138 research outputs found

    Визначення вальпроєвої кислоти у крові методом реакційної високоефективної рідинної хроматографії

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    Здійснена взаємодія вальпроєвої кислоти з 3-(2'-бромацетил)-7-метоксикумарином і розроблено її визначення у крові методом реакційної високоефективної рідинної хроматографії. Вивчений вплив різних методів депротоїнізації на вивільнення вальпроєвої кислоти та оптимізовані умови пробопідготовки.Осуществлено взаимодействие вальпроевой кислоты с 3-(2'-бромацетил)-7-метоксикумарином и разработано ее определение в крови методом реакционной высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии. Изучено влияние различных методов депротеинизации на выходы вальпроевой кислоты и оптимизированы условия пробоподготовки.The interaction of the valproic acid with 3-(2'-bromoacetyl)-7-methoxicoumarin has been carried out and its determination in blood by the reaction high performance liquid chromatography method has been developed. The influence of various methods of deproteinization on the yields of the valproic acid has been studied and the conditions of the sample preparing has been optimized

    Схемотехническое моделирование и синтез активных СВЧ-фильтров на полевых транзисторах Шоттки

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    Разработаны схемы активных СВЧ-фильтров, пригодных для исполнения в виде гибридной или полупроводниковой микросхемы

    Громадська робота як чинник повсякденного життя вчителя

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    Treatment and reconstruction of large bone defects, delayed unions, and nonunions is challenging and has resulted in an ongoing search for novel tissue-engineered therapies. Bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) gene therapy is a promising strategy to provide sustained production of BMP-2 locally. Alginate polymer-based nonviral gene therapy with BMP-2 plasmid DNA (pBMP-2) in constructs with multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) has resulted in prolonged gene expression and bone formation in vivo. To further translate this technology toward larger animal models, important issues remain to be investigated, such as the necessity of seeded cells as a target for gene therapy. For that purpose, a large animal-screening model in an orthotopic location, with fully separated chambers, was investigated. Four cylinder-shaped implants were placed in the iliac crests of ten goats. Polycaprolactone tubes around each implant allowed bone ingrowth from the underlying bone and bone marrow and ensured separation of the experimental conditions. An empty tube showed low levels of spontaneous bone ingrowth, and implantation of autologous bone indicated proper bone function with respect to remodeling and resorption. Control ceramic scaffolds were compared to scaffolds containing pBMP-2 either or not combined with seeded MSCs. Fluorochrome incorporation evaluated at 3, 6, and 9 weeks and histomorphometry at 12 weeks after implantation revealed clear differences between the groups, with pBMP-2 combined with MSCs being the most effective. The BMP-2 was demonstrated in a variety of bone-residing cells through immunohistochemistry. Further analysis indicated that multinucleated giant cells might have an important role in transgene expression. Taken together, this work introduces a large animal model for studying bone formation at multiple sites simultaneously in an orthotopic location. The model appeared robust, showed no neighboring effects, and demonstrated effectivity of combined cell and gene therapy

    Уровень провоспалительных цитокинов внутриматочных смывов при гиперплазиях эндометрия

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    Проведено вивчення змін рівня прозапальних цитокінів ІЛ -1ß, ІЛ -6 та ФНП-α в маткових змивах у жінок з різними видами гіперплазій ендометрію. Встановлено, що формування гіперплазії ендометрію супроводжується активацією прозапальних цитокінів. Найбільш виражені зміни виявлені при комплексній гіперплазії ендометрію. Запальний процес в урогенітальної системі сприяє більш вираженому зростанню рівня цитокінів в маткових змивах. Оцінка вираженості змін в рівні цитокінів маткових змивів може використовуватися в якості додаткового критерію, що характеризує гіперплазії ендометрію, для оцінки формування запальних змін в ендометрії при його гіперплазії і для оцінки прогнозу перебігу гіперплазій.Levels of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1ß, IL-6 and TNF-α in uterine lavage fluid of women with different types of endometrial hyperplasia were studied. It is established that the formation of endometrial hyperplasia is associated with activation of proinflammatory cytokines. The most intensive changes were found in complex endometrial hyperplasia. Inflammation in the urogenital system leads to more intensive increase of cytokines level in the uterine washout. Investigation of changes in cytokines levels in uterine lavage fluid can be used as an additional criterion for characteristics of endometrial hyperplasia, to assess the formation of inflammatory changes in the endometrium and for prognosis of hyperplasia

    Коррекция состояния иммунной системы крыс с адъювантным артритом введением липидной фракции плаценты

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    Введення ліпідної фракції плаценти, отриманої методом кріогенного молекулярного фракціонування, на фоні розвитку ад’ювантного артриту оказує корегуючий вплив у відношенні як вмісту, так і функціональної активності регуляторних Т-клітин регіональних лімфовузлів, що призводить до зниження інтенсивності клінічних ознак захворювання.Injection of placental lipid fraction obtained by cryogenic molecular fractionation method on the background of adjuvant arthritis development has a correcting influence in relation to both content and functional activity of regulatory T-cells of regional lymph nodes which leads to a decrease in intensity of clinical signs of the disease

    Reliability and Validity of the German Version of the AO Spine Patient Reported Outcome Spine Trauma Questionnaire.

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    STUDY DESIGN A single-center validation study. OBJECTIVE To translate and cross-culturally adapt the AO Spine PROST (Patient Reported Outcome Spine Trauma) into German, and to test its psychometric properties among German-speaking Swiss spine trauma patients. METHODS Patients were recruited from a level-1 Swiss trauma center. Next to the AO Spine PROST, the EQ-5D-3L questionnaire was used for concurrent validity. Questionnaires were filled out at two-time points for test-retest reliability. Patient characteristics were analyzed using descriptive statistics. For content validity, floor, and ceiling effects, as well as any irrelevant and missing questions were analyzed. Construct validity of the AO Spine PROST questionnaire to the EQ-5D-3L was tested using Spearman correlation tests. RESULTS The AOSpine PROST was translated and adapted into German using established guidelines. We included 179 patients. The floor effect for all items was well within the optimal range (below 15%), while the ceiling effect of seven items was within the optimal range. None of the items displayed a problematic floor or ceiling effect. The overall test-retest reliability of the total PROST score was excellent, with an ICC of .83 (95% CI .69-.91). The Spearman correlation coefficient between the total PROST summary score and EQ-5D-3 L was ρ = .63. CONCLUSIONS The German version of the AO Spine PROST questionnaire demonstrated very good validity and reliability results

    Sacral Fractures and Associated Injuries.

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    STUDY DESIGN: Literature review. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this review is to describe the injuries associated with sacral fractures and to analyze their impact on patient outcome. METHODS: A comprehensive narrative review of the literature was performed to identify the injuries associated with sacral fractures. RESULTS: Sacral fractures are uncommon injuries that result from high-energy trauma, and that, due to their rarity, are frequently underdiagnosed and mistreated. Only 5% of sacral fractures occur in isolation. Injuries most often associated with sacral fractures include neurologic injuries (present in up to 50% of sacral fractures), pelvic ring disruptions, hip and lumbar spine fractures, active pelvic/ abdominal bleeding and the presence of an open fracture or significant soft tissue injury. Diagnosis of pelvic ring fractures and fractures extending to the lumbar spine are key factors for the appropriate management of sacral fractures. Importantly, associated systemic (cranial, thoracic, and abdominopelvic) or musculoskeletal injuries should be promptly assessed and addressed. These associated injuries often dictate the management and eventual outcome of sacral fractures and, therefore, any treatment algorithm should take them into consideration. CONCLUSIONS: Sacral fractures are complex in nature and often associated with other often-missed injuries. This review summarizes the most relevant associated injuries in sacral fractures and discusses on their appropriate management

    AOSpine—Spine Trauma Classification System: The Value of Modifiers: A Narrative Review With Commentary on Evolving Descriptive Principles

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    Study Design: Narrative review. Objectives: To describe the current AOSpine Trauma Classification system for spinal trauma and highlight the value of patient-specific modifiers for facilitating communication and nuances in treatment. Methods: The classification for spine trauma previously developed by The AOSpine Knowledge Forum is reviewed and the importance of case modifiers in this system is discussed. Results: A successful classification system facilitates communication and agreement between physicians while also determining injury severity and provides guidance on prognosis and treatment. As each injury may be unique among different patients, the importance of considering patient-specific characteristics is highlighted in this review. In the current AOSpine Trauma Classification, the spinal column is divided into 4 regions: the upper cervical spine (C0-C2), subaxial cervical spine (C3-C7), thoracolumbar spine (T1-L5), and the sacral spine (S1-S5, including coccyx). Each region is classified according to a hierarchical system with increasing levels of injury or instability and represents the morphology of the injury, neurologic status, and clinical modifiers. Specifically, these clinical modifiers are denoted starting with M followed by a number. They describe unique conditions that may change treatment approach such as the presence of significant soft tissue damage, uncertainty about posterior tension band injury, or the presence of a critical disc herniation in a cervical bilateral facet dislocation. These characteristics are described in detail for each spinal region. Conclusions: Patient-specific modifiers in the AOSpine Trauma Classification highlight unique clinical characteristics for each injury and facilitate communication and treatment between surgeons

    A new in vivo screening model for posterior spinal bone formation: comparison of ten calcium phosphate ceramic material treatments

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    This study presents a new screening model for evaluating the influence of multiple conditions on the initial process of bone formation in the posterior lumbar spine of a large animal. This model uses cages designed for placement on the decorticated transverse process of the goat lumbar spine. Five conduction channels per cage, each be defined by a different material treatment, are open to both the underlying bone and overlying soft tissue. The model was validated in ten adult Dutch milk goats, with each animal implanted with two cages containing a total of ten calcium phosphate material treatments according to a randomized complete block design. The ten calcium phosphate ceramic materials were created through a combination of material chemistry (BCP, TCP, HA), sintering temperature (low, medium, high), calcination and surface roughness treatments. To monitor the bone formation over time, fluorochrome markers were administered at 3, 5 and 7 weeks and the animals were sacrificed at 9 weeks after implantation. Bone formation in the conduction channels was investigated by histology and histomorphometry of non-decalcified sections using traditional light and epifluorescent microscopy. According to both observed and measured bone formation parameters, materials were ranked in order of increasing magnitude as follows: low sintering temperature BCP (rough and smooth)≈medium sintering temperature BCP≈TCP>calcined low sintering temperature HA>non-calcined low sintering temperature HA>high sintering temperature BCP (rough and smooth)>high sintering temperature HA (calcined and non-calcined). These results agree closely with those obtained in previous studies of osteoconduction and bioactivity of ceramics thereby validating the screening model presented in this study