1,340 research outputs found

    Moderating Effect of Trust in Managers on the Relation between Delegation of Authority and Managers’ Perceived Social Loafing

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    Delegation of authority is the manager’s transferral of his/her right of decision-making and implementation to subordinates. Delegation is widely acknowledged an essential element of effective management. Although delegation of authority is used as a managerial technique, employees might perceive it as either social loafing behaviour by their manager or an empowerment method. One of the purposes of the current study is to determine whether delegation of authority is perceived as a kind of social loafing behaviour or not. According to some researchers, trust affects how one interprets managers’ behaviours and the motives underlying them. If employees trust their managers, they become more positive about their managers and may even ignore some of their behaviours. Therefore, the second purpose of the current study is to investigate the moderating effect of trust on the relationship between the delegation of authority and subordinates’ perceptions of their managers’ social loafing. Data were collected from 243 employees working in a company. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to in order to measure linear and moderator effects. The results revealed that there is no relationship between the delegation of authority and perceived social loafing. Moreover, it was found that the level of trust in managers does not moderate this relationship. Interestingly, although it was not hypothesized, further analysis revealed that trust in manager is negatively related to the manager’s perceived social loafing. The implications of the study for research and practice are discussed and some suggestions are made for future research as well as the strengths and limitations of the study

    Kratkotrajno očuvanje sperme potočne pastrmke (salmo trutta macrostigma): delovanje ekstendera na pokretljivost

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    Cilj eksperimenta je bila procena spermatoloških parametara kratkotrajno čuvane sperme potočne pastrmke (Salmo trutta macrostigma) korišćenjem različitih ekstendera. Mleč je uzorkovan od odraslih mužjaka istiskanjem rukom, bez anestezije. Po određivanju najvažnijih karakteristika sperme (volumen, pokretljivost, trajanje pokretljivosti, gustina, pH) uzorci sperme koji su pokazali >80 pokretljivosti su prikupljeni i razblaženi u odnosu 1:3 sa tri različita ekstendera. Razblažena sperma je čuvana 72 sata na 4°C. Tokom čuvanja na svaka 24 h je procenjivan motilitet spermatozoida (%). U zaključku, rezultati studije su pokazali da se ekstender I pokazao boljim od druga 2 za kratkotrajno očuvanje sperme potočne pastrmke

    Effect of phytase supplementation of diets with different levels of phosphorus on performance and egg quality of laying hens in hot climatic conditions

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    Four hundred and eighty 54-week old Nick-Brown hens were assigned to four dietary treatments. Each treatment consisted of four replications of 10 cages (three hens per cage). The experimental diets were: 4.5 g available phosphorus (aP)/kg without phytase (control); 4.5 g aP/kg with phytase; 3.0 g aP/kg without phytase; 3.0 g aP/kg with phytase. Commercial microbial phytase, Natuphos(R), was added at 300 phytase unit (FTU) /kg diet. Diets were isonitrogenous (16.5% crude protein) and isoenergetic (11.5 MJ, ME/kg). Criteria evaluated included egg production, feed consumption, feed conversion, proportion of cracked/broken eggs, egg weight, eggshell weight, eggshell strength, eggshell thickness and body weight. Phytase supplementation to the control diet (4.5 g aP/kg) and the low 3.0 g aP/kg diet significantly increased hen-day egg production from 75.49 to 77.96% and from 64.59 to 76.54%, respectively. Average daily feed consumption was significantly different between treatments: Phytase supplementation to the control and the 3.0 g aP/kg diets increased daily feed consumption significantly from 101.31 to 103.43 g/day and from 95.24 to 101.69 g/day, respectively. There were no significant differences between the treatments in eggshell weight, eggshell thickness, eggshell strength and cracked/broken eggs. Phytase supplementation to the control (4.5 g aP/kg) and the 3.0 g aP/kg diets increased egg weight significantly from 62.66 to 64.32 g. and from 62.49 to 63.98 g, respectively. The beneficial effects of phytase supplementation to laying hen diets were clearly evident under the high ambient temperatures pertaining to this study. Hens consuming the 3.0 g aP/kg diet with phytase performed as well as hens fed the diet containing 4.5 g aP/kg without phytase. Key Words: Phytase, Laying hen, Available phosphorus, Performance, Ambient temperature SA Jnl Animal Sci Vol.34(1) 2004: 13-1

    Tongue and lingual salivary glands of the canary: scanning electron microscopy and histochemical study

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    In this study, morphological characteristics of the canary tongue were examined macroscopically and histologically besides using scanning electron microscopy. Furthermore, histochemical features of the lingual salivary glands of the canary were also examined. The results suggest that the tongue of the canary has an equilateral quadrangle shape is sloped towards the apex on its dorsal surface; where its sides are bounded by tall epithelial extensions. Additionally, histological examination showed that salivary glands were only present on the body of the tongue and there were no taste buds. However, the tongue has mechanical sen­sory cell groups in its subepithelial connective tissue. Histochemical examination, demonstrated that the salivary gland epithelial cells contained carbohydrates which were composed of acidic sialo-mucins

    Sebaceous Adenocarcinoma in a Cat

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    In this study, the sebaceous gland adenocarcinoma was presented in the external auditory canal of a 10-year-old female tabby cat. There were three tumoural masses located macroscopically in the external auditory canal in the dimensions of 0.2 × 0.5, 0.3 × 0.5, and 0.1 × 0.1 cm, and they were of hard consistency. The cut sections of these tumoural masses were of multilobular appearance and ranged from white to yellow colour. Histopathological examination revealed the presence of oval or round shaped tumour cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and cytoplasmic lipid vacuoles that were divided by fibrous tissue into lobules. Atypism and mitosis were not significant. Irregular necrotic areas and mononuclear cell infiltrations composed of lymphocytes and histiocytes were also observed. In conclusion, our laboratory service confirms that the sebaceous gland adenocarcinoma is a rarely occurring tumour in cats with specific histopathological lesions


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    To determine the possibility of self-stabilization effect for burden surface texture and gas flow in operating blast furnace under the proper conditions was experimentally proved for the first time, as well as the reasons of the effect disruption

    Evaluating adult cor triatriatum with total anomalous pulmonary venous connections by multidetector computed tomography angiography

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    A 19-year-old female patient was admitted to our hospital with dyspnea, chest pain, and shortness of breath. A chest radiograph showed mild cardiomegaly. Echocardiography revealed an extra chamber in the heart. To evaluate this abnormality, ECG-gated 16-detector-row computed tomography angiography was performed. Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT), showing cor triatriatum with total anomalous pulmonary venous connections (TAPVC), clearly revealed cardiac and vascular anatomy. ECG-gated cardiac MDCT is a useful tool for detection and characterisation of cor triatriatum and related anomalies. (Folia Morphol 2011; 70, 4: 312–314