91 research outputs found

    Actividades prácticas para la asignatura de Seguridad de sistemas de información

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    La gran mayoría de los nuevos planes de estudios están incorporando nuevas asignaturas dedicadas a la Seguridad de Sistemas Informáticos. Un aspecto clave de estas asignaturas es el trabajo práctico y determinar qué actividades pueden ser las más idóneas para mostrar a los alumnos los diferentes aspectos de la Seguridad. En este artículo presentamos dos actividades prácticas que combinan los conceptos relativos a la autenticación basada en tarjetas inteligentes y el control de acceso en sistemas operativos Windows y Linux.Peer Reviewe

    Prevención y seguimiento de factores limitantes del trabajo en equipo en experiencias ABP

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    En el marco del aprendizaje basado en proyectos (ABP) son tan importantes las competencias técnicas que se van adquiriendo como otras de comportamiento o contextuales. De hecho existen algunos factores limitantes del trabajo en equipo, o piedras en las que es frecuente tropezar, que pueden condicionar el desarrollo de los proyectos si no se previenen o se identifican a tiempo, y esto es aplicable para cualquier materia que utilice la metodología ABP. En este trabajo presentamos cuál ha sido nuestro enfoque durante dos cursos académicos consecutivos a la hora de prever y supervisar cuáles podían ser esos factores que limitarían, cuando no estaban ya limitando, el correcto de-sarrollo de los proyectos en sus distintas fases. Como veremos, proponemos una serie de medidas destinadas a comunicar a los alumnos con anticipación cuáles son las posibles limitaciones con las que se podrán encontrar durante el proceso de ABP. Además hemos hecho uso de diversas herramientas orientadas a la identificación justo a tiempo de posibles conflictos o desajustes del trabajo en equipo. Nuestros resultados muestran la importancia de tomar esta serie de medidas concretas con el fin de desarrollar el proceso de aprendizaje satisfactoriamente.In relation to Project-based Learning, we consider that both technical and behavioral skills are equally important. In fact, there are some constraining factors of the teamwork that makes difficult the development of the projects if they are not anticipated or identified just in time. This is valid for any subject following a PBL approach. In this work we introduce the methodology we applied throughout two consecutive years to prevent and supervise those factors that might con-strain the right development of the different stages of the projects. As we will show, we make use of a rich set of tools oriented to identify discrepancies or difficulties over the different stages of PBL. Our conclusions show the importance of adopting this kind of steps in order to improve the learning process

    Experiencia docente con el bolígrafo digital en el aula

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    El uso del bolígrafo digital en el aula se ha presentado en diversas publicaciones como un avance TIC que simplificaba la tarea docente entre el profesor y el alumno. En este artículo presentamos la experiencia docente con el bolígrafo digital llevada a cabo dentro de la asignatura de Redes de Comunicaciones del Grado en Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de Murcia. El artículo describir el método seguido, los procedimientos que se han utilizado para realizar la experiencia y los resultados obtenidos. El artículo discute la experiencia desde el punto de vista del alumno y del profesor para así facilitar suficiente información para que otro profesor pueda adaptar la experiencia expuesta a su asignatura si lo estima oportuno.SUMMARY -- Digital pen in the classroom has been presented in several articles as an advanced ICT solution that simplifies the teaching task between teacher and student. In this paper we present the teaching experience with the digital pen carried within the subject Communications Networks in University of Murcia. The article describes the method and the procedures have been used to make the experience, and finally the main results. The article discusses the experience from the standpoint of the student and the teacher in order to provide sufficient information so that another teacher can tailor the experience exposed to its subject.Peer Reviewe

    Interlearning: sistema interactivo de aprendizaje

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    Interlearning es una herramienta interactiva de apoyo al aprendizaje activo en el aula diseñada para su uso con dispositivos móviles. Su finalidad es permitir al profesor que defina un conjunto de cuestionarios para ser resueltos por los estudiantes en el aula y proporcionar una retroalimentación inmediata de los resultados. Así el profesor conocerá el grado de asimilación de contenidos, las opiniones o valoraciones de los estudiantes y, del mismo modo, los alumnos podrán examinar su progreso durante el aprendizaje. Los informes de evolución de Interlearning se producen en tiempo real, conforme van contestando los estudiantes, y además están constituidos por diversas gráficas que permiten analizar de forma sintética gran cantidad de información. Interlearning, en su conjunto, está constituido por una plataforma Web, para la gestión de preguntas y cuestionarios, y de una aplicación móvil para dispositivos Android con la que poder resolver dichos cuestionarios. En este artículo se describen tanto la herramienta como algunos resultados derivados del uso de la misma en la Universidad de Murcia.SUMMARY -- Interlearning is an interactive tool for active learning designed for mobile devices. Its main goal is to provide teachers with some tools to create and publish questionnaires and quizzes which will be solved by students. It is especially designed to be used in the classroom, since it is suitable to obtain an immediate feedback about the learning progress. Moreover, students can also get up-to-date information about their evolution. Aggregated reports are generated in realtime as the students submit their responses to the system. They are conformed by several charts which summarize the results obtained for each question in the quiz, and also a histogram about the global performance of the whole group. Interlearning is comprised by a Web portal for the management of questions, deliveries, and reports, and an Android app for the students. In this paper we provide some details about this tool and we also present some results obtained during the use of Interlearning in the University of Murcia

    A Systematic Literature Review of Digital Game-based Assessment Empirical Studies: Current Trends and Open Challenges

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    Technology has become an essential part of our everyday life, and its use in educational environments keeps growing. In addition, games are one of the most popular activities across cultures and ages, and there is ample evidence that supports the benefits of using games for assessment. This field is commonly known as game-based assessment (GBA), which refers to the use of games to assess learners' competencies, skills, or knowledge. This paper analyzes the current status of the GBA field by performing the first systematic literature review on empirical GBA studies, based on 66 research papers that used digital GBAs to determine: (1) the context where the study has been applied, (2) the primary purpose, (3) the knowledge domain of the game used, (4) game/tool availability, (5) the size of the data sample, (6) the data science techniques and algorithms applied, (7) the targeted stakeholders of the study, and (8) what limitations and challenges are reported by authors. Based on the categories established and our analysis, the findings suggest that GBAs are mainly used in formal education and for assessment purposes, and most GBAs focus on assessing STEM content and cognitive skills. Furthermore, the current limitations indicate that future GBA research would benefit from the use of bigger data samples and more specialized algorithms. Based on our results, we discuss the status of the field with the current trends and the open challenges (including replication and validation problems) providing recommendations for the future research agenda of the GBA field.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, 1 tabl

    Recent developments in sensing devices based on polymeric systems

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    This review is focused on the analysis of recent developments in the application of polymers in the detection and quantification of target species. The work begins with a description of the polymers that are employed as sensory materials, covering molecularly imprinted polymers or MIPs, hybrid polymers, acrylic polymers, conductive polymers, polymers with chiral motifs and also the use of polymeric arrays. After the description of the sensory polymers, the different target species which can be detected using sensory polymeric devices, including metallic cations and anionic species, gases, explosives, radionuclides and bacteria or the recent biomedical and biological applications is described. Finally, the sensory devices fabricated using smart polymers, including, for example, sensory devices based on Quartz Crystal Microbalances or the use of micro and nanoporous materials as substrates for sensory polymeric coatings is listed and reviewed. The work also details the different detection mechanisms based on the type of response of the sensory polymers, such as electrical, piezoelectric or fluorescence. In brief, the review details a review of the research work published in the last 10 years in this quickly evolving field, with special emphasis in the biomedical and biological applications, which have emerged recently raising great attention. To conclude, some perspectives and future challenges that must be overcome by this research field in the next years is exposed.FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional) and the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) (MAT2017-84501-R

    Inherent antibacterial activity and in vitro biocompatibility of hydrophilic polymer film containing chemically anchored sulfadiazine moieties

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    Microbial colonisation of synthetic materials is a great concern in many fields, e.g., in implant surgery and medical devices; therefore biocompatible hydrophilic organic materials with inherent antimicrobial properties are of current research interest. In this work, we describe the preparation of antibacterial and biocompatible polymeric film based on N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone (VP) and 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate (HEA), using ethyleneglycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA), and synthetic acrylic monomer containing sulfadiazine chemically anchored. The synthesised polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-based films were characterized by different techniques (1H and 13C NMR, ATR-FTIR, SEM, and TGA). In this study, the biophysical responses of bacteria and L929 cells towards the prepared materials as model device surfaces were evaluated. The membrane that contains the anchored sulfadiazine moiety showed excellent antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli as well as good biocompatibility. Based on the experimental results, this material is a good candidate for medical applications as a biomaterial.Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad-Feder (MAT2014-54137-R and MAT2012-31709) and by the Consejería de Educación – Junta de Castilla y León – Feder (BU061U16

    Aprendizaje de tecnologías informáticas en titulaciones de Ciencias de la Comunicación mediante ABP

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    La inclusión de contenidos tecnológicos informáticos en titulaciones de posgrado en Ciencias de la Comunicación es un reto desde el punto de vista docente. En este sentido nos encontramos con alumnos que carecen de una base tecnológica suficiente que permita profundizar en detalles sobre el desarrollo o explotación de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones, especialmente las relativas a las innovaciones tecnológicas en el entorno móvil. Partiendo de la dificultad que supone enfrentarse a este reto, el presente artículo presenta la experiencia docente con la asignatura Innovación Tecnológica en Contenidos Digitales del Máster Interuniversitario en Comunicación Móvil y Contenidos Digitales de la Facultad de Comunicación y Documentación de la Universidad de Murcia. En esta asignatura encontramos alumnos con distinta formación, como Publicidad, Comunicación Audivisual, Periodismo y Documentación. Hemos puesto en práctica, de forma exitosa, una experiencia docente de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP) y en este artículo incluimos detalles sobre la metodología, los recursos docentes y los resultados de aprendizaje obtenidos. Además mostramos un resumen de los proyectos desarrollados y la valoración de los alumnos, así como unas reflexiones acerca de la idoneidad de esta clase de enfoques docentes para estos marcos de aprendizaje de la informática.Teaching about information technologies (IT) for students of Communication Sciences is a challenging task. Those students do not usually have enough skills and knowledge about technological innovation in order to deal with some details about the development and deployment of information technologies, especially those related to the mobile ecosystem. Based on this fact, this paper presents the teaching experience in the subject Technology Innovation in Digital Contents of the Master's Degree in Mobile Communication and Digital Contents of the Faculty of Communication Sciences at our university. It is a subject with students from different degrees, like Advertising, Audiovisual Communication, Journalism, and Documentation. As we will see, we have successfully implemented a teaching experience based on Project- Based Learning (PBL). We include details about the process, the teaching resources and the obtained results. Moreover, the paper includes a summary of the projects and the evaluation of the students, as well as a discussion about the suitability of this approach