226 research outputs found

    Fine-Structure Map of the Histidine Transport Genes in \u3cem\u3eSalmonella typhimurium\u3c/em\u3e

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    Afine-structure genetic map of the histidine transport region of the Salmonella typhimurium chromosome was constructed. Twenty-five deletion mutants were isolated and used for dividing the hisJ and hisP genes into 8 and 13 regions respectively. A total of 308 mutations, spontaneous and mutagen induced, have been placed in these regions by deletion mapping. The histidine transport operon is presumed to be constituted of genes dhuA, hisJ, and hisP, and the regulation of the hosP and hisJ genes by dhuA is discussed. The orientation of this operon relative to purF has been established by three-point crosses as being: purF duhA hisJ hisP

    A novel approach for water quality management in water distribution systems by multi-objective booster chlorination

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    Copyright © 2012 International Journal of Civil EngineeringCompared to conventional chlorination methods which apply chlorine at water treatment plant, booster chlorination has almost solved the problems of high dosages of chlorine residuals near water sources and lack of chlorine residuals in the remote points of a water distribution system (WDS). However, control of trihalomethane (THM) formation as a potentially carcinogenic disinfection by-product (DBP) within a WDS has still remained as a water quality problem. This paper presents a two-phase approach of multi-objective booster disinfection in which both chlorine residuals and THM formation are concurrently optimized in a WDS. In the first phase, a booster disinfection system is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem in which the location of booster stations is determined. The objectives are defined as to maximize the volumetric discharge with appropriate levels of disinfectant residuals throughout all demand nodes and to minimize the total mass of disinfectant applied with a specified number of booster stations. The most frequently selected locations for installing booster disinfection stations are selected for the second phase, in which another two-objective optimization problem is defined. The objectives in the second problem are to minimize the volumetric discharge avoiding THM maximum levels and to maximize the volumetric discharge with standard levels of disinfectant residuals. For each point on the resulted trade-off curve between the water quality objectives optimal scheduling of chlorination injected at each booster station is obtained. Both optimization problems used NSGA-II algorithm as a multi-objective genetic algorithm, coupled with EPANET as a hydraulic simulation model. The optimization problems are tested for different numbers of booster chlorination stations in a real case WDS. As a result, this type of multi-objective optimization model can explicitly give the decision makers the optimal location and scheduling of booster disinfection systems with respect to the trade-off between maximum safe drinking water with allowable chlorine residual levels and minimum adverse DBP levels

    Spatial Scale Gap Filling Using an Unmanned Aerial System: A Statistical Downscaling Method for Applications in Precision Agriculture

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    Applications of satellite-borne observations in precision agriculture (PA) are often limited due to the coarse spatial resolution of satellite imagery. This paper uses high-resolution airborne observations to increase the spatial resolution of satellite data for related applications in PA. A new variational downscaling scheme is presented that uses coincident aerial imagery products from “AggieAir”, an unmanned aerial system, to increase the spatial resolution of Landsat satellite data. This approach is primarily tested for downscaling individual band Landsat images that can be used to derive normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and surface soil moisture (SSM). Quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate promising capabilities of the downscaling approach enabling effective increase of the spatial resolution of Landsat imageries by orders of 2 to 4. Specifically, the downscaling scheme retrieved the missing high-resolution feature of the imageries and reduced the root mean squared error by 15, 11, and 10 percent in visual, near infrared, and thermal infrared bands, respectively. This metric is reduced by 9% in the derived NDVI and remains negligibly for the soil moisture products

    A Nested K-Nearest Prognostic Approach for Microwave Precipitation Phase Detection over Snow Cover

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    Monitoring changes of precipitation phase from space is important for understanding the mass balance of Earth's cryosphere in a changing climate. This paper examines a Bayesian nearest neighbor approach for prognostic detection of precipitation and its phase using passive microwave observations from the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) satellite. The method uses the weighted Euclidean distance metric to search through an a priori database populated with coincident GPM radiometer and radar observations as well as ancillary snow-cover data. The algorithm performance is evaluated using data from GPM official precipitation products, ground-based radars, and high-fidelity simulations from the Weather Research and Forecasting model. Using the presented approach, we demonstrate that the hit probability of terrestrial precipitation detection can reach to 0.80, while the probability of false alarm remains below 0.11. The algorithm demonstrates higher skill in detecting snowfall than rainfall, on average by 10 percent. In particular, the probability of precipitation detection and its solid phase increases by 11 and 8 percent, over dry snow cover, when compared to other surface types. The main reason is found to be related to the ability of the algorithm in capturing the signal of increased liquid water content in snowy clouds over radiometrically cold snow-covered surface

    A faunistic study and population fluctuations of mites associated with stored wheat in Tehran region, Iran

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    In order to carry out a faunistic study on mites and their abundance in stored wheat in Tehran, Karaj and Varamin, mite samples were collected from stored wheat, straw and dust in silos, flour-mills and mills during spring 2005. Twenty-five species belonging to 11 families and three orders including Astigmata, Prostigmata and Mesostigmata were identified, of which five species, viz. Aleuroglyphus ovatus (Troupeau), Tyrolichus casei (Oudemans), Acarophenax tribolii (Newstead & Duvall), Cheyletus eruditus (Schrank) and Erythraeus garmsaricus Saboori et al., are newly recorded from wheat stores of Tehran province. The most abundant predator and pest mites were Acaropsellina sollers (Kuzin) (Cheyletidae) and Acarus siro (L.) (Acaridae), respectively. The highest observed number of mites was, in sequence: Tehran Silo, Ard-Iran flour-mill and Jafar Joshaghani mill

    DNS of the interaction of crossflow instabilities with forward-facing steps

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    Previous studies on the interaction between stationary crossflow (CF) vortices and a forward-facing step (FFS) have shown a significant influence on the laminar-turbulent transition (e.g. [1, 2]). In a recent experimental investigation, Rius-Vidales & Kotsonis [3] found that the effect of the step height on the transition location is non-monotonic. An unprecedented transition delay (w.r.t to the case without FFS) occurs when the incoming stationary CF vortices interact with a shallow FFS. Instead, the interaction with a higher FFS leads to an upstream advancement of the transition front location. The present work aims to numerically reproduce the experimental setup in [3] through direct numerical simulation (DNS). The current investigation’s final goal is to understand further the flow physics behind the observed behaviour in the experiments

    A Combination of Two Human Monoclonal Antibodies Limits Fetal Damage by Zika Virus in Macaques

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    Human infection by Zika virus (ZIKV) during pregnancy can lead to vertical transmission and fetal aberrations, including microcephaly. Prophylactic administration of antibodies can diminish or prevent ZIKV infection in animal models, but whether passive immunization can protect nonhuman primates and their fetuses during pregnancy has not been determined. Z004 and Z021 are neutralizing monoclonal antibodies to domain III of the envelope (EDIII) of ZIKV. Together the two antibodies protect nonpregnant macaques against infection even after Fc modifications to prevent antibody-dependent enhancement in vitro (ADE) and extend their half-lives. Here we report on prophylactic co-administration of the Fc-modified antibodies to pregnant rhesus macaques challenged 3 times with ZIKV during first and second trimester. The two antibodies did not entirely eliminate maternal viremia but limited vertical transmission protecting the fetus from neurologic damage. Thus, maternal passive immunization with two antibodies to EDIII can shield primate fetuses from the harmful effects of ZIKV

    Cationic Amino Acid Transporters and Salmonella Typhimurium ArgT Collectively Regulate Arginine Availability towards Intracellular Salmonella Growth

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    Cationic amino acid transporters (mCAT1 and mCAT2B) regulate the arginine availability in macrophages. How in the infected cell a pathogen can alter the arginine metabolism of the host remains to be understood. We reveal here a novel mechanism by which Salmonella exploit mCAT1 and mCAT2B to acquire host arginine towards its own intracellular growth within antigen presenting cells. We demonstrate that Salmonella infected bone marrow derived macrophages and dendritic cells show enhanced arginine uptake and increased expression of mCAT1 and mCAT2B. We show that the mCAT1 transporter is in close proximity to Salmonella containing vacuole (SCV) specifically by live intracellular Salmonella in order to access the macrophage cytosolic arginine pool. Further, Lysosome associated membrane protein 1, a marker of SCV, also was found to colocalize with mCAT1 in the Salmonella infected cell. The intra vacuolar Salmonella then acquire the host arginine via its own arginine transporter, ArgT for growth. The argT knockout strain was unable to acquire host arginine and was attenuated in growth in both macrophages and in mice model of infection. Together, these data reveal survival strategies by which virulent Salmonella adapt to the harsh conditions prevailing in the infected host cells