7,460 research outputs found

    Readily fiberizable glasses having a high modulus of elasticity

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    New glass compositions yield composites having higher moduli of elasticity and specific moduli of elasticity than commercially available glasses. Over a reasonable temperature range the glasses have a viscosity of about 20,000 poises. They consist of silica, alumina, magnesia, and beryllia, plus at least one uncommon oxide

    High modulus invert analog glass compositions containing beryllia

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    Glass compositions having a Young's modulus of at least 15 million psi and a specific modulus of at least 110 million inches consisting essentially of, in mols, 10-45% SiO2, 2-15% Li2O, 3-34% BeO, 12-36% of at least one bivalent oxide selected from the group consisting of CaO, ZnO, MgO and CuO, 10-39% of at least one trivalent oxide selected from the group consisting of Al2O3, B2O3, La2O3, Y2O3 and the mixed rare earth oxides, the total number of said bivalent and trivalent oxides being at least three, and up to 10% of a tetravalent oxide selected from the group consisting of ZrO2, TiO2 and CeO2

    High modulus rare earth and beryllium containing silicate glass compositions

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    Glass compositions having a Young's modulus of at least 16 million psi and a specific modulus of at least 110 million inches consisting essentially of approximately, by weight, 20 to 43% SiO2, 8 to 21% Al2O3, 4 to 10% BeO, 27 to 58% of at least one oxide selected from a first group consisting of Y2O3, La2O3, Nd2O3, Ce2O3, Ce2O3, and the mixed rare earth oxides, and 3 to 12% of at least one oxide selected from a second group consisting of MgO, ZrO2, ZnO and CaO are described. The molar ratio of BeO to the total content of the first group oxides is from 1.0 to 3.0

    Determining and analyzing the strength and impact resistance of high modulus glass

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    An error was noticed recently in the computer program used to reduce the laboratory sonic measurements to tabulated values of Young's modulus of the bulk samples of experimental glasses. Correction of this error gave revised values for the last fifty experimental glasses prepared in this laboratory. This corrected data, when examined as input material for the calculation of Young's modulus of bulk glasses from composition by the C. J. Phillips procedure, resulted in new values for the contribution per mol of several oxides. The new value for the zinc oxide molal factor is especially significant since it is slightly greater than the factor for beryllia for the types of glasses melted in the UARL research program. This discovery provides a new tool in the search for nontoxic, i.e. without beryllia, high modulus glass fibers particularly when coupled with recent measurements that showed zinc oxide contributes significantly to increased impact strength. New glass compositions prepared in this period and the latest impact strength values measured are also included

    Investigation of the kinetics of crystallization of several high temperature glass systems Quarterly status report, 1 May - 31 Jun. 1970

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    Crystallization kinetics and impact tests of glass fiber-epoxy composite

    Determining and analyzing the strength and impact of high modulus glass

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    Mechanical properties and impact strength of UARL 417 experimental glas

    Investigation of the kinetics of crystallization of molten binary and ternary oxide systems Quarterly status report, 1 Mar. - 30 Nov. 1968

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    Glass composition preparation and research on crystallization kinetics of molten binary and ternary oxide systems of glas