48 research outputs found

    Interleukin-4 Causes Susceptibility to Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis through Suppression of Protective Type I Responses

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    Aspergillus fumigatus, an opportunistic fungal pathogen, causes multiple allergic and non-allergic airway diseases. Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) is a nonallergic, life-threatening disease of immunocompromised patients. In a murine model of IPA, interleukin (IL)—4-deficient (IL-4−/−) BALB/c mice were used to examine the role of IL-4 in lung pathology and immune responses. IL-4−/− mice were more resistant than wild-type mice to infection caused by multiple intranasal injections of viable A. fumigatus conidia. Resistance was associated with decreased lung inflammatory pathology, impaired T helper (Th)—2 responses (including lung eosinophilia), and an IL-12—dependent Th1 response. In contrast, development of host-detrimental antifungal Th2 cells occurred in IL-12−/− and interferon-γ−/− mice and in IL-4−/− mice when subjected to IL-12 neutralization. These results demonstrate that IL-4 renders mice susceptible to infection with A. fumigatus by inhibition of protective Th1 responses. IL-4 appears to have a distinct role in the pathogenesis of allergic and nonallergic lung diseases caused by the fungu

    Genomic Prediction in Tetraploid Ryegrass Using Allele Frequencies Based on Genotyping by Sequencing

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    Perennial ryegrass is an outbreeding forage species and is one of the most widely used forage grasses in temperate regions. The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of implementing genomic prediction in tetraploid perennial ryegrass, to study the effects of different sequencing depth when using genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS), and to determine optimal number of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and sequencing depth for GBS data when applied in tetraploids. A total of 1,515 F2 tetraploid ryegrass families were included in the study and phenotypes and genotypes were scored on family-pools. The traits considered were dry matter yield (DM), rust resistance (RUST), and heading date (HD). The genomic information was obtained in the form of allele frequencies of pooled family samples using GBS. Different SNP filtering strategies were designed. The strategies included filtering out SNPs having low average depth (FILTLOW), having high average depth (FILTHIGH), and having both low average and high average depth (FILTBOTH). In addition, SNPs were kept randomly with different data sizes (RAN). The accuracy of genomic prediction was evaluated by using a “leave single F2 family out” cross validation scheme, and the predictive ability and bias were assessed by correlating phenotypes corrected for fixed effects with predicted additive breeding values. Among all the filtering scenarios, the highest estimates for genomic heritability of family means were 0.45, 0.74, and 0.73 for DM, HD and RUST, respectively. The predictive ability generally increased as the number of SNPs included in the analysis increased. The highest predictive ability for DM was 0.34 (137,191 SNPs having average depth higher than 10), for HD was 0.77 (185,297 SNPs having average depth lower than 60), and for RUST was 0.55 (188,832 SNPs having average depth higher than 1). Genomic prediction can help to optimize the breeding of tetraploid ryegrass. GBS data including about 80–100 K SNPs are needed for accurate prediction of additive breeding values in tetraploid ryegrass. Using only SNPs with sequencing depth between 10 and 20 gave highest predictive ability, and showed the potential to obtain accurate prediction from medium-low coverage GBS in tetraploids

    Modello numerico per la simulazione degli effetti di lungo periodo dell'attivitĂ  di un impianto di smaltimento rifiuti: la discarica Geofor di Gello

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    Obiettivo della tesi è l’implementazione di un modello numerico per la simulazione degli effetti di lungo periodo dell’attività di un impianto di discarica. L’impianto preso in considerazione è quello della discarica gestita dalla Geofor di Gello di Pontedera (classificata come discarica per rifiuti speciali non pericolosi: 2ª categoria tipo B) che riceve i rifiuti di Pisa e da numerosi altri comuni della Valdera. Lo scopo prefissato è stato raggiunto attraverso diverse fasi, fra le quali lo studio idrogeochimico ed idrogeologico della zona di Gello di Pontedera. Inizialmente si è resa necessaria un’accurata ricerca di materiale cartografico, svolta presso il Comune di Pontedera, la Provincia di Pisa e sul sito internet della Regione Toscana. Attraverso i dati ricavati dalle carte ed un sopralluogo preliminare sul terreno, sono stati selezionati 83 pozzi, situati nel raggio di 3 km dalla discarica, da prendere in considerazione per la definizione della piezometria. Una prima campagna di rilevamento piezometrico è stata effettuata nel Giugno 2004. Tra tutti i pozzi misurati ne sono stati scelti alcuni per il campionamento (Luglio 2004), facendo in modo da ottenere una buona distribuzione spaziale degli stessi. Il campionamento ha riguardato in particolare: 13 piezometri di monitoraggio della discarica e 13 pozzi privati; sono stati inoltre presi campioni delle acque di scorrimento superficiali del Canale Scolmatore, del fosso di guardia della discarica e di un laghetto presente nell’area. Le analisi sono state effettuate presso i laboratori dell’IGG – CNR di Pisa ed indirizzate verso la ricerca di possibili indicatori caratteristici dell’inquinamento da percolato. Per fare ciò sono stati determinati: - Cloruri, Solfati e Nitrati per cromatografia ionica - Ca, Na, Mg, K per assorbimento atomico - COD mediante apposito kit e spettrofotometria - NH4 per spettrofotometria Mediante analisi in situ (necessarie per il fatto che il campione, dopo che è stato raccolto, subisce variazioni che ne alterano le caratteristiche) sono stati inoltre determinati per ogni campione: temperatura, pH, alcalinità e conducibilità elettrica. In seguito sono state effettuate altre 5 campagne piezometriche nei mesi di Agosto-Settembre, Ottobre, Novembre, Dicembre 2004 e Gennaio 2005, misurando i livelli in circa 45 degli 83 pozzi precedenti. Contemporaneamente ad ogni campagna sono state prese le misure dei piezometri di monitoraggio della discarica. Insieme ai dati ottenuti nella campagna di Giugno 2004 queste hanno portato alla realizzazione, mediante il programma Surfer® (utilizzando il metodo di triangolazione con interpolazione lineare), di un totale di 6 carte piezometriche, che hanno permesso di osservare l’andamento del sistema acquifero superficiale, localizzato nel livello di sabbie e ghiaie tra 12 e 25 m di profondità, e quindi valutare la direzione dei possibili contaminanti. Infine, con i dati relativi alle analisi e quelli delle campagne piezometriche, è stato impostato un modello idrogeologico della zona mediante il programma Visual Modflow® 4.0. Modflow è un modello matematico a differenze finite che simula il flusso di acque sotterranee nelle tre dimensioni spaziali (X,Y,Z). L’impostazione del modello è stata preceduta da un’attenta ricerca di informazioni sulla geologia ed idrogeologia (ottenute dalla letteratura e da indagini precedenti nella zona), sulla piovosità (fornite dall’Istituto Pluviografico e Mareografico della Regione Toscana) e sull’evapotraspirazione (ricavate da mappe di ETP dell’ARSIA) della zona per avere una rappresentazione più realistica possibile. Tale modello, partendo dai dati piezometrici ottenuti in campagna, ci ha permesso di simulare il sistema acquifero interessato dal nostro studio, evidenziando le perturbazioni esterne al sistema quali pozzi in emungimento, drenaggi, ecc. Dopo la calibrazione di questo modello è stato poi utilizzato il motore MODPATH: mediante il posizionamento dei traccianti nella zona della discarica, è stato possibile visualizzare il movimento nella falda dell’eventuale contaminazione da parte del percolato e quindi valutare l’impatto della discarica sull’ambiente circostante. Inizialmente si è impostato un tempo di modellazione corrispondente a quello delle campagne, dividendo quest’ultimo (di 243 giorni) in 5 stress period e prendendo come limiti di ogni periodo i giorni di misurazione; successivamente il modello è stato adattato per valutare gli effetti della presenza della discarica su un periodo di tempo più lungo

    RF beamforming in very wideband radio systems : analysis of the beam squint problem

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    In the last few years the wireless data traffic has been encountered an extremely fast growth with a consequent high demand for accessible radio spectrum. In particular, the fifth-generation (5G) wireless technologies require much more resources in order to be able to satisfy the requirements of high data rates, low latency and high-capacity.In order to satisfy all these requirements it is necessary to look forward new resources that were not utilized before, like the mmWave spectrum. The frequency bands characterized by wavelengths in the order of millimeters are usually referred to as mmWave frequencies. They include all the frequencies between 30GHz and 300GHz. These frequencies can be utilized in a very efficient way through techniques like beamforming, which will allow us to obtain the best effort from the new spectrum available. The main problem of the 5G generation is that the signal received from the arrays will result in the sum of many delayed components of the original signal which usually are approximated as phase shifts. Due to the very large bandwidth available in the mmWaves, it will not be possible to neglect anymore the delays and thus the phased-arrays will be characterized by a frequency dependency. This effect is referred to as beam squint. In this work the effects caused by the beam squint are studied for the cases of uniform linear array (ULA), uniform planar array (UPA) and uniform circular array (UCA). The simulations show that the different array configurations are not affected in the same way by the beam squint problem due to their different characteristics. In particular, it has been shown that the linear geometry is the most affected by the beam squint. Finally, in order to study the impact on the transmission of a signal, it was performed a simulation of an OFDM transmission characterized by an analog beamforming architecture under the beam squint phenomenon. The results have confirmed that beam squint decreases the channel capacity, and therefore, it should be taken into consideration both for path selection and channel estimation

    RF beamforming in very wideband radio systems : analysis of the beam squint problem

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    In the last few years the wireless data traffic has been encountered an extremely fast growth with a consequent high demand for accessible radio spectrum. In particular, the fifth-generation (5G) wireless technologies require much more resources in order to be able to satisfy the requirements of high data rates, low latency and high-capacity.In order to satisfy all these requirements it is necessary to look forward new resources that were not utilized before, like the mmWave spectrum. The frequency bands characterized by wavelengths in the order of millimeters are usually referred to as mmWave frequencies. They include all the frequencies between 30GHz and 300GHz. These frequencies can be utilized in a very efficient way through techniques like beamforming, which will allow us to obtain the best effort from the new spectrum available. The main problem of the 5G generation is that the signal received from the arrays will result in the sum of many delayed components of the original signal which usually are approximated as phase shifts. Due to the very large bandwidth available in the mmWaves, it will not be possible to neglect anymore the delays and thus the phased-arrays will be characterized by a frequency dependency. This effect is referred to as beam squint. In this work the effects caused by the beam squint are studied for the cases of uniform linear array (ULA), uniform planar array (UPA) and uniform circular array (UCA). The simulations show that the different array configurations are not affected in the same way by the beam squint problem due to their different characteristics. In particular, it has been shown that the linear geometry is the most affected by the beam squint. Finally, in order to study the impact on the transmission of a signal, it was performed a simulation of an OFDM transmission characterized by an analog beamforming architecture under the beam squint phenomenon. The results have confirmed that beam squint decreases the channel capacity, and therefore, it should be taken into consideration both for path selection and channel estimation