4,260 research outputs found

    Metamagnetism and Lifshitz Transitions in Models for Heavy Fermions

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    We investigate metamagnetic transitions in models for heavy fermions by considering the doped Kondo lattice model in two dimensions. Results are obtained within the framework of dynamical mean field and dynamical cluster approximations. Universal magnetization curves for different temperatures and Kondo couplings develop upon scaling with the lattice coherence temperature. Furthermore, the coupling of the local moments to the magnetic field is varied to take into account the different Land\'e factors of localized and itinerant electrons. The competition between the lattice coherence scale and the Zeeman energy scale allows for two interpretations of the metamagnetism in heavy fermions: Kondo breakdown or Lifshitz transitions. By tracking the single-particle residue through the transition, we can uniquely conclude in favor of the Lifshitz transition scenario. In this scenario, a quasiparticle band drops below the Fermi energy which leads to a change in topology of the Fermi surface.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    A device to characterize optical fibres

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    ATLAS is a general purpose experiment approved for the LHC collider at CERN. An important component of the detector is the central hadronic calorimeter; for its construction more than 600,000 Wave Length Shifting (WLS) fibres (corresponding to a total length of 1,120 Km) have been used. We have built and put into operation a dedicated instrument for the measurement of light yield and attenuation length over groups of 20 fibres at a time. The overall accuracy achieved in the measurement of light yield (attenuation length) is 1.5% (3%). We also report the results obtained using this method in the quality control of a large sample of fibres.Comment: 17 pages 20 figeres submitted to NIM journa

    Depleted Kondo Lattices

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    We consider a two dimensional Kondo lattice model with exchange J and hopping t in which three out of four impurity spins are removed in a regular way. At the particle-hole symmetric point the model may be studied with auxiliary field quantum Monte Carlo methods without sign problems. To achieve the relevant energy scales on finite clusters, we introduce a simple method to reduce size effects by up to an order of magnitude in temperature. In this model, a metallic phase survives up to arbitrarily low temperatures before being disrupted by magnetic fluctuations which open a gap in the charge sector. We study the formation of the heavy-electron state with emphasis on a crossover scale T* defined by the maximum in the resistivity versus temperature curve. The behavior of thermodynamic properties such as specific heat as well as spin and charge uniform susceptibilities are studied as the temperature varies in a wide range across T*. Within our accuracy T* compares well to the Kondo scale of the related single impurity problem. Finally our QMC resuls are compared with mean-field approximations.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Effect of Disorder on Fermi surface in Heavy Electron Systems

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    The Kondo lattice model with substitutional disorder is studied with attention to the size of the Fermi surface and the associated Dingle temperature. The model serves for understanding heavy-fermion Ce compounds alloyed with La according to substitution Ce{x}La{1-x}. The Fermi surface is identified from the steepest change of the momentum distribution of conduction electrons, and is derived at low enough temperature by the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) combined with the coherent potential approximation (CPA). The Fermi surface without magnetic field increases in size with decreasing x from x=1 (Ce end), and disappears at such x that gives the same number of localized spins as that of conduction electrons. From the opposite limit of x=0 (La end), the Fermi surface broadens quickly as x increases, but stays at the same position as that of the La end. With increasing magnetic field, a metamagnetic transition occurs, and the Fermi surface above the critical field changes continuously across the whole range of x. The Dingle temperature takes a maximum around x=0.5. Implication of the results to experimental observation is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Thermodynamic properties of the periodic Anderson model:X-boson treatment

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    We study the specific dependence of the periodic Anderson Model (PAM) in the limit of U=U=\infty employing the X-boson treatment in two fifferent regimes of the PAM: the heavy fermion Kondo (HF-K) and the heavy fermion local magnetic regime (HF-LMM). We obtain a multiple peak structure for the specific heat in agreement with experimental results as well as the increase of the electronic effective mass at low temperatures associated with the HF-K regime. The entropy per site at low T tends to zero in the HF-K regime, corresponding to a singlet ground state, and it tends to kBln(2)k_{B}ln(2) in the HF-LMM, corresponding to a doublet ground state at each site. The linear coefficient γ(T)=Cv/T\gamma(T)=C_{v}/T of the specific heat qualitatively agrees with the experimental results obtained for differents materials in the two regimes considered here.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figure

    gDsDK(892)g_{D^{\ast}_{s}D K^{\ast}(892)} and gBsBK(892)g_{B^{\ast}_{s}B K^{\ast}(892)} coupling constants in QCD sum rules

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    The coupling constants gDsDK(892)g_{D^{\ast}_{s}D K^{\ast}(892)} and gBsBK(892)g_{B^{\ast}_{s}B K^{\ast}(892)} are calculated in the framework of three-point QCD sum rules. The correlation functions responsible for these coupling constants are evaluated considering contributions of both D(B)D(B) and K(892)K^*(892) mesons as off-shell states, but in the absence of radiative corrections. The results, gDsDK(892)=(4.31±1.42)GeV1g_{D^{\ast}_{s}D K^{\ast}(892)}=(4.31\pm1.42) GeV^{-1} and gBsBK(892)=(3.24±1.08)GeV1g_{B^{\ast}_{s}B K^{\ast}(892)}=(3.24\pm1.08) GeV^{-1} are obtained for the considered strong coupling constants.Comment: 13 Pages and 11 Figure

    Coherence scale of the Kondo lattice

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    It is shown that the large-N approach yields two energy scales for the Kondo lattice model. The single-impurity Kondo temperature, TKT_K, signals the onset of local singlet formation, while Fermi liquid coherence sets in only below a lower scale, TT^{\star}. At low conduction electron density ncn_c ("exhaustion" limit), the ratio T/TKT^{\star}/T_K is much smaller than unity, and is shown to depend only on ncn_c and not on the Kondo coupling. The physical meaning of these two scales is demonstrated by computing several quantities as a function of ncn_c and temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figures. Minor changes. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Two energy scales and slow crossover in YbAl3

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    Experimental results for the susceptibility, specific heat, 4f occupation number, Hall effect and magnetoresistance for single crystals of YbAl3_{3} show that, in addition to the Kondo energy scale kBTKk_{B}T_{K} % \sim 670K, there is a low temperature scale Tcoh<50T_{coh}<50K for the onset of coherence. Furthermore the crossover from the low temperature Fermi liquid regime to the high temperature local moment regime is slower than predicted by the Anderson impurity model. These effects may reflect the behavior of the Anderson Lattice in the limit of low conduction electron density.Comment: Ten pages, including three figure

    Study of Δ(1232)\Delta(1232) isobar electroproduction at VEPP-2M e+ee^+e^- collider

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    Results from the Spherical Nonmagnetic Detector (SND) on Δ(1232)\Delta (1232) isobar electroproduction in the collisions of beam electrons (positrons) and residual gas nuclei in the VEPP-2M e+ee^+e^- collider are presented. On the basis of the obtained data the expected counting rate of this process in future high luminosity e+ee^+e^- colliders (~ϕ\phi-, cc-τ\tau- and bb-factories) was estimated.Comment: 7 pages LATEX and 3 figure

    Kondo engineering : from single Kondo impurity to the Kondo lattice

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    In the first step, experiments on a single cerium or ytterbium Kondo impurity reveal the importance of the Kondo temperature by comparison to other type of couplings like the hyperfine interaction, the crystal field and the intersite coupling. The extension to a lattice is discussed. Emphasis is given on the fact that the occupation number nfn_f of the trivalent configuration may be the implicit key variable even for the Kondo lattice. Three (P,H,T)(P, H, T) phase diagrams are discussed: CeRu2_2Si2_2, CeRhIn5_5 and SmS