27 research outputs found

    Study on Optimization of Wet Milling Process for the Development of Albendazole Containing Nanosuspension with Improved Dissolution

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    The main objective of this work was to show the potential of the optimization of top-down wet planetary bead milling process parameters (milling speed, process time and size of the milling medium) by Design Of Experiments (DOE) approach for the development of albendazole (ABZ) containing nanosuspension with improved dissolution. In addition, the influence of process parameters (capacity of milling container, applied volume of milling beads, size of the milling medium, milling speed, milling time) on ABZ polymorphic transition has also been investigated. The optimized, milled formula yielded ~ 145.39 times reduction in mean particle size (182.200 ± 1.3130 nm) compared to unmilled dispersion, which demonstrated 13.50 times gain in mean dissolution rate value compared to the unmilled dispersion in medium at pH = 1.2. No lag time values were observed in the dissolution kinetics of the nanosuspension in comparison with the unmilled samples. Moreover, maximal mean solubility value was also improved by 1.45 times compared to the unmilled suspension, in medium at pH = 6.8, supporting the significance of the Ostwald-Freundlich equation. Diffraction pattern comparisons have indicated a polymorphic transition of albendazole to Form II, which was more pronounced in smaller container at high milling speed values and prolonged operation

    A Felső-kiskunsági záródó homokpusztagyepek (Festucetum wagneri) természetvédelmi szempontból kitüntetett jelentőségű növényfajainak termőhelyi jellemzése

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    A homoki termőhelyeken a növényzet fajösszetételének és abundanciaviszonyainak meghatározásában a termőhelyi jellemzők kiemelt jelentőséggel bírnak. A záródó homokpusztagyepek (Festucetum wagneri) finom léptékű mintázatainak megismeréshez jó alapot nyújthat, ha az ősgyepek fajkészletének termőhelyi igényeit meghatározzuk. Vizsgálataink során 208 db, egyenként 50x50 cm-es kvadrátban cönológiai felvételt készítettünk, majd a két legfelső talajszint megmintázásával összesen 416 talajmintát gyűjtöttünk. Meghatároztuk a talajminták mész- és humusztartalmát, szemcseméret összetételét és színmeghatározást is végeztünk. A statisztikai elemzések során varianciaanalízist és főkomponens analízist használtunk. A vizsgálatok eredményei egyrészt rámutatnak egy, az edafikus tényezők szerinti finom, de határozottan kirajzolódó niche szegregációra, másrészt lehetővé teszik a jövőbeli élőhely-rekonstrukciók során az edafikus viszonyoknak megfelelő termőhely-specifikus fajkészlet kiválasztását és alkalmazását

    Continuous Manufacturing of Homogeneous Ultralow-Dose Granules by Twin-Screw Wet Granulation

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    Homogeneous ultralow-dose (30 mg) tablets were prepared from perfectly free-flowing granules manufactured by continuous Twin-Screw Wet Granulation. The gravimetrically fed mixture of lactose and potato starch of low particle size was successfully agglomerated and the size enlargement technology proved to be very robust. Since the incorporated drug was dissolved in ethanol-based granulation liquid, the resulting homogeneity largely depended on the dosing of the applied liquid administering units.A peristaltic pump generated higher deviation of the drug content in tablets (Relative Standard Deviation (RSD): 7.7 %) compared to a syringe pump (RSD: 2.3 %) or a piston pump (RSD: 4.6 %). This is due to the pulsation of the liquid flow generated by the peristaltic pump according to the real-time measured mass of the fed liquid. A good correlation was found between the RSD of the liquid mass flow (calculated from the recorded masses) and the RSD of the drug content. Based on the results, the goodness of Content Uniformity, as the most relevant critical quality attribute of low-dose products, was determined by the characteristics of the applied dosing units. The feeding characteristic of the different pumps could be easily measured by the introduced balance-based method and therefore, the applicability of the pumps could be evaluated

    Homogenization of Amorphous Solid Dispersions Prepared by Electrospinning in Low-Dose Tablet Formulation

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    Low-dose tablet formulations were produced with excellent homogeneity based on drug-loaded electrospun fibers prepared by single-needle as well as scaled-up electrospinning (SNES and HSES). Carvedilol (CAR), a BCS II class compound, served as the model drug while poly (vinylpyrrolidone-co-vinyl acetate)(PVPVA64) was adopted as the fiber-forming polymer. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging was used to study the morphology of HSES and SNES samples. Different homogenization techniques were compared to maximize homogeneity: mixing in plastic bags and in a high-shear granulator resulting in low-shear mixing (LSM) and high-shear mixing (HSM). Drug content and homogeneity of the tablets were measured by UV-Vis spectrometry, the results revealed acceptably low-dose fluctuations especially with formulations homogenized with HSM. Sieve analysis was used on the final LSM and HSM powder mixtures in order to elucidate the observed differences between tablet homogeneity. Tablets containing drug-loaded electrospun fibers were also studied by Raman mapping demonstrating evenly distributed CAR within the corpus