144 research outputs found
Diastereochemical Differentiation of β-Amino Acids Using Host–Guest Complexes Studied by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry
Host–guest complexes where tetraethyl resorcarene was the host molecule were used to study the stereoselectivity of diasteromeric pairs of di-endo- and di-exo-2,3-disubstituted norbornane and norbornene amino acids by ion–molecule reactions and collision-induced dissociation with electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI FT-ICR MS). Both methods showed stereoselectivity for the diastereomeric pairs. Particularly high selectivity was achieved for di-endo- and di-exo-2,3-disubstituted norbornane amino acids with ion–molecule reactions. Also, ab initio and hybrid density functional theory calculations were performed to study the different structures of the host–guest complexes. Hydrogen bonding was crucial for the calculated lowest energy structures, and sterical considerations satisfactorily explained the ion–molecule reaction results
Chiral Differentiation of Some Cyclopentane and Cyclohexane β-Amino Acid Enantiomers Through Ion/Molecule Reactions
Chiral differentiation of four enantiomeric pairs of β-amino acids, cis-(1R,2S)-, cis-(1S,2R)-, trans-(1R,2R)-, and trans-(1S,2S)-2-aminocyclopentanecarboxylic acids (cyclopentane β-amino acids), and cis-(1R,2S)-, cis-(1S,2R)-, trans-(1R,2R)-, and trans-(1S,2S)-2-aminocyclohexanecarboxylic acids (cyclohexane β-amino acids) was performed successfully by using host–guest complexes and ion/molecule reactions. The experiments were conducted by using electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. The effect of a chiral host molecule was tested by using three different host compounds; (+)-(18-Crown-6)-2,3,11,12-tetracarboxylic acid, (−)-(18-Crown-6)-2,3,11,12-tetracarboxylic acid, and β-cyclodextrin. This is the first time that small enantiomeric pairs with two chiral centers have been differentiated using ion/molecule reactions and host–guest complexes
Introduction: Climbing consists in raising or moving the body using the arms or the arms and legs from a suspension or a holding position...climbing with the arms and legs recruits the muscles of the entire body, in particular the core and upper limbs. Objectives: Our primary goal is to find out how often the subjects from Romania are engaged in climbing activities and what the most popular types of climbing are. Methods: Throughout the school period of March 4, 2019 to March 11, 2019, 83 (46 boys with a mean age of 12.84±1.24, and 37 girls with a mean age of 12.83±1. 23) children were examined. 68.7% of the children were urban residents and 31.3% were rural residents. Results: On a weekly basis, 14.5% of respondents experience some form of climbing. The 64% of respondents say that their school gym has equipment (rope, rod, ribbed wall) that is suitable for practicing climbing. 89.2% of respondents have been climbing a forest adventure park at least once. However, 30% of these have been at least 5 times and another 35% 3-4 times in an adventure park. Discussion: Climbing is a movement skill that needs to be taught. Its teaching is prescribed in current and older Romanian school curricula. The teaching of its simpler forms in almost every school could be possible by a physical educator or teacher. It would be important to teach and practice as it has many benefits for children, as studies have shown. Conclusion: The interviewed children have already tried several types of climbing, among which tree climbing dominates. Of the climbs which use safety equipment, indoor and obstacle course climbs are more common.
REZUMAT. Prevalența activităților de cățărare la copii de 11-15 ani din România: un studiu pilot transversal. Introducere: cățărarea constă în ridicarea și deplasarea corpului folosind doar brațele sau simultan membrele inferioare și superioare dintr-o poziție suspendată. În cățărare sunt angrenați toți mușchii corpului, mai ales ai brațelor și ai trunchiului. Obiective: obiectivul principal al acestui studiu este de a afla cât de frecvent sunt implicați subiecții din România în activități de cățărare și care sunt cele mai populare tipuri de cățărare. Metode: în perioada 4 martie 2019 - 11 martie 2019, au fost examinați 83 de copii (46 de băieți cu o vârstă medie de 12,84 ± 1,24 ani și 37 de fete cu o vârstă medie de 12,83 ± 1,23 ani). 68,7% dintre copii erau din mediul urban și 31,3% din mediul rural. Rezultate: 14.5% dintre copii practică cu frecvență săptămânală cel puțin o formă a cățărării. 64% dintre ei au răspuns că sala lor de sport este dotată cu diferite echipamente pentru practicarea cățărării (frânghie, bară, spalier). 89.2% dintre copii au fost deja într-un parc de aventură forestier. Discuții: cățărarea este o deprindere motrică care trebuie învățată. Predarea acesteia a fost și este prevăzută în programele școlare actuale și cele vechi. Învățarea formelor simple ale cățărârii ar putea fi posibilă de către un profesor de educație fizică sau de învățătoarele claselor primare. Practicarea acesteia ar fi importantă, deoarece are numeroase beneficii fizice pentru practicanți, așa cum au arătat unele studii. Concluzii: copiii intervievați au încercat deja mai multe tipuri de cățărare, printre care domină cățărarea pe copaci. Dintre acele tipuri care folosesc echipamente de siguranță sunt mai frecvente cățărările la sală și cele pe obstacole în parcuri de aventură.
Cuvinte cheie: cățărare, cățărare pe obstacole, parc de aventură forestier, activitate fizică
Can Triplet Loss Be Used for Multi-Label Few-Shot Classification? A Case Study
Few-shot learning is a deep learning subfield that is the focus of research nowadays. This paper addresses the research question of whether a triplet-trained Siamese network, initially designed for multi-class classification, can effectively handle multi-label classification. We conducted a case study to identify any limitations in its application. The experiments were conducted on a dataset containing Hungarian legal decisions of administrative agencies in tax matters belonging to a major legal content provider. We also tested how different Siamese embeddings compare on classifying a previously non-existing label on a binary and a multi-label setting. We found that triplet-trained Siamese networks can be applied to perform classification but with a sampling restriction during training. We also found that the overlap between labels affects the results negatively. The few-shot model, seeing only ten examples for each label, provided competitive results compared to models trained on tens of thousands of court decisions using tf-idf vectorization and logistic regression
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