239 research outputs found

    Growth Kinetics in the Φ6\Phi ^6 N-Component Model. Conserved Order Parameter

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    We extend the discussion of the growth kinetics of the large-N time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau model with an order parameter described by a Φ6\Phi^6 free energy functional, to the conserved case. Quenches from a high temperature initial state to a zero temperature state are studied for different selections of parameters entering the effective potential. In all cases we obtain the asymptotic form of the structure factor. As expected in analogy with the well studied Φ4\Phi^4 model, we find multiscaling behavior whenever stable equilibrium is reached in the ordering region. On the other hand the present model also displays a novel feature, namely the occurrence of metastable relaxation.Comment: 20 pages,Plain Late

    Dynamic fluctuations in unfrustrated systems: random walks, scalar fields and the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase

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    We study analytically the distribution of fluctuations of the quantities whose average yield the usual two-point correlation and linear response functions in three unfrustrated models: the random walk, the dd dimensional scalar field and the 2d XY model. In particular we consider the time dependence of ratios between composite operators formed with these fluctuating quantities which generalize the largely studied fluctuation-dissipation ratio, allowing us to discuss the relevance of the effective temperature notion beyond linear order. The behavior of fluctuations in the aforementioned solvable cases is compared to numerical simulations of the 2d clock model with p=6,12p=6,12 states.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figure

    Out of equilibrium dynamics of the spiral model

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    We study the relaxation of the bi-dimensional kinetically constrained spiral model. We show that due to the reversibility of the dynamic rules any unblocked state fully decorrelates in finite times irrespectively of the system being in the unjammed or the jammed phase. In consequence, the evolution of any unblocked configuration occurs in a different sector of phase space from the one that includes the equilibrium blocked equilibrium configurations at criticality and in the jammed phase. We argue that such out of equilibrium dynamics share many points in common with coarsening in the one-dimensional Ising model and we identify the coarsening structures that are, basically, lines of vacancies. We provide evidence for this claim by analyzing the behaviour of several observables including the density of particles and vacancies, the spatial correlation function, the time-dependent persistence and the linear response.Comment: 14 pages 12 figure

    Complex phase-ordering of the one-dimensional Heisenberg model with conserved order parameter

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    We study the phase-ordering kinetics of the one-dimensional Heisenberg model with conserved order parameter, by means of scaling arguments and numerical simulations. We find a rich dynamical pattern with a regime characterized by two distinct growing lengths. Spins are found to be coplanar over regions of a typical size LV(t)L_V(t), while inside these regions smooth rotations associated to a smaller length LC(t)L_C(t) are observed. Two different and coexisting ordering mechanisms are associated to these lengths, leading to different growth laws LV(t)t1/3L_V(t)\sim t^{1/3} and LC(t)t1/4L_C(t)\sim t^{1/4} violating dynamical scaling.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. To appear on Phys. Rev. E (2009

    Heat fluctuations in Ising models coupled with two different heat baths

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    Monte Carlo simulations of Ising models coupled to heat baths at two different temperatures are used to study a fluctuation relation for the heat exchanged between the two thermostats in a time τ\tau. Different kinetics (single--spin--flip or spin--exchange Kawasaki dynamics), transition rates (Glauber or Metropolis), and couplings between the system and the thermostats have been considered. In every case the fluctuation relation is verified in the large τ\tau limit, both in the disordered and in the low temperature phase. Finite-τ\tau corrections are shown to obey a scaling behavior.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. To be published in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical as fast track communicatio

    Scaling and universality in the aging kinetics of the two-dimensional clock model

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    We study numerically the aging dynamics of the two-dimensional p-state clock model after a quench from an infinite temperature to the ferromagnetic phase or to the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase. The system exhibits the general scaling behavior characteristic of non-disordered coarsening systems. For quenches to the ferromagnetic phase, the value of the dynamical exponents, suggests that the model belongs to the Ising-type universality class. Specifically, for the integrated response function χ(t,s)saχf(t/s)\chi (t,s)\simeq s^{-a_\chi}f(t/s), we find aχa_\chi consistent with the value aχ=0.28a_\chi =0.28 found in the two-dimensional Ising model.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures (please contact the authors for figures

    Energy and Heat Fluctuations in a Temperature Quench

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    Fluctuations of energy and heat are investigated during the relaxation following the instantaneous temperature quench of an extended system. Results are obtained analytically for the Gaussian model and for the large NN model quenched below the critical temperature TCT_C. The main finding is that fluctuations exceeding a critical threshold do condense. Though driven by a mechanism similar to that of Bose-Einstein condensation, this phenomenon is an out-of-equilibrium feature produced by the breaking of energy equipartition occurring in the transient regime. The dynamical nature of the transition is illustrated by phase diagrams extending in the time direction.Comment: To be published in the Proceedings of the Research Program "Small system non equilibrium fluctuations, dynamics and stochastics, and anomalous behavior", Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics China, July 2013. 40 pages, 9 figure

    Fluctuations of two-time quantities and time-reparametrization invariance in spin-glasses

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    This article is a contribution to the understanding of fluctuations in the out of equilibrium dynamics of glassy systems. By extending theoretical ideas based on the assumption that time-reparametrization invariance develops asymptotically we deduce the scaling properties of diverse high-order correlation functions. We examine these predictions with numerical tests in a standard glassy model, the 3d Edwards-Anderson spin-glass, and in a system where time-reparametrization invariance is not expected to hold, the 2d ferromagnetic Ising model, both at low temperatures. Our results enlighten a qualitative difference between the fluctuation properties of the two models and show that scaling properties conform to the time-reparametrization invariance scenario in the former but not in the latter.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Reply to a Comment

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    Reply to the Comment by F. Corberi, E. Lipiello and M. Zannetti (cond-mat/0211609)

    Off equilibrium response function in the one dimensional random field Ising model

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    A thorough numerical investigation of the slow dynamics in the d=1 random field Ising model in the limit of an infinite ferromagnetic coupling is presented. Crossovers from the preasymptotic pure regime to the asymptotic Sinai regime are investigated for the average domain size, the autocorrelation function and staggered magnetization. By switching on an additional small random field at the time tw the linear off equilibrium response function is obtained, which displays as well the crossover from the nontrivial behavior of the d=1 pure Ising model to the asymptotic behavior where it vanishes identically.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure