29 research outputs found

    Electrocatalytic behavior of the Pd-modified electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution

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    The hydrogen evolution behavior of C/CoSn, C/CoSnZn and C/CoSnZn-Pd catalysts which were prepared on a graphite substrate (C) by electrochemical deposition, as well as their electrochemical properties in the KOH solutions, have been investigated by the polarization measurements, cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and electrolysis techniques. C/CoSnZn catalyst was etched in caustic to leach out zinc and to produce the Raney-type, porous electrocatalytic surface for hydrogen evolution. In order to further improve the catalytic activity of the C/CoSnZn catalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), this catalyst was modified by loading a small amount of Pd. Results showed that the modification of C/CoSnZn catalyst by deposition of a small amount of Pd can render cathode material very active in hydrogen evolution. High catalytic activity of the C/CoSnZn-Pd catalyst depends on the surface porosity, large specific surface area and well known intrinsic catalytic activity of Pd. © 2013, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This study has been financially supported by the Çukurova University research fund. The authors are greatly thankful to Çukurova University research fund

    The biochemical analysis of tympanosclerotic plaques

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    OBJECTIVE: We conducted a biochemical analysis of tympanosclerotic (TS) plaques

    Incus and stapes necrosis associated with diabetes mellitus

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    Mathematical modelling of vacuum ohmic evaporation process

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    2-s2.0-85097049633Ohmic evaporation is a complex process in which heat and mass transfers take in place simultaneously. In this study, finite difference-FD and finite volume-FV models simulating the changes of temperature and water removed from tomato juice during the vacuum ohmic evaporation process (VOEP) were developed. Models considering the heat and mass transfer equations were combined. Experimental effective electrical conductivity and specific heat capacity relations were taken into account. For heating period, final temperature was predicted with errors of 3.4 ± 1.3 °C and 0.7 ± 1.3 °C, while the evaporation time prediction errors were 1.3 ± 1.6 min and ? 2.1 ± 1.6 min for FV and FD models, respectively. It was concluded the effect of mixing was not important on temperature distribution for such a high consistency tomato paste compared to the heat generation effect during the ohmic evaporation process. The developed models could be used to predict process time, temperature history, and volume fraction at any time during the ohmic evaporation process. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd217O069 Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştirma Kurumu, TÜBITAKThis research was supported financially by the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey , TUBITAK, Project No: 217O069

    Moderate electric field-assisted hydro-distillation of thyme essential oil: Characterization of microstructural changes

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    Novel technologies are applied to improve the hydro-distillation process in the production of essential oils of commercial importance. In this study, it was aimed to examine the effect of the moderate electric field-assisted hydro-distillation (MEF-D) method, which was applied at different frequencies and wave type conditions, on the microstructural changes of thyme samples. Microscopic images of the samples were taken before and after MEF-D treatments. The perimeter and area of peltate and capitate cells in leaves and stems were measured, and the percentage of damage to secretory cells was determined. The results were compared with the conventional hydro-distillation method. The correlation analysis was performed for the relations between different responses; image analysis results, the cell disintegration index (Zc), and essential oil yields after MEF-D treatments. The highest oil yield (52.2 +/- 4.02) was obtained with MEF-D square wave type at 1,000 Hz condition (p 0.05). Glandular trichomes were damaged in all conditions (p 0.05). Damaged Glandular Trichomes (DGT) values were higher for MEF-D square wave conditions compared to the sine wave (p 0.05). The highest Zc values (0.80 +/- 0.02 for sine wave type and 0.78 +/- 0.03 for square wave type) were obtained for 1,000 Hz frequency application in both wave types. Good correlations (Pearson correlation coefficient > 0.995) between image analysis parameters and Zc were obtained. MEF-D method increased the anatomical changes, and thus resulted in a higher yield of essential oil. It is expected that the results of the study will contribute to the improvement of hyro-distillation processes.This study is a part of a project titled Investigation of Effects of Moderate Electric Field Application in Food Processing on the Changes of Plant and Animal Tissues' and is financially supported by TUEBITAK (THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF TUERKIYE) Project No. 119O768. The authors gratefully acknowledge TUEBITAK for financial support.TUEBITAK (THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF TUERKIYE) [119O768

    4D cadastres: first analysis of legal, organizational and technical impact - With a case study on utility networks

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    The increasing complexity and flexibility of modern land use requires that cadastres need an improved capacity to manage the third dimension. As the world is per definition not static, there also will be needs in relation to the representation of the temporal (fourth) dimension either integrated with the spatial dimensions or as separate attribute(s). In this paper, registration of utility networks in cadastre are considered in this 3D. +. time (=4D) context. A number of countries in the world have developed methods to register utility networks complying with their legal, organizational, and technical structure. We researched the different approaches of three specific countries: Turkey, The Netherlands and Queensland, Australia. These are analysed to evaluate a solution that matches legal, organizational, and technical cadastral requirements in the most optimal way. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd