53 research outputs found


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    A cikk irodalmi összefoglalás három fém (ólom, ezüst és réz) izotópjainak alkalmazásáról régészeti és történeti fémtárgyak nyersanyaga eredetének kutatásában. Ólomizotóp-méréseket már az 1950-es évek óta végeznek különféle fémtárgyakon. Az 1990-es években a multikollektoros induktív csatolású plazma tömegspektrométerek (MC-ICP-MS) megjelenésével lehetőség nyílt a korábbi módszereknél gyorsabb, pontosabb elemzések végrehajtására, valamint más fémek izotópjainak (többek között réz- és ezüstizotópok) mérésére is. A példaként felhozott két publikált esettanulmány archeometriai szempontból újszerű megközelítésmódot mutat be, nevezetesen hogyan használhatók fel az ólom-, ezüst- és rézizotópok együttesen ezüsttárgyak nyersanyaga eredetének meghatározására. This review paper discusses the use of isotopes of three metals (lead, silver and copper) as a tool to determine the provenance of the raw material of archaeological and historical metal objects. Lead isotope analyses have been performed on various types of metal artefacts since the 1950s. In the 1990s, the introduction of multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers (MC-ICP-MS) offered a great opportunity to do faster, more precise and accurate measurements and to measure other metal isotopes such as copper and silver isotopes. Two published case studies are discussed as examples showing how the combination of lead, silver and copper isotopes can be used to determine the provenance of the raw material of silver artefacts. The combined use of these three isotopes is unique in the field of provenance studies

    A brigetiói üveggyártó műhely néhány jellemző üvegleletének műszeres analitikai vizsgálata

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    The glass was produced by the same recipe all over the Roman Empire and its chemical composition varied in a narrow range. There is no consensus whether the base glass was produced in few centres and then distributed for further processing, or base glass was produced in many glass-making workshops keeping the recipe strictly. This paper is the first to report about chemical composition of glass objects unearthed from Roman time glass-making workshops in Pannonia, contributing to the above mentioned dispute. One of the 5 studied transparent glass objects found in a glass-making workshop in Brigetio (now Komárom– Szőny in Hungary) is potash glass, which was probably made in the early modern era and mixed accidentally to the Roman objects. The other 4 transparent and translucent glass objects are of typical Roman base glass in composition. The base fragment of a very high quality bowl does not contain deliberately added manganese, while all the other transparent fragments are decolourised by manganese. This high quality glass bowl was probably made in another workshop in the Roman Empire or in Pannonia as the style of the object indicates it as well. The opaque white and opaque yellow glasses were opacified by calcium-antimonate and leadantimonate respectively according to the common practice in the Roman Empire

    Calculation of temperature and δ18O of depositing water by measured δ18O of recent travertines deposited from the Budapest thermal karst water

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    Abstract Linear correlation between the temperature and measured δ18Owater of Budapest thermal karst water system presents an opportunity to estimate both the temperature and δ18O of the depositing water if only the δ18Otravertine is known. Our observations on several Hungarian groundwaters and travertines deposited recently from them resulted that δ18O data of travertines originating from cold karst water and thermal water of porous aquifer are close to the “experimental“ curve presented by Friedman and O'Neil (1977). Conversely, the calculated fractionation factors of thermal karst waters significantly deviate from the experimental curve following an “empirical-curve“ (R2 = 0.99) as: 1000*lnα = (2.76*106)/T2 − 1.31. The empirical equations calculated by this “empirical-curve“ as Twater = (25 − δ18Otrav)/0.22 and δ18Owater = 0.186*δ18Otrav − 14.22 are usable only for the Budapest thermal karst regime and only for recent travertines. Extrapolation of these equations to the past and use them to estimate the deposition temperature of paleo-travertines needs detailed information of the paleoclimate and age of travertine

    Barlangi jégképződmények korának és fejlődésének vizsgálata izotópos elemzések alapján | Age and evolution of cave ice based on isotope analyses

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    The thousand years old cave ice records information about the Late Holocene environmental changes. Isotope studies are proxies to reveal frozen information. Using 3H-3He and radiocarbon methods few individual ice layers were dated. Furthermore, short term (2.7 cm/yr) and long-term (0.79-0.9 cm/yr) growth rates were calculated. The two growth rates show a ratio of ca. 3 : 1. Identifying the strata of impurities the different ice producing periods are separated. So the delta-18O curve of the ice core, which can represent maximum 850+/-50 years long duration, is divided into intervals according to freezing age

    Hazai holocén cseppkövek paleoklimatológiai elemzése uránsorozatos korhatározás és stabil izotóp vizsgálatok alapján = Paleoclimatology of Hungarian Holocene dripstones based on U-series dating and stable isotope analyses

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    Célunk volt a hazai klimatológiai célú alapkutatások sorába bevonni a karbonátos barlangi képződményeket. A hazai cseppköveken alkalmazott stabilizotóp-geokémiai (>1000 adat) és a kapott nagyszámú (>250 db) uránsoros kor- és nyomelem-geokémiai adat (>10.000 adat) segítségével a pleisztocén és holocén klíma kutatásának nagy felbontású vizsgálata kezdődött meg. Jelentős módszerfejlesztés volt a víztartalmú zárványok stabilhidrogén-izotóp elemzése. Kis tömegű (1000 data) applied on local dripstones and number (>250 pc) of uranium series age and trace element geochemical data (>10,000 data), the high-resolution investigation of the Pleistocene and Holocene climate has started. A significant method development was the stable hydrogen isotope analysis of water containing inclusions. We recognized climate change events with high resolution from samples of small mass formerly unavailable (<0,2 gr). We identified the changes of the past thousand years on a stalactite originating from a cave of the Bükk Mts. On a sample from the Mecsek we indicated the environmental changes occurred about 3500 years ago and presence of volcanic dust and its inwash into the cave, and also described the environmental effect of the uranium mining. A number of dripstones and carbonate precipitations were investigated in caves, the results of which – being more ten thousand years old – we couldn’t directly use in our research topic but they provided valuable data for other researches and publications. (E.g. geochemical investigation of the formations of the Baradla Cave demonstrates the climate reconstruction of the last glacial age and of the Holocene periods; from the age of the calcite laminates of the caves of Rózsadomb we could draw inferences for the rate of emergence of the mountains, etc.

    Stable isotope compositions and trace element concentrations in freshwater bivalve shells (Unio sp.) as indicators of environmental changes at Tiszapüspöki, eastern Hungary

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    Abstract Stable carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of living Unio shells and oxygen isotope compositions of water samples were determined in order to demonstrate how the shells' compositions can reflect environmental conditions. With this information in hand, fossil shell fragments from a sedimentary section at Tiszapüspöki covering the period of about 3.5 to 10 ky BP were analyzed for their stable isotope as well as trace element compositions. Beside the determination of sedimentary facies effects on the geochemical compositions, the combined evaluation of isotopic and trace element records allowed us to detect past environmental changes at a millennial scale. The data indicate that the period of 6 to 8 ky BP was characterized by humid summers that — on the basis of comparison with an Alpine speleothem record — was associated with a generally warmer climate and increased winter precipitation in the Alps