1,003 research outputs found

    The Integration of Religion and Culture to Construct Social Identity Through the Pukul Sapu Ritual in Mamala Village, Moluccas

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    The integration of religion and culture to build the discourse of social identity is an interesting issue. For Mamala, a village in the Moluccas, Indonesia, society consists of two embedded identities, namely religion and culture, in the construction of social identities. This research discusses religious and cultural integration in the construction of social identity by means of a flagellation ritual known as pukul sapu. This research applies qualitative methods to analyze qualitative data gathered through observation, in-depth interviews and document reviews. In particular, this research attempts to answer (a) why the pukul sapu ritual is performed by the Mamala community on the seventh day after Iedul Fitri, (b) how the ritual is carried out, (c) what elements are used in the ritual process, and (d) what meaning emerged in connection with the construction of their identity as Muslims and also as a society of customs. The research subjects consisted of a number of religious figures, customary figures, and people who are directed to participate in the review process of the ritual. This study shows that the ritual is regarded as a medium to construct the social identity (religion and culture). The integration of religion and culture in Mamala has proven that the social identity of this society includes religion and culture formed by dialectical processes, namely adaptation, relations, and negotiations between local traditions coupled with the influence of Javanese traditions. This, in fact, describes liquid social identity instead of static movement

    La surveillance des moyens de paiement et des systĂšmes d’échange.

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    Le premier rapport sur la surveillance des moyens de paiement et des systĂšmes d’échange de la Banque de France prĂ©sente le cadre dans lequel s’inscrit la mission de surveillance, le rĂ©sultat des Ă©valuations rĂ©alisĂ©es et les enjeux pour l’avenir.Surveillance, moyen de paiement, instrument de paiement, systĂšme d’échange, systĂšme de paiement, systĂšme de compensation et de rĂšglement d’instruments financiers.

    Performance improvements of a highly integrated digital electronic control system for an F-15 airplane

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    The NASA highly integrated digital electronic control (HIDEC) program is structured to conduct flight research into the benefits of integrating an aircraft flight control system with the engine control system. A brief description of the HIDEC system installed on an F-15 aircraft is provided. The adaptive engine control system (ADECS) mode is described in detail, together with simulation results and analyses that show the significant excess thrust improvements achievable with the ADECS mode. It was found that this increased thrust capability is accompanied by reduced fan stall margin and can be realized during flight conditions where engine face distortion is low. The results of analyses and simulations also show that engine thrust response is improved and that fuel consumption can be reduced. Although the performance benefits that accrue because of airframe and engine control integration are being demonstrated on an F-15 aircraft, the principles are applicable to advanced aircraft such as the advanced tactical fighter and advanced tactical aircraft

    Pusat Pendidikan Dan Pengembangan Anak Autis Di Manado ‘Implementasi Metode Lovaas Terhadap Ruang Dalam Arsitektur'

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    Anak merupakan generasi penerus bangsa yang, memiliki anak yang sehat tanpa kekurangan merupakan impian setiap pasangan, Namun tidak semua anak terlahir dengan sempurna tetapi ada juga anak yang lahir tidak sempurna yang terkadang sulit di terima oleh orang tua dan lingkungan sekitar, salah satu contohnya adalah anak Autis. Di Manado Autisme sudah sangat dikenal oleh masyarakat luas, tapi masih banyak juga yang belum mengetahui bahwa kelainan ini bisa disembuhkan, itu dibuktikan dengan masih kurangnya sekolah atau yayasan yang menangani / melakukan proses terapi penyembuhan kepada anak – anak autis. Menghadirkan suatu bangunan / fasilitas yang dapat mewadahi kegiatan pendidikan serta mengembangkan potensi dan prilaku anak autis serta menjadi tempat untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai autisme bagi masyarakat luas. Menyediakan wadah yang bisa menampung aktivitas – aktivitas yang berhubungan dengan anak autis itu sendiri, sehingga anak autis dapat berkembang dan dapat diterima oleh masyarakat. Dalam rancangan objek “Pusat Pendidikan Dan Pengembangan Anak Autis Di Manado” ini menggunakan tema “implementasi metode Lovaas terhadap ruang dalam arsitektur”, dimana metode Lovaas merupakan metode yang sering dilakukan para terapis/guru untuk penyembuhan / terapis bagi anak – anak autis dan anak – anak yang berprilaku khusus lainnya, yang kemudian dituangkan dalam perancangan ruang dalam serta sirkulasi dalam bangunan, sehingga arsitektur dapat berperan dalam proses penyembuhan anak autis
