1,445 research outputs found

    Application of Finite Strain Landau Theory To High Pressure Phase Transitions

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    In this paper we explain how to set up what is in fact the only possible consistent construction scheme for a Landau theory of high pressure phase transitions that systematically allows to take into account elastic nonlinearities. We also show how to incorporate available information on the pressure dependence of elastic constants taken from experiment or simulation. We apply our new theory to the example of the high pressure cubic-tetragonal phase transition in Strontium Titanate, a model perovskite that has played a central role in the development of the theory of structural phase transitions. Armed with pressure dependent elastic constants calculated by density functional theory, we give a both qualitatively as well as quantitatively satisfying description of recent high precision experimental data. Our nonlinear theory also allows to predict a number of additional elastic transition anomalies that are accessible to experiment.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Ab initio prediction of magnetically dead layers in freestanding γ\gamma-Ce(111)

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    It is well known that the surface of nonmagnetic α\alpha-Ce is magnetically ordered, i.e., γ\gamma-like. One then might conjecture, in agreement with previous theoretical predictions, that the γ\gamma-Ce may also exhibit at its surfaces even more strongly enhanced γ\gamma-like magnetic ordering. Nonetheless, our result shows that the (111)-surfaces of magnetic γ\gamma-Ce are neither spin nor orbitally polarized, i.e., α\alpha-like. Therefore, we predict, in contrast to the nonmagnetic α\alpha-phase which tends to produce magnetically ordered γ\gamma-like thin layers at its free surfaces, the magnetic γ\gamma-phase has a tendency to form α\alpha-like dead layers. This study, which explains the suppressed (promoted) surface magnetic moments of γ\gamma-Ce (α\alpha-Ce), shows that how nanoscale can reverse physical properties by going from bulk to the surface in isostructural α\alpha- and γ\gamma-phases of cerium. We predict using our freestanding surface results that a typical unreactive and non-diffusive substrate can dramatically influence the magnetic surface of cerium thin films in contrast to most of the uncorrelated thin films and strongly correlated transition metals. Our result implies that magnetic surface moments of α\alpha-Ce(111) can be suddenly disappeared by increasing lattice mismatch at the interface of a typical unreactive and non-diffusive substrate with cerium overlayers.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Charge order in Magnetite. An LDA+UU study

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    The electronic structure of the monoclinic structure of Fe3_3O4_4 is studied using both the local density approximation (LDA) and the LDA+UU. The LDA gives only a small charge disproportionation, thus excluding that the structural distortion should be sufficient to give a charge order. The LDA+UU results in a charge disproportion along the c-axis in good agreement with the experiment. We also show how the effective UU can be calculated within the augmented plane wave methods

    Electronic structure of copper intercalated transition metal dichalcogenides: First-principles calculations

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    We report first principles calculations, within density functional theory, of copper intercalated titanium diselenides, CuxTiSe2, for values of x ranging from 0 to 0.11. The effect of intercalation on the energy bands and densities of states of the host material is studied in order to better understand the cause of the superconductivity that was recently observed in these structures. We find that charge transfer from the copper atoms to the metal dichalcogenide host layers causes a gradual reduction in the number of holes in the otherwise semi-metallic pristine TiSe2, thus suppressing the charge density wave transition at low temperatures, and a corresponding increase in the density of states at the Fermi level. These effects are probably what drive the superconducting transition in the intercalated systems.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Valency of rare earths in RIn3 and RSn3: Ab initio analysis of electric-field gradients

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    In RIn3 and RSn3 the rare earth (R) is trivalent, except for Eu and Yb, which are divalent. This was experimentally determined in 1977 by perturbed angular correlation measurements of the electric-field gradient on a 111Cd impurity. At that time, the data were interpreted using a point charge model, which is now known to be unphysical and unreliable. This makes the valency determination potentially questionable. We revisit these data, and analyze them using ab initio calculations of the electric-field gradient. From these calculations, the physical mechanism that is responsible for the influence of the valency on the electric-field gradient is derived. A generally applicable scheme to interpret electric-field gradients is used, which in a transparent way correlates the size of the field gradient with chemical properties of the system.Comment: 10 page

    Implementation of screened hybrid functionals based on the Yukawa potential within the LAPW basis set

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    The implementation of screened hybrid functionals into the WIEN2k code, which is based on the LAPW basis set, is reported. The Hartree-Fock exchange energy and potential are screened by means of the Yukawa potential as proposed by Bylander and Kleinman [Phys. Rev. B 41, 7868 (1990)] for the calculation of the electronic structure of solids with the screened-exchange local density approximation. Details of the formalism, which is based on the method of Massidda, Posternak, and Baldereschi [Phys. Rev. B 48, 5058 (1993)] for the unscreened Hartree-Fock exchange are given. The results for the transition-energy and structural properties of several test cases are presented. Results of calculations of the Cu electric-field gradient in Cu2O are also presented, and it is shown that the hybrid functionals are much more accurate than the standard local-density or generalized gradient approximations

    Laser-induced spin protection and switching in a specially designed magnetic dot: A theoretical investigation

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    Most laser-induced femtosecond magnetism investigations are done in magnetic thin films. Nanostructured magnetic dots, with their reduced dimensionality, present new opportunities for spin manipulation. Here we predict that if a magnetic dot has a dipole-forbidden transition between the lowest occupied molecular orbital (LUMO) and the highest unoccupied molecular orbital (HOMO), but a dipole-allowed transition between LUMO+1 and HOMO, electromagnetically inducedtransparency can be used to prevent ultrafast laser-induced spin momentum reduction, or spin protection. This is realized through a strong dump pulse to funnel the population into LUMO+1. If the time delay between the pump and dump pulses is longer than 60 fs, a population inversion starts and spin switching is achieved. Thesepredictions are detectable experimentally.Comment: 6 pages, three figur

    Stabilization of the high-spin state of Co3+^{3+} in LaCo1−x_{1-x}Rhx_{x}O3_3

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    The rhodium doping in the LaCo1−x_{1-x}Rhx_{x}O3_3 perovskite series (x=0.02−0.5x=0.02-0.5) has been studied by X-ray diffraction, electric transport and magnetization measurements, complemented by electronic structure GGA+U calculations in supercell for different concentration regimes. No charge transfer between Co3+^{3+} and Rh3+^{3+} is evidenced. The diamagnetic ground state of LaCoO3_3, based on Co3+^{3+} in low-spin (LS) state, is disturbed even by a small doping of Rh. The driving force is the elastic energy connected with incorporation of a large Rh3+^{3+} cation into the matrix of small LS Co3+^{3+} cations, which is relaxed by formation of large Co3+^{3+} in high-spin (HS) state in the next-nearest sites to the inserted Rh atom. With increasing temperature, the population of Co3+^{3+} in HS state increases through thermal excitation, and a saturated phase is obtained close to room temperature, consisting of a nearest-neighbor correlation of small (LS Co3+^{3+}) and large (HS Co3+^{3+} and LS Rh3+^{3+}) cations in a kind of double perovskite structure. The stabilizing role of elastic and electronic energy contributions is demonstrated in supercell calculations for dilute Rh concentration compared to other dopants with various trivalent ionic radius.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure
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