24 research outputs found

    Low energy radioactive ion beams at SPES for nuclear physics and medical applications

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    Over the past decades many accelerator facilities have been built in order to produce radioactive nuclei. Among the falcility under construction, SPES (Selective Production of Exotic Species) is the Italian ISOL (Isotope Separation On Line) facility in the installation phase in these years in the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro. The innovative aspect of this facility is that the radioactive beam produced by fission induced by the proton beam, produced by a high power cyclotron, interact with a multi-disks uranium carbide target. The formed RIB will be sent directly to the low energy experimental area and, afterwards, to the post-acceleration complex. Currently the installation program concerning the SPES RIB source provides the set-up of the apparatus around the production bunker. The main objective of SPES project is to provide, in the next years, the first low-energy radioactive beams for beta decay experiments using the b-DS (beta Decay Station) set-up and for radiopharmaceutical applications by means of the IRIS (ISOLPHARM Radioactive Implantation Station) apparatus. In this work, all the specific issues related to the SPES RIB and the Low Energy beam lines will be reported. The main RIB systems, such as ion source systems, target-handling devices and the installation of low energy transport line, will be presented in detail

    COVID-19 Vaccination in Pregnancy, Paediatrics, Immunocompromised Patients, and Persons with History of Allergy or Prior SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Overview of Current Recommendations and Pre- and Post-Marketing Evidence for Vaccine Efficacy and Safety

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    Quelle due o tre tazze di t\ue8 verde: caso clinico.

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    Una signora si reca in Pronto soccorso per dolore epi-mesogastrico associato a nausea di cui soffre da qualche mese. Si riscontra un incremento delle ALT e un lieve aumento della bilirubina totale. La donna nega l\u2019assunzione recente e/o continua di farmaci, ma dichiara l\u2019assunzione quotidiana di due o tre tazze di infusi di t\ue8 verde. Gli esami sierologici risultano negativi e l\u2019analisi istologica documenta un danno \u201ctossico\u201d da farmaci. Alla sospensione dell\u2019assunzione del t\ue8 verde, i parametrici epatici rientrano

    Risk of febrile seizures associated with the Measles-Mumps-Rubella-Varicella Combination Vaccine (MMRV): data from spontaneous

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    In previous studies, associations between Measles-Mumps-Rubella Combination Vaccine (MMR) and increased risk for febrile seizures 1 to 2 weeks after vaccination were observed. Aim of this study is it analyze the data on febrile seizures by MMR, MMRV and varicella (VAR) in the Italian spontaneous reporting database. Cases has been defined as reports with the WHO-ART terms \u201cFever convulsions\u201d or \u201cFebrile seizures\u201d or reports including both any term related to seizures (eg \u201cConvulsions\u201d or \u201cconvulsions neonatal\u201d) and any term related to fever (eg fever neonatal or hyperpyrexia). Our results are in line with other published studies suggesting an increased risk of febrile seizures for the combined MMRV compared to a separate administration of MMR and VAR. However due to the limitations of spontaneous reporting further studies are needed to confirm this signal

    Acute hepatitis caused by green tea infusion: a case report .

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    The consumption of tea originated in Asia thousands of years ago and was introduced progressively all around the world. In the literature there are some reports of adverse hepatic reaction associated to green tea. We describe and discuss a case of acute hepatitis caused by the use of green tea infusion

    Identification of wild species of sunflower by a specific plastid DNA sequence

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    Four sunflower species, namely Helianthus annuus, H. argophyllus, H. debilis and H. tuberosus were characterized at the molecular level using the plastid trnH-psbA intergenic spacer. The trnH-psbA sequence was selected with the aim to develop a \u201cDNA barcode\u201d system (Kress et al, 2005) as a tool for species and specimens identification. The plastid region was PCR amplified with specific primers and sequenced with an ABI Prism 3730 Automated DNA sequencer. Intraspecific and interspecific sequence variation was evaluated to assess the resolution of the technique. Sequencing of both forward and reverse strands allowed for a high base calling accuracy and overcame the problem of polymerase slippage within microsatellite regions. After sequence editing a very low (or absent) intraspecific variability was detected, whereas interspecific variability due to SNPs, indels and SSR length was sufficient for an unambiguous identification of each species

    Ion-implantation and Annealing of Fe For Semiinsulating Layers Formation In Inp

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    We investigated the Fe ion implantation and annealing processes used to obtain semi-insulating buried layers in InP epitaxial structures for current confinement in laser device applications. SIMS and RBS-channeling were used as analytical tools. The results show that the annealing is a rather complicated process when the implant causes sample amorphization: high surface reactivity, anomalous dopant diffusion and segregation at damage sites together with inhomogeneous lattice reconstruction are observed