46 research outputs found
In the present article we investigate the demand side of the market from the
aspect of moving toward an environmentally aware society as an idea. What
are the motivating factors of purchase decisions that regulation in the
widest sense can analyse and react on? In what cases can we consider these
decisions as environmentally aware? If we would like to gain information
about or influence such decisions can we measure the level of environmental
awareness, the intensity of motives? If we can measure these, what are the
methods we can or should use and what can we expect as a result? These
questions are intended to be thought-provoking as the uncertainty is quite
high about how to get a non-biased picture of environmental preferences of
the customer side
Computational and experimental investigations on a tuneable spatial heterodyne spectrometer
Spatial heterodyne spectrometers (SHS) are interference based instruments for obtaining spectroscopic information in the UV and visible ranges. In this current study we are representing our experimental and computational findings about a tuneable SHS instrument
While on a world-wide scale Hungary is a key greenhouse gas emitter neither on an
absolute nor on a per capita basis, Hungary recognizes the significance of
limiting its
greenhouse gas emissions. This paper is based on the Hungarian contribution to
a two-year, ten-country research effort, funded by UNEP, aimed at developing a
state-of-the-art methodology for the understanding of the economics of greenhouse gas abatement.
This paper concentrates on the challenges of the implementation of greenhouse gas
mitigation measures. While Hungary has an important cost-effective potential for
reducing the emission of carbon dioxide by improving energy efficiency, the
implementation of this mitigation strategy is a complex and challenging task. The
implementation and financing of energy efficiency measures require the
targeting of close to 4 million households, and a wide variety of actors, including
banks, the industry, government, international and multilateral organisations, and
NGOs. Thus, developing an implementation strategy requires a clear understanding of
the existing structures, barriers, and experiences to date. This paper provides a
strategic framework for the implementation of demand-side energy efficiency, and
examines a case study, the tool of energy efficiency labelling and standards, within this
A bioetanol magyarországi bevezetésének műszaki, gazdasági és környezetvédelmi feltételei
Tanulmányunkban a bioetanol magyarországi bevezetĂ©sĂ©nek lehetĹ‘sĂ©gĂ©t egy Ăşj, mĂ©g kevĂ©sbĂ© ismert alkalmazási terĂĽleten, a dĂzelmotoros járművek pĂ©ldáján mutatjuk be. IsmerkedjĂĽnk meg közelebbrĹ‘l az egyik legelterjedtebb növĂ©nyi eredetű motorhajtĂłanyaggal, a bioetanollal
A magyar közlekedéspolitika stratégiai környezeti vizsgálata
A stratégiai környezeti vizsgálatok nemzetközi szakirodalmából származó tapasztalatokkal összhangban a közlekedéspolitika vizsgálatához a stratégiai környezeti vizsgálat szélesebb értelmezésének elfogadásával egy általános fenntarthatósági vizsgálat elvégzésére irányuló módszer kidolgozását kezdeményeztük.
Ennek keretében a közlekedéspolitika cél- és intézkedési rendszerét elemeztük a célok belső és külső konzisztenciája szempontjából, illetve az egyes célokat összevetettük a fenntarthatóság kritériumaival
Generation of high-order harmonics with tunable photon energy and spectral width using double pulses
This work theoretically investigates high-order harmonic generation in rare
gas atoms driven by two temporally delayed ultrashort laser pulses. Apart from
their temporal delay, the two pulses are identical. Using a single-atom model
of the laser-matter interaction it is shown that the photon energy of the
generated harmonics is controllable within the range of one eV -- a bandwidth
comparable to the photon energy of the fundamental field -- by varying the time
delay between the generating laser pulses. It is also demonstrated that
high-order harmonics generated by double pulses have advantageous
characteristics, which mimick certain properties of an extreme ultraviolet
(XUV) monochromator. With the proposed method, a simpler setup at a much lower
cost and comparatively higher spectral yield can be implemented in contrast to
other approaches.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, after peer-review, corrected typo in author lis
Liquid-cooled modular gas cell system for high-order harmonic generation using high average power laser systems
We present the design and implementation of a new, modular gas target suitable for high-order harmonic generation using high average power lasers. To ensure thermal stability in this high heat load environment, we implement an appropriate liquid cooling system. The system can be used in multiple-cell configurations, allowing us to control the cell length and aperture size. The cell design was optimized with heat and flow simulations for thermal characteristics, vacuum compatibility, and generation medium properties. Finally, the cell system was experimentally validated by conducting high-order harmonic generation measurements using the 100 kHz high average power HR-1 laser system at the Extreme Light Infrastructure Attosecond Light Pulse Source (ELI ALPS) facility. Such a robust, versatile, and stackable gas cell arrangement can easily be adapted to different experimental geometries in both table-top laboratory systems and user-oriented facilities, such as ELI ALPS
Generation of high-order harmonics with tunable photon energy and spectral width using double pulses
This work theoretically investigates high-order harmonic generation in rare-gas atoms driven by two temporally delayed ultrashort laser pulses. Apart from their temporal delay, the two pulses are identical. Using a single-atom model of the laser-matter interaction it is shown that the photon energy of the generated harmonics is controllable within the range of one eV-a bandwidth comparable to the photon energy of the fundamental field-by varying the time delay between the generating laser pulses. It is also demonstrated that high-order harmonics generated by double pulses have advantageous characteristics, which mimick certain properties of an extreme ultraviolet monochromator. With the proposed method, a simpler setup at a much lower cost and comparatively higher spectral yield can be implemented in contrast to other approaches