35 research outputs found

    Why is it so rare and random to find pyre sites? Two cremation experiments to understand the characteristics of pyre sites and their investigational possibilities

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    The cremation rite is well-defined in space and time as it is the central part of a series of complex ritual events. Although it is one of the most significant and representative elements of the funeral, yet we know very little about it due to its destructive nature, the scarcity of pyre sites and the indirect character of cremated bones and artefacts found in graves. The two experimental cremations presented in this article, on the one hand, address this rare occurrence of pyre sites. On the other hand, by the detailed documentation of the cremation process and the formation of pyre sites, it is possible to examine in detail several new issues related to the pyre sites. Thus, the shape, orientation, dimension, and structure of the funeral pyre, as well as some moments of the cremation are discussed in detail. Furthermore, the representation of the body and pyre goods after the pyre’s burndown, the movement of artefacts during burning, and the watering of pyre remains, as well as the problem of the mixture are also examined. At the same time, the experimental observations also draw attention, besides the investigational possibilities, to the archaeological limitations of pyre sites

    The Ritual Role of Wells beyond their Everyday Water-providing Function

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    In 2011, in the Late Bronze Age settlement of Pusztataskony-Ledence, situated next to the Tisza River, a timber lined well (Kastenbrunnen, rováskút) with a preserved wooden structure and a large number of finds came to light. Based on the position, composition, and quality of the abundant finds found in the well infill, it is possible to reconstruct the manipulation and special treatment of household waste and its structured deposit at the well bottom. Throughout history, a series of diverse and complex rituals connected directly or indirectly to wells can be observed. This role derives from the close connection of man to water and the well. This function may appear earlier in the Life stage of the well’s life cycle, however, it culminates in the phase of Afterlife. By studying the Afterlife of the Pusztataskony well and other prehistoric examples, we attempt to outline and understand this special relationship. At the same time, we aim to define the archaeological characteristics and criteria to identify these ritual functions and meanings

    Preliminary report on the excavation of a new Late Bronze Age cemetery from Jobbágyi (North Hungary)

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    During the summer of 2014 an archaeological team of the Institute of Archaeological Sciences of the Eötvös Loránd University participated in the excavations preceding the expansion of main road No. 21 in Nógrád County.1 This project provided an opportunity to unearth a section of a large, biritual Late Bronze Age cemetery in the vicinity of the village of Jobbágyi

    Late Bronze Age cremation burials: a complex event with few remains

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    The process of Late Bronze Age cremation rite burials may appear at first glance – due to incineration – to be a type of find that is extremely short on data. However, an analysis of the cremated human remains and the small amount of ceramic and metal grave goods from the perspectives of the history of the event and object biography can contain enough information to provide a basis for determining the roles and functions of the objects found in the cremation/burial process

    A késő bronzkori hamvasztásos temetkezés: összetett esemény kevés maradvánnyal

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    A késő bronzkori hamvasztásos rítusú temetkezés folyamata – az égetésnek köszönhetően – első ránézésre erősen adathiányos leletcsoportnak tűnhet. Az elhamvasztott emberi maradványok és a kevés kerámia- és fémmelléklet eseménytörténeti és tárgybiográfiai szemléletű elemzése mégis hordoz annyi információt, amelynek alapján a sírban talált tárgyak szerepe és az égetés/temetés folyamatában betöltött funkciója meghatározhatóvá válik

    Preliminary report on the excavation of the site TiszakĂĽrt-Zsilke-tanya

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    Colleagues of the Institute of Archaeological Sciences of the Eötvös Loránd University performed a rescue excavation at the site of Tiszakürt-Zsilke-tanya in 2018, within the series of excavations preceding the construction of the M44 motorway. Neolithic, Sarmatian, and Avar Age settlement sections and burials came to light on the hills situated on the left bank of the Tisza River. This preliminary report presents their most important finds and phenomena

    Cellular and molecular mechanisms in the two major forms of inflammatory bowel disease

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    The factors involved in the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, the two major types of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are summarized. Intestinal antigens composed of bacterial flora along with antigen presentation and impaired mucosal barrier have an important role in the initiation of IBD. The bacterial community may be modified by the use of antibiotics and probiotics. The dentritic cells recognize the antigens by cell surface Toll like receptor and the cytoplasmic CARD/NOD system. The balance between Th1/Th2/Th17 cell populations being the source of a variety of cytokines regulates the inflammatory mechanisms and the clearance of microbes. The intracellular killing and digestion, including autophagy, are important in the protection against microbes and their toxins. The homing process determines the location and distribution of the immune cells along the gut. All these players are potential targets of pharmacological manipulation of disease status

    The results of a non-destructive site exploration and a rescue excavation at the site of Pusztaszabolcs-Dohányos völgy északi part

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    It is only possible in rare cases to compare aerial photographs, fieldwork data, surveys of two types of magnetometer measurements, and metal detector surveys of a site with the results of a previous rescue excavation. The cooperation of the Castle Headquaters Integrated Developement Centre, the Szent István Király Museum of Székesfehérvár, and the Institute of Archaeological Sciences at the Eötvös Loránd University made the discovery of the multi-period site on the outskirts of Pusztaszabolcs possible