28 research outputs found


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    Este artigo aborda o tema da migração, a partir do personagem central de Morte e Vida Severina (NETO, 1986). Através dessa obra clássica da literatura brasileira, buscou-se refletir sobre a trajetória do migrante nordestino, compreender o processo de migração do meio rural para as cidades e o significado do emigrar, especialmente no que diz respeito à pobreza e desigualdade social. Conclui-se que, para superar uma morte em vida severina, de tantos migrantes brasileiros, são necessárias políticas públicas voltadas à construção da cidadania e à consolidação do capital humano e social, que respeitem as diferenças culturais.SEVERINO´S TRAJECTORY: MIGRATION AND POVERTY IN BRAZILThis article presents the issue of migration and poverty, considering the protagonist of Morte e Vida Severina (NETO, 1986). Through the analyses of a classical Brazilian text, we aim at reflecting about thenortheast Brazilian migrant, understand the migration process from rural areas to cities and the meaning of migration, specially its connection to poverty and social inequality. The conclusion is related to the conditions toovercome a severina’s death in life, as it happens with so many Brazilian migrants, who depend on public policies related to citizenship, and on the consolidation of human and social capital regarding the respect tocultural differences

    Educação em saúde para alunos de primeiro grau: avaliação de material para ensino e profilaxia da esquistossomose

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    Considering the importance of information about schistosomiasis for students 7-15 years old, age groups at risk of exposure to the disease and whose habits contribute to its spread, a brochure based on a literary text was elaborated and applied in schools situated within an isolated focus of the disease in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A method to make use of the material to be employed by the teachers was successful in the learning of concepts and primary care of schistosomiasis. The use of this method is proposed also in relation to other parasitic diseases to be applied in characteristically endemic areas.Considerando a importância da informação sobre a esquistossomose para alunos de 7 a 15 anos, faixa etária apontada como de alta prevalência em regiões endêmicas e cujos hábitos colaboram para a disseminação da doença, foi elaborado um material de ensino baseado em um texto de conotação literária, o qual foi aplicado em escolas de região considerada foco isolado da doença no Município do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). Desenvolveu-se uma metodologia de uso do material a ser empregada pelos professores, que resultou eficaz em promover aprendizagem de conceitos e cuidados básicos em relação à esquistossomose. Propõe-se o uso deste processo para outras doenças parasitárias a serem testadas em áreas caracteristicamente endêmicas


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    Introduction: the Health School Programme (HSP) should be understood as a permanent development process. In this context, the actions of a policy aimed at children and adolescentsare paramount in the HSP. Objective: to identify and describe the actions developed by the Family Health Group in the HSP, from the National Programme for ImprovingAccess and Quality of Primary Care (PIPCAQ). Methods: this cross-sectional research used secondary data collected fromthe 17,202 groups who joined PIPCAQ in 2012. Results: all regions showed significant results concerning the execution of school activities. the Northern region was the one that performed most school actions (80.5%), followed by the Northeast, Midwest, South and Southeast, respectively. However, some items, such as professional training in education and health work need to be streng the ned. Conclusion: HSP in Brazil has mobilised significant actions, even though it has not happened in homogeneously in all Brazilian regions

    Risk factors for healthcare-associated infection in pediatric intensive care units: a systematic review

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