2,033 research outputs found

    Efficient load balancing techniques for graph traversal applications on GPUs

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    Efficiently implementing a load balancing technique in graph traversal applications for GPUs is a critical task. It is a key feature of GPU applications as it can sensibly impact on the overall application performance. Different strategies have been proposed to deal with such an issue. Nevertheless, the efficiency of each of them strongly depends on the graph characteristics and no one is the best solution for any graph. This paper presents three different balancing techniques and how they have been implemented to fully exploit the GPU architecture. It also proposes a set of support strategies that can be modularly applied to the main balancing techniques to better address the graph characteristics. The paper presents an analysis and a comparison of the three techniques and support strategies with the best solutions at the state of the art over a large dataset of representative graphs. The analysis allows statically identifying, given graph characteristics and for each of the proposed techniques, the best combination of supports, and that such a solution is more efficient than the techniques at the state of the art

    Cross-taxon congruence between predatory arthropods and plants across Mediterranean agricultural landscapes

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    Although arthropods are among the most diverse, abundant and ecologically important animals in terrestrial ecosystems, they are generally neglected in most biodiversity inventories due to their complex systematics and overwhelming diversity, coupled with the current decline in the number of taxonomists. For this reason, several surrogate groups for arthropod diversity have been proposed, with plants being identified as a good putative cross-taxon indicator. By sampling plants and three groups of ground-dwelling arthropods (rove beetles, ground beetles and spiders) in 300 sites across 15 landscapes including multiple semi-natural and agricultural habitats, we tested for habitat-dependence and scale-dependence in the cross-taxon congruence. Plant species richness was a poor predictor of the species richness of predatory arthropods. Among the predator groups, ground beetles appeared as the best potential surrogate for the other ground-dwelling predators. This is backed by the fact that ground beetles were extremely diverse and abundant in all habitats and are usually easier to identify than both rove beetles and spiders. Decreasing the scale at which the cross-taxon congruence was tested improved the strength of the cross-taxon congruence. Although plant species richness was not a suitable indicator for the diversity of predatory arthropods, vegetation structure played a significant role in influencing cross-taxon congruence in both natural and agricultural habitats. Our results highlight the need to explore the cross-taxon relationships at a fine habitat resolution scale, as strong correlations were obtained only by taking into account habitat identity

    Unraveling the Ag+ ion coordination and solvation thermodynamics in the 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ionic liquid

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    The solvation of the Ag+ ion in the 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([C4mim][BF4]) ionic liquid (IL) has been studied by means of experimental and theoretical methods with the aim of elucidating the cation coordination structure and thermodynamic properties. Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics (CPMD) simulations showed that the Ag+ ion is coordinated by an average number of four [BF4]− anions in a pseudo-tetrahedral geometry. A high configurational disorder of the first solvation sphere is found, where the anions can be found both in mono- and bidentate coordination mode around the Ag+ ion. Also, a solvational equilibrium is observed as due to [BF4]− anion dissociation along the trajectory. The analysis of X-ray absorption spectroscopy data confirmed the picture provided by the CPMD simulation. Classical molecular dynamics simulations were carried out to obtain the single-ion solvation thermodynamic parameters. The negative water → IL free energy of transfer suggests that the Ag+ ion is more favorably solvated in the [C4mim][BF4] IL than in water. This behavior is due to a balance between the enthalpic and entropic contributions, which allows to find a rationale to the strong solvation capabilities of BF4-based ILs towards Ag+

    Performance of Pheromone-Baited Traps to Monitor the Seasonal Abundance of Tortrix Moths in Chestnut Groves.

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    (1) Background: Pammene fasciana (L.), Cydia fagiglandana (Zeller), and C. splendana (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) are considered key moth pests of chestnut in Europe. (2) Methods: Investigations were performed in 2018–2019 in northern Italy. Sticky traps and commercially available pheromones were used for monitoring; moreover, two experimental pheromone blends were tested. All specimens were identified according to male genitalia and molecular analyses. Newly formed chestnut husks and fruits were randomly collected to evaluate the presence of larvae and/or feeding damage, by comparing it to trap catches. (3) Results: P. fasciana was present in all the sites, whereas Cydia species were recorded in three sites of six, with differences in abundance related to pheromone blends studied. Several non-target species, such as Oegoconia novimundi (Busck) and Cydia ilipulana (Walsingham), were present. Data about the seasonal flight activity are provided. (4) Conclusions: This research contributes to ascertaining the presence and abundance of tortrix moths in Italian chestnut groves, and the presence of non-target species highlights the risk of overestimating catches. Fruit damage recorded did not always reflect catches made by pheromone traps, suggesting that monitoring may underestimate the real size of moths’ populations. All of the data acquired are important for planning specific control measures

    Is high prevalence of Echinococcus multilocularis in wild and domestic animals associated with disease incidence in humans?

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    We investigated a focus of highly endemic Echinococcus multilocularis infection to assess persistence of high endemicity in rural rodents, explore potential for parasite transmission to domestic carnivores, and assess (serologically) putative exposure versus infection frequency in inhabitants of the region. From spring 1993 to spring 1998, the prevalence of E. multilocularis in rodents was 9% to 39% for Arvicola terrestris and 10% to 21% for Microtus arvalis. From June 1996 to October 1997, 6 (7%) of 86 feral dogs and 1 of 33 cats living close to the region tested positive for intestinal E. multilocularis infection. Testing included egg detection by coproscopy, antigen detection by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and specific parasite DNA amplification by polymerase chain reaction. Thus, the presence of infected domestic carnivores can increase E. multilocularis exposure risk in humans. A seroepidemiologic survey of 2,943 blood donors in the area used specific Em2-ELISA. Comparative statistical analyses of seroprevalence and clinical incidence showed an increase in Em2-seroprevalence from 1986 and 1996-97 but no increase in clinical incidence of alveolar hydatid disease

    Influence of MAX-Phase Deformability on Coating Formation by Cold Spraying

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    As solid-state deposition technique avoiding oxidation, cold gas spraying is capable of retaining feedstock material properties in the coatings, but typically fails to build up coatings of brittle materials. Ceramic MAX phases show partial deformability in particular lattice directions and may thus successfully deposit in cold spraying. However, deformation mechanisms under high strain rate, as necessary for cohesion and adhesion, are not fully clear yet. A MAX-phase deposit only builds up, if the specific mechanical properties of the MAX phase allow for, and if suitable spray parameter sets get realized. To investigate the influence of material properties and deposition conditions on coating microstructure and quality, three MAX phases, Ti3SiC2, Ti2AlC and Cr2AlC, were selected. Up to ten passes under different spray parameters yielded Ti2AlC and Cr2AlC coatings with thicknesses of about 200-500 \ub5m. In contrast, Ti3SiC2 only forms a monolayer, exhibiting brittle laminar failure of the impacting particles. In all cases, the crystallographic structure of the MAX-phase powders was retained in the coatings. Thicker coatings show rather low porosities (< 2%), but some laminar cracks. The deposition behavior is correlated with individual mechanical properties of the different MAX-phase compositions and is discussed regarding the particular, highly anisotropic deformation mechanisms

    Artificial dermal substitutes for tissue regeneration: comparison of the clinical outcomes and histological findings of two templates

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    Objective: Artificial dermal substitutes (DSs) are fundamental in physiological wound healing to ensure consistent and enduring wound closure and provide a suitable scaffold to repair tissue. We compared the clinical and histological features of two DSs, Pelnac and Integra, in the treatment of traumatic and iatrogenic skin defects. Methods: This prospective observational study involved 71 randomly selected patients from our hospital. Wound healing was analyzed using the Wound Surface Area Assessment, the Vancouver Scar Scale, and a visual analog scale. Histological and immunohistochemical evaluations were also performed. Results: At 2 weeks, greater regeneration with respect to proliferation of the epidermis and renewal of the dermis was observed with Pelnac than with Integra. At 4 weeks, the dermis had regenerated with both DSs. Both templates induced renewed collagen and revascularization. Differences in the Vancouver Scar Scale score were statistically significant at 4 weeks and 1 year. Pelnac produced a significant increase in contraction at 2 weeks with increasing effectiveness at 4 weeks. Integra produced a higher percentage reduction in the wound surface area and a shorter healing time than Pelnac for wounds >1.5 cm deep. Conclusion: Our observational data indicate that both DSs are effective and applicable in different clinical contexts
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