESIGN: In a drug resistance survey in five Tibetan settlements in India, culture and drug susceptibility testing (DST) for first-line drugs were performed among all consecutive new and previously treated TB cases from April 2010 to September 2011. DST against kanamycin (KM), ethionamide, para-aminosalicylic acid and ofloxacin (OFX) was performed on multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) isolates. RESULTS: Of 307 patients enrolled in the study, 264 (193 new and 71 previously treated) were culture-positive and had DST available. All patients tested for the human immunodeficiency virus (n = 250) were negative. Among new TB cases, 14.5% had MDR-TB and 5.7% were isoniazid (INH) monoresistant. Among previously treated cases, 31.4% had MDR-TB and 12.7% were INH-monoresistant. Of the MDR-TB isolates, 28.6% of new and 26.1% of previously treated cases were OFX-resistant, while 7.1% of new cases and 8.7% of previously treated cases were KM-resistant. Three patients had extensively drug-resistant TB. CONCLUSIONS: MDR-TB is common in new and previously treated Tibetans in India, who also show additional complex resistance patterns. Of particular concern is the high percentage of MDR-TB strains resistant to OFX, KM or both

    Survey of tuberculosis drug resistance among Tibetan refugees in India

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is a major health problem among Tibetans living in exile in India. Although drug-resistant TB is considered common in clinical practice, precise data are lacking. OBJECTIVE: To determine the proportion of drug-resistant cases among new and previously treated Tibetan TB patients. Of 307 patients enrolled in the study, 264 (193 new and 71 previously treated) were culture-positive and had DST available. All patients tested for the human immunodeficiency virus (n = 250) were negative. Among new TB cases, 14.5% had MDR-TB and 5.7% were isoniazid (INH) monoresistant. Among previously treated cases, 31.4% had MDR-TB and 12.7% were INH-monoresistant. Of the MDR-TB isolates, 28.6% of new and 26.1% of previously treated cases were OFX-resistant, while 7.1% of new cases and 8.7% of previously treated cases were KM-resistant. Three patients had extensively drug-resistant T

    Uso de traçadores para avaliação da hidrodinâmica de sistemas alagados construídos operando sob condições climáticas tropicais Fluorescent dyes for hydrodynamic evaluation of constructed wetlands under tropical conditions

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    Sistemas alagados construídos (SACs) são, atualmente, importante opção para o tratamento de resíduos e controle da poluição pontual e difusa. O uso de SACs tem aumentado ano a ano, entretanto o nível de entendimento da hidrodinâmica do processo não tem crescido na mesma proporção. Traçadores fluorescentes apresentam-se como opção na determinação de curvas de distribuição de tempos de residência (DTR) e de parâmetros hidrodinâmicos, como número de dispersão e eficiência hidráulica. A pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de avaliar dois corantes (rodamina WT e fluoresceína sódica) na determinação das características hidrodinâmicas de SACs com escoamento subsuperficial, operando em região de clima tropical. Os tempos de residência experimentais (&#964;R) para os SACs variaram entre 4,5 e 5,0 dias, e os parâmetros de modelos teóricos foram obtidos para cada sistema, indicando dispersões muito pequenas. Os SACs, que apresentavam relação comprimento/largura (L/B) de 24/1, comportaram-se como sistemas de escoamento próximo ao pistonado. Embora a massa total adicionada não tenha sido recuperada (a adsorção é um dos mecanismos de perda), a pesquisa indicou que a rodamina WT pode ser utilizada com resultados satisfatórios na avaliação do comportamento hidrodinâmico de SACs.<br>Nowadays, constructed wetlands (CW) systems are an important wastewater treatment option. Subsurface flow (SSF) constructed wetlands are one of the main types which are being used, and in researches, these systems dyes tracer experiments are an appropriate tool to determine residence time distribution (RDT) curves and parameters of hydrodynamic models, as a wetland dispersion numbers and hydraulic efficiency. The objectives of this paper are to evaluate and compare the performance of two fluorescent tracers (rhodamine WT and sodium fluorescein) on subsurface-flow CWs hydrodynamic characteristics determination. The cells were operated at actual hydraulic residence time (&#964;R) of a 4.5 d ~ 5.0 d range and the parameters of theoretical models were obtained for each system, indicating very low dispersion. The CWs with length/widths ratio equals to 24 presented as plug flow near systems. Although the recovery of total amount was small (high absorption is one of the loss mechanisms during these types of studies), rhodamine WT is a suitable tracer in mesocosms SSF constructed wetland systems of study