691 research outputs found

    Inflation and Factor Shares

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    We use results from the literature on the determinants of price-cost margins to derive an equation relating labor's share of national income to the inflation rate (as well as to the output gap, the unemployment rate and the capital stock per worker). The equation is tested with a panel of 15 OECD countries. We obtain a robust positive relationship between inflation and the labor share. Our results suggest that disinflation is not distributively neutral, provide empirical support for the distinct concern about price stability shown by trade unions and employers' organizations, and help explaining the negative impact of inflation on growth.Inflation, Functional Distribution of Income, Markups.

    An extensive VLT/X-Shooter library of photospheric templates of pre-main sequence stars

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    Studies of the formation and evolution of young stars and their disks rely on the knowledge of the stellar parameters of the young stars. The derivation of these parameters is commonly based on comparison with photospheric template spectra. Furthermore, chromospheric emission in young active stars impacts the measurement of mass accretion rates, a key quantity to study disk evolution. Here we derive stellar properties of low-mass pre-main sequence stars without disks, which represent ideal photospheric templates for studies of young stars. We also use these spectra to constrain the impact of chromospheric emission on the measurements of mass accretion rates. The spectra in reduced, flux-calibrated, and corrected for telluric absorption form are made available to the community. We derive the spectral type for our targets by analyzing the photospheric molecular features present in their VLT/X-Shooter spectra by means of spectral indices and comparison of the relative strength of photospheric absorption features. We also measure effective temperature, gravity, projected rotational velocity, and radial velocity from our spectra by fitting them with synthetic spectra with the ROTFIT tool. The targets have negligible extinction and spectral type from G5 to M8. We perform synthetic photometry on the spectra to derive the typical colors of young stars in different filters. We measure the luminosity of the emission lines present in the spectra and estimate the noise due to chromospheric emission in the measurements of accretion luminosity in accreting stars. We provide a calibration of the photospheric colors of young PMS stars as a function of their spectral type in a set of standard broad-band optical and near-infrared filters. For stars with masses of ~ 1.5Msun and ages of ~1-5 Myr, the chromospheric noise converts to a limit of measurable mass accretion rates of ~ 3x10^-10 Msun/yr.Comment: Accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysics. The spectra of the photospheric templates will be uploaded to Vizier, but are already available on request. Abstract shortened for arxiv constraints. Language edited versio

    Connection between jets, winds and accretion in T Tauri stars: the X-shooter view

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    We have analysed the [OI]6300 A line in a sample of 131 young stars with discs in the Lupus, Chamaeleon and signa Orionis star forming regions, observed with the X-shooter spectrograph at VLT. The stars have mass accretion rates spanning from 10^{-12} to 10^{-7} Mo/yr. The line profile was deconvolved into a low velocity component (LVC, 40 km/s ), originating from slow winds and high velocity jets, respectively. The LVC is by far the most frequent component, with a detection rate of 77%, while only 30% of sources have a HVC. The [OI]6300 luminosity of both the LVC and HVC, when detected, correlates with stellar and accretion parameters of the central sources (i.e. Lstar , Mstar , Lacc , Macc), with similar slopes for the two components. The line luminosity correlates better with the accretion luminosity than with the stellar luminosity or stellar mass. We suggest that accretion is the main drivers for the line excitation and that MHD disc-winds are at the origin of both components. In the sub-sample of Lupus sources observed with ALMA a relationship is found between the HVC peak velocity and the outer disc inclination angle, as expected if the HVC traces jets ejected perpendicularly to the disc plane. Mass loss rates measured from the HVC span from ~ 10^{-13} to ~10^{-7} Mo/yr. The corresponding Mloss/Macc ratio ranges from ~0.01 to ~0.5, with an average value of 0.07. However, considering the upper limits on the HVC, we infer a ratio < 0.03 in more than 40% of sources. We argue that most of these sources might lack the physical conditions needed for an efficient magneto-centrifugal acceleration in the star-disc interaction region. Systematic observations of populations of younger stars, that is, class 0/I, are needed to explore how the frequency and role of jets evolve during the pre-main sequence phase.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Experimental evidence of delocalized states in random dimer superlattices

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    We study the electronic properties of GaAs-AlGaAs superlattices with intentional correlated disorder by means of photoluminescence and vertical dc resistance. The results are compared to those obtained in ordered and uncorrelated disordered superlattices. We report the first experimental evidence that spatial correlations inhibit localization of states in disordered low-dimensional systems, as our previous theoretical calculations suggested, in contrast to the earlier belief that all eigenstates are localized.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Physical Review Letters (in press

    Model Selection for Predicting the Return Time from Night Setback

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    Night setback is a common strategy used to reduce energy use in buildings. It involves increasing the cooling setpoint and decreasing the heating setpoint in a zone during unoccupied periods. To ensure occupant comfort and maximize energy savings, the zone temperature must be returned to the range defined by the occupied cooling and heating setpoints at occupancy, but not before. The time required to cool down or warm up a zone from a night setback condition is referred to as the return time and algorithms for predicting return time are commonly referred to as optimal start algorithms. Optimal start algorithms generally employ a model for predicting return time. This study describes the selection of separate return time models for cooling (i.e., a model for predicting the return time when cooling is required) and heating from 57 candidates. The following model forms were considered: τ = f (Tf - Ti), τ = f ((Tf - Ti), u), τ = f ((Tf - Ti), Tout), and τ = f ((Tf - Ti), u, Tout) where τ is the return time, Tf is the zone temperature at the end of the optimal start period, Ti is the zone temperature at the beginning of the optimal start period, u is exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) of the zone cooling or heating demand at the beginning of the optimal start period, and Tout is the outdoor air temperature at the beginning of the optimal start period. Computer simulations were used to generate year-long data sets relating return time to the model inputs. The simulations considered the influence of climate, building mass, controller tuning, zone orientation, and the unoccupied control strategy on the return time. In all, 140 cooling data sets and 104 heating data sets were generated. For each data set, least squares regression was performed to determine the parameters for each of the 57 models considered. The performance of each model was quantified using the average root mean square prediction error across all simulations. The study revealed that the best models for predicting return time use the zone temperature change and the EWMA of the zone cooling or heating demand as inputs. The EWMA of the zone cooling or heating demand provides an indication of the recent history of the cooling or heating load on a zone and can account for intermittent cooling or heating that is required to keep the zone temperature within the bounds of the unoccupied setpoints. Notably, outdoor air temperature, a common input in optimal start algorithms, is not used. To the best of the authors\u27 knowledge, zone cooling and heating demand have not been previously used as an input in an optimal start algorithm. The full paper will provide a detailed description of the simulations and model comparison undertaken in this study

    Animal Welfare Compromises Associated with Causes of Death in Neonatal Piglets.

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    (c) The Author/sThis pilot study aimed to assess the welfare impacts of different causes of pre-weaning deaths in piglets. Piglets that died between 0-7 days after birth (n = 106) were collected from two commercial pig farms and subject to post-mortem examination to confirm their cause of death as well as any contributing factors. Using the Five Domains Model, the most likely affective experiences associated with the pathological findings were carefully inferred to better understand affective experience as it related to known causes of liveborn piglet mortality. The most common causes of liveborn piglet mortality were starvation (23%), crushing (23%) and non-viable (21%). Thirty one piglets had evidence of starvation, but it was only considered the primary cause of death in 15 piglets, as cofactors such as poor viability (n = 13) were also present in many piglets with evidence of starvation. All 15 piglets that were crushed died within 24 h after birth and most had evidence of thoracic and/or abdominal internal bleeding. This study found that common causes of liveborn piglet death were associated with compromises in Domains 1 (Nutrition/hydration), 3 (Health/function), and4 (Behavioural interactions), with the most likely resulting affective states described in Domain 5 (Mental state). This highlights the interaction between physical/functional and situation-related (behavioural) aspects that influence an animals' welfare status.Published onlin

    Gaia DR2 view of the Lupus V-VI clouds: the candidate diskless young stellar objects are mainly background contaminants

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    Extensive surveys of star-forming regions with Spitzer have revealed populations of disk-bearing young stellar objects. These have provided crucial constraints, such as the timescale of dispersal of protoplanetary disks, obtained by carefully combining infrared data with spectroscopic or X-ray data. While observations in various regions agree with the general trend of decreasing disk fraction with age, the Lupus V and VI regions appeared to have been at odds, having an extremely low disk fraction. Here we show, using the recent Gaia data release 2 (DR2), that these extremely low disk fractions are actually due to a very high contamination by background giants. Out of the 83 candidate young stellar objects (YSOs) in these clouds observed by Gaia, only five have distances of 150 pc, similar to YSOs in the other Lupus clouds, and have similar proper motions to other members in this star-forming complex. Of these five targets, four have optically thick (Class II) disks. On the one hand, this result resolves the conundrum of the puzzling low disk fraction in these clouds, while, on the other hand, it further clarifies the need to confirm the Spitzer selected diskless population with other tracers, especially in regions at low galactic latitude like Lupus V and VI. The use of Gaia astrometry is now an independent and reliable way to further assess the membership of candidate YSOs in these, and potentially other, star-forming regions.Comment: Accepted for publication on Astronomy&Astrophysics Letter
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