6 research outputs found

    Metallföroreningar i Landskrona - miljöövervakning med blåmussla

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    Environmental monitoring using bioindicators is a valuable tool in quantifying and assessing metal pollution in the aquatic environment. In this study, I have analyzed monitoring data on metals in blue mussels (Mytilus Edulis) from the Ă–resund in Landskrona, Sweden. Comparisons with previous monitoring studies from the area show elevated concentrations of several metals, including copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn), suggesting a local source of pollution in Landskrona. Deviations from guideline values calculated by the swedish EPA, representing baseline values, are shown to be Large or Very Large for copper, lead, nickel (Ni) and tin (Sn). In addition, lead and cadmium (Cd) concentrations in mussels exceed limit values for foodstuff determined by the European Commission, rendering the mussels unsuitable for human consumption. Multivariate principal component analysis (PCA) of the data show covariance between copper, lead, zinc and tin, suggesting a common source of pollution. GIS-analysis of the data show that the highest concentrations of copper, lead, zinc and tin are found in the area of Varvsudden, an industrial area with several metal industries, a large shipyard and a marina for recreational boating. Combined, these analyses suggest multiple pollution sources including industrial effluents and anti-fouling paint. With the approach used in this study, continued environmental monitoring expanded with the quantification of abiotic factors can give more detailed insight on the metal pollution sources, providing a solid knowledge base for remediation and prevention of future pollution

    The Amino-Terminal part of the Needle-Tip Translocator LcrV of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis is Required for Early Targeting of YopH and In Vivo Virulence

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    Type III secretion systems (T3SS) are dedicated to targeting anti-host effector proteins into the cytosol of the host cell to promote bacterial infection. Delivery of the effectors requires three specific translocator proteins, of which the hydrophilic translocator, LcrV, is located at the tip of the T3SS needle and is believed to facilitate insertion of the two hydrophobic translocators into the host cell membrane. Here we used Yersinia as a model to study the role of LcrV in T3SS mediated intracellular effector targeting. Intriguingly, we identified N-terminal lcrV mutants that, similar to the wild-type protein, efficiently promoted expression, secretion and intracellular levels of Yop effectors, yet they were impaired in their ability to inhibit phagocytosis by J774 cells. In line with this, the YopH mediated dephosphorylation of Focal Adhesion Kinase early after infection was compromised when compared to the wild type strain. This suggests that the mutants are unable to promote efficient delivery of effectors to their molecular targets inside the host cell upon host cell contact. The significance of this was borne out by the fact that the mutants were highly attenuated for virulence in the systemic mouse infection model. Our study provides both novel and significant findings that establish a role for LcrV in early targeting of effectors in the host cell

    The amino-terminal part of the needle-tip translocator LcrV of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis is required for early targeting of YopH and in vivo virulence

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    Type III secretion systems (T3SS) are dedicated to targeting anti-host effector proteins into the cytosol of the host cell to promote bacterial infection. Delivery of the effectors requires three specific translocator proteins, of which the hydrophilic translocator, LcrV, is located at the tip of the T3SS needle and is believed to facilitate insertion of the two hydrophobic translocators into the host cell membrane. Here we used Yersinia as a model to study the role of LcrV in T3SS mediated intracellular effector targeting. Intriguingly, we identified N-terminal IcrV mutants that, similar to the wild-type protein, efficiently promoted expression, secretion and intracellular levels of Yop effectors, yet they were impaired in their ability to inhibit phagocytosis by J774 cells. In line with this, the YopH mediated dephosphorylation of Focal Adhesion Kinase early after infection was compromised when compared to the wild type strain. This suggests that the mutants are unable to promote efficient delivery of effectors to their molecular targets inside the host cell upon host cell contact. The significance of this was borne out by the fact that the mutants were highly attenuated for virulence in the systemic mouse infection model. Our study provides both novel and significant findings that establish a role for LcrV in early targeting of effectors in the host cell

    Spatiotemporal Variations in Growth Rate and Virulence Plasmid Copy Number during Yersinia pseudotuberculosis Infection

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    Pathogenic Yersinia spp. depend on the activity of a potent virulence plasmid-encoded ysc/yop type 3 secretion system (T3SS) to colonize hosts and cause disease. It was recently shown that Yersinia pseudotuberculosis upregulates the virulence plasmid copy number (PCN) during infection and that the resulting elevated gene dose of plasmid-encoded T3SS genes is essential for virulence. When and how this novel regulatory mechanism is deployed and regulates the replication of the virulence plasmid during infection is unknown. In the present study, we applied droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) to investigate the dynamics of Y. pseudotuberculosis virulence PCN variations and growth rates in infected mouse organs. We demonstrated that both PCN and growth varied in different tissues and over time throughout the course of infection, indicating that the bacteria adapted to discrete microenvironments during infection. The PCN was highest in Peyer's patches and cecum during the clonal invasive phase of the infection, while the highest growth rates were found in the draining mesenteric lymph nodes. In deeper, systemic organs, the PCN was lower and more modest growth rates were recorded. Our study indicates that increased gene dosage of the plasmid-encoded T3SS genes is most important early in the infection during invasion of the host. The described ddPCR approach will greatly simplify analyses of PCN, growth dynamics, and bacterial loads in infected tissues and will be readily applicable to other infection models

    The RACK1 signaling scaffold protein selectively interacts with Yersinia pseudotuberculosis virulence function

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    Many Gram-negative bacteria use type III secretion systems to translocate effector proteins into host cells. These effectors interfere with cellular functions in a highly regulated manner resulting in effects that are beneficial for the bacteria. The pathogen Yersinia can resist phagocytosis by eukaryotic cells by translocating Yop effectors into the target cell cytoplasm. This is called antiphagocytosis, and constitutes an important virulence feature of this pathogen since it allows survival in immune cell rich lymphoid organs. We show here that the virulence protein YopK has a role in orchestrating effector translocation necessary for productive antiphagocytosis. We present data showing that YopK influences Yop effector translocation by modulating the ratio of the pore-forming proteins YopB and YopD in the target cell membrane. Further, we show that YopK that can interact with the translocators, is exposed inside target cells and binds to the eukaryotic signaling protein RACK1. This protein is engaged upon Y. pseudotuberculosis-mediated beta1-integrin activation and localizes to phagocytic cups. Cells with downregulated RACK1 levels are protected from antiphagocytosis. This resistance is not due to altered levels of translocated antiphagocytic effectors, and cells with reduced levels of RACK1 are still sensitive to the later occurring cytotoxic effect caused by the Yop effectors. Further, a yopK mutant unable to bind RACK1 shows an avirulent phenotype during mouse infection, suggesting that RACK1 targeting by YopK is a requirement for virulence. Together, our data imply that the local event of Yersinia-mediated antiphagocytosis involves a step where YopK, by binding RACK1, ensures an immediate specific spatial delivery of antiphagocytic effectors leading to productive inhibition of phagocytosis