101 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan Pembinaan Gelandangan dan Pengemis oleh Dinas Sosial Kota Pekanbaru

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    Social Service Pekanbaru function is to provide guidance to the Homeless and beggars by providing socialization, skills and decent jobs so that they do not return to beg in the streets, while the types of skills that are given Social Service pekanbaru form, though the skills of food, craft-making skills, the skills to make cakes and skills shoe soles.There are some barriers Social Service Pekanbaru to exercise Homeless and beggars in coaching to guide the Homeless and beggars in because of the limited budget and limited space for development due to the Social Service Pekanbaru not have the permanent place to stop coaching Implementation activities Homeless and beggars.The concept of the theory that researchers use the concept of organizational development coaching goal itself to gain awareness in a person must know himself, herself to be able to change someone better, more advanced, more positive. Without knowing yourself, too difficult or even impossible someone would change himself.This study uses qualitative research methods to study descriptive data. In collecting the data, researchers use interviewing techniques, observation and study of literature. By using key informants and informant as a supplementary source of information.These results indicate that the guidance provided Social Service Pekanbaru is insufficient it can be seen from the number of Homeless and beggars in the city of Pekanbaru lack of permanent shelters for conducting the implementation of the guidance.Keywords: Implementation of coaching Homeless and begga

    Jenis-jenis Ikan Yang Diperdagangkan Di Pasar Kecamatan Rambah Samo Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    This study aims to determine the types of fish that are traded in the market Rambah Samo District of Rokan Hulu. This study is a qualitative research method survey, done in January 2015. Diving research in 18 species of fish that can be found in the District of Rambah Samo market Rokan Hulu, namely fish species kapiek (Barbodes schwanenfeldii), Cork fish (Channa striata) , fish Local catfish (Clarias batrachus), carp (Cyprinus carpio), fish African catfish (Clarias gariepinus), tuna (Euthynnus affinis), fish Barau (Hampala macrolepidota), fish tilan (Mastacembelus erythrotaenia) baung fish (Mystus nemurus) , fish silais (Ompok hypophthalmus), tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), carp (Pristolepis grooti) fish (Osphronemus gouramy), catfish (Pangasius pangsius) fish bag (Pristolepis grooti), lemongrass fish (Rastrerlliger kanagurta) mackerel (Rastrelliger faunghni), bada fish (Rasbora caudimaculata), fish sapek (Trichhogaster leerii)

    Uji Kandungan Protein Dan Lemak Pada Ikan Bada (Pisces:rasbora Spp.) Di Sungai Kumu Kecamatan Rambah Hilir Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the protein and fat content of bada fish (Pisces: Rasbora spp.) In Kumu River, District Rambah Hilir, Rokan Hulu. This study was conducted from December 2016 to January 2017. This type of research is quantitative research with the Kjeldahl method and Soxhlet methods. The result is Rasbora caudimaculata protein content of 1.89 %, R. argyrotaenia 6.67 %, R. trilineata 2,64 %,R. elegans 2,32 %,R. rutteni 3.44%. Fat content is obtained Rasbora caudimaculata 17%, R. argyrotaenia 1.5 %,R. trilineata 3%, R. elegans 1%, R. rutteni 1.5%

    Keanekaragaman Ikan Bada (Pisces: Rasbora) Di Sungai Kumu Pasir Pengaraian Rokan Hulu Riau

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    Study on diversity of bada fish (Pisces: Rasbora) in Kumu River Pasir Pengaraian Rokan Hulu, Riau has been conducted from July to September 2014 by using the survey method. Samples were collected with gill nets, acting nets, hooks and trap by stratified sampling method with three repetitions in upperstream, middlestream, and downstream. Result showed, five species were found as Rasbora caudimaculata, R. argyrotaenia, R. trilineata, R. elegans, and R. rutteni. The environmental factors that affect diversity of the fish were temperature, pH, depth, current speed, DO, BOD5, and CO2, while the TSS was not affect

    Efektifitas Penggunaan Media Bantu dan Koordinasi Mata-kaki terhadap Peningkatan Ketepatan Tendangan Melambung (Long Pass) dalam Permainan Sepakbola (Study Eksperimen pada Mahasiswa Pembinaan Prestasi Sepakbola Jpok Fkip Uns)

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    This study used an experimental study. The population of this study is the students of achievement coaching football of JPOK FKIP UNS in the year 2013 amounted to 90 students. The use of sampling technique was proporsional random sampling. From the population of 90 students was taken 45 students based on the test result of ancle coordination ability which is classified into three: the ancle coordination ability in high, medium and low. The sample used 15 students for the ancle coordination ability in high category, 15 students for the ancle coordination ability in medium category and 15 students for the ancle coordination ability in low category. The technique of collecting data used tests and measurements. The data which is collected namely the ability of ancle coordination with “soccer wall volley test” from Ismaryati (2006: 54-56) and long pass kick test from Soekatamsi ( 1988: 258). The technique of analysis data is ANAVA 3 X 3 and Newman Keuls test.The result of the study were obtained as follows : (1) There is the difference of influence in using of aids media circle target exercise, aids media wall, and aids media goal target exercise towards the accuracy of long pass kick on the football game on the students of achievement coaching football of JPOK FKIP UNS in the year 2013. (2)2There is a significant difference in influencing of the ancle coordination ability in high, medium and low towards the accuracy of long pass kick on the football game on the students of achievement coaching football of JPOK FKIP UNS in the year 2013. (3) There is no interaction significant but there is a tendency to interact between the use of aids media circle target exercise, aids media wall, and aids media goal target exercise towards the accuracy of long pass kick on the football game on the students of achievement coaching football of JPOK FKIP UNS in the year 2013

    Jenis - Jenis Ikan Selais (Pisces: Siluridae) Di Sungai Kumu Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Provinsi Riau

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    This study about species of selais fish (Pisces: Siluridae) in Kumu river Rokan Hulu Regency Riau Province which has been carried out from July to September 2014. The study was conducted by survey method mean while samples were collected by stratified sampling method. Samples were caught later identified and analyzed by describing the fish until species that were obtained from catching by usinggill nets, fish netand fishing with three repetitions on the upperstream, middlestream and downstream. Results showed 114 individual of selais fish were found with five species, namely Ompok eugeneiatus, O. hypophthalmus, Kryptopterus schilbeides, K.mononema, K.limpo

    Relationship Between Lead Exposure and Insomnia on Levy Officers Indralaya Ogan Ilir Terminal 2014

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    Background: One of the air pollutants is lead (Pb) that comes from motor vehicle emissions. Pb in the form of Tetra Ethyl Lead (TEL) and Tetra Methyl Lead (TML), is added into gasoline to increase the octane value. The increased traffic flow of motor vehicles also increases the level of lead in the air and in the human body that is exposed to Pb constantly, so that it is needed to be monitored by ambient monitoring and personal monitoring. One of the risky jobs to be exposed to Pb per day is a retribution officer in Indralaya Ogan Ilir public transport station. Indralaya station accommodates at least 2,300 public motor vehicles/day. One of the symptomps of lead toxicity effect is sleeping disorder called insomnia. Based on preliminary survey results with 6 respondents from 40 retribution officers,it was found that 66.7% of officers have insomnia. Hence, it is necessary to analyze the insidence of insomnia. Method: The design of this research was cross sectional. A sample of size of 38 respondents was selected purposively in East Post and West Post of Indralaya public transport station. Information were collected through interview, measurement, and laboratory analysis. The data were analyzed using univariat and bivariate methods. The results were presented in tables. Result: The results showed that insomnia was related to lead concentration in the hair (p-value 0.01), coffee consumption (p-value 0.04) and energy drink consumption (p-value 0.04). Moreover, insomnia was not related to age (p-value 1.00), period of work (p-value 0.2), marital status (p-value 0.2), smoking (p-value 1.00) and drug consumption (p-value 0.3) with insomnia. Conclusion: There was relationship between lead exposure and insomnia. It is suggested to improve work pattern and individual lifestyles in order to obtain better quality of sleeping
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