19 research outputs found

    Penetrating peptic ulcer into the head of pancreas: surgical conduct for the difficult duodenum

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    Beginning in the 1970s, many duodenal ulcers have been adequately managed using H2 receptor blockers or proton pump inhibitors associated to antimicrobial agents. However in the bleeding penetrating duodenal ulcer when the endoscopic treatment is lacking, the severe character of the hemorrhage and the frequence of the recurrence sometimes impose a radical surgery as early as possible, in spite of technical difficulties. Considering these facts, a surgical approach to the duodenal dissection during the gastroduodenectomy for penetrating ulcers is presented. This maneuver basically consist of (1) the adequate retrograde liberation of the descending portion of duodenum, (2) the oblique section of the duodenum at the lower border of the ulcer and (3) the introduction of the surgeon's forefinger into the duodenal lumen in order to facilitate the wall liberation from the pancreas achieved through a blunt dissection with a fine scissor or a Halsted forceps. The duodenal stump is now prepared for a gastroduodenal anastomosis or for closure by suture previously to a gastrojejunostomy. This technique have been used by one of us for many times with fairly good results.É apresentada uma conduta cirúrgica para o descolamento do duodeno nas ressecções gastroduodenais por úlcera terebrante na cabeça do pâncreas. Constituem os fundamentos dessa tática a mobilização retrógrada adequada da segunda porção do duodeno por meio da manobra de Kocher, a secção oblíqua do duodeno na altura da borda distal do nicho ulceroso e a introdução, pelo cirurgião, do seu dedo indicador na luz da víscera para palpar a papila duodenal maior. Essa medida permite encontrar o plano de clivagem para separar a parede duodenal da cabeça do pâncreas e afastar o risco de lesão das vias biliares e pancreáticas. O duodeno, assim preparado, possibilita sua utilização para eventual anastomose gastroduodenal ou sua exclusão quando se deseja proceder a gastrojejunostomia.FMUSPIAMSPE HSPEFMUSP Departamento de CirurgiaUSP Hospital UniversitárioUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM)UNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Papel da esofagogastroplastia (Thal-Hatafuku) e da gastrectomia parcial com anastomose gastrojejunal em Y (Holt -Large) na prevenção do refluxo gastroesofágico. estudo experimental em cães Role of the esofagogastroplasty (Thal-Hatafuku) and of the partial gastrectomy and gastrojejunoanastomosis with excluded loop on Y (Holt & Large) in the gastroesophageal reflux prevention

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    O intento do presente estudo foi avaliar em cães os efeitos de dois tipos de procedimentos na prevenção do refluxo gastroesofágico. Foram utilizados 30 animais, divididos em grupos de 10. No Grupo I (controle) foi realizada a esofagogastrostomia à Gröndhal; no Grupo II praticou-se a esofagogastroplastia à Thal-Hatafuku; no III, a esofagogastrostomia foi associada à gastrectomia dois terços e anastomose gastrojejunal em Y. Foram analisados os seguintes parâmetros: peso, endoscopia, exame radiológico e estudo morfológico do esôfago. Para estimular a secreção ácida do estômago foi aplicada diariamente injeção de histamina em cera de abelha. Os resultados foram obtidos em três fases: pré-operatório, entre o 30°.e o 40o.pós-operatório e após aplicação de histamina. No Grupo I, houve queda de peso significante entre as duas primeiras fases, que se acentuou na terceira; no Grupo II, a alteração de peso não foi significativa nas três fases; no III, a queda de peso significante foi verificada entre a 1a e a 2a fase, não havendo registro na fase seguinte devido a morte precoce dos animais com a aplicação da droga. À endoscopia, verificou-se intensidade da esofagite significativamente maior nos animais do Grupo I do que nos do II, após estímulo histamínico. Nos cães do Grupo III, não foi possível obter-se este dado pelo mesmo motivo relatado na análise do parâmetro anterior. O estudo radiológico demonstrou que nos cães do Grupo I o refluxo foi franco em 70% dos cães e, moderado em 30%. No Grupo II ,o refluxo foi ausente na maioria dos cães mas, moderado em 30%. No III, o conteúdo gástrico de bário refluiu em todos os animais e de modo significante na maioria deles (70%). Os dados macro e microscópicos não mostraram diferença significativa entre os três grupos, contudo o Grupo II foi o menos acometido. Os resultados do experimento evidenciaram que a esofagogastrostomia, como se esperava, produz intenso refluxo gastroesofágico; a esofagocardioplastia mostrou ter importante eficácia anti-refluxo e menor morbidade; a cirurgia realizada no grupo III teve morbidade elevada e mortalidade precoce com o estímulo histamínico. Acredita-se que a esofagogastroplastia tenha lugar reservado entre os procedimentos destinados ao tratamento de casos selecionados de acalásia e de estenose péptica do esôfago.<br>The aim of this study was to evaluate in dogs the effects of two kinds of procedures in the gastroesophageal reflux prevention. Thirty animals divided in three randomized groups of ten were analysed as follow: group I (control) - esophagastrostomy side-to-side ; group II - esophagogastroplasty; group III -esophagogastrostomy side-to-side, partial gastrectomy and gastrojejunoanastomosis with excluded loop on y, The following parameters were used: body weight, endoscopy, radiological study and macro and microscopy data of the inner surface of the esophagus. The animals received daily histamine-in-beeswax parenterally for the posoperative stimulation of the gastric acid output until death or sacrifice. The research was carried out in three phases: préoperative phase, between the 35° and the 40° postoperative day and after histamine application. Group I showed sgnificant weight loss between the 1st and 2nd phase, which was intense on the 3rd phase. Group II showed no significative weight changes in any phase. Group III revealed significant weight changes even without histaminic stimulus. Endoscopy brought out significant more intensive esophagitis in group I than in II, after histaminic stimulus. In III, it was not possible to obtain these results, because of the precocious death of the animals. Fluoroscopic examination showed that 70% of the animals from group I, exhibited significative reflux, while in 30% this complication was not present. In group II, the reflux ocurred in few dogs and was not seen in 70% of the dogs.. Group III, revealed reflux in all animals and of significant manner in 70% of then. The macro and microscopic data did not show a significant difference among the groups, however the group II was the least committed. The results of this experiment demonstrated that the esophagogastrostomy side-to-side as expected produce intense esophageal reflux, the esophagogastroplasty showed minor morbidity and efficacy to impede the action of esophageal reflux and the surgery performed in group III, exhibited raised morbidity and early mortality after histamine stimulus. It is believed that the esophagogastroplasty takes reserved place in the procedures suggested to the treatment of achalasia and of peptique stenosis of the esophagus

    Antimicrobiano parenteral exclusivo ou associado com a via oral na prevenção de infecção após cirurgia colorretal

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    Estudo prospectivo da incidência de complicações infecciosas, após operações para câncer colorretal. Sessenta e nove pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos, tendo o primeiro grupo recebido neomicina e metronidazol, por via oral, associados a gentamicina e metronizadol por via parenteral e o segundo grupo somente gentamicina e metronidazol por via parenteral. Foi estabelecido como objetivo principal a avaliação da influência do antimicrobiano administrado no preparo intestinal sobre a incidência de complicações infecciosas pós-operatórias. Os pacientes que receberam antimicrobianos por via oral no preparo intestinal apresentaram menor porcentagem de complicações infecciosas (14,29%) em relação aos pacientes que receberam apenas antimicrobiano por via parenteral (38,24%), sendo esta diferença estatisticamente significante, em nível de 5%. Esses dados apóiam a sugestão de associar antimicrobianos por via oral aos antimicrobianos por via parenteral na tentativa de reduzir as complicações infecciosas na cirurgia colorretal

    Curative resection plus adjuvant chemotherapy for early stage primary gastric non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: a retrospective study with emphasis on prognostic factors and treatment outcome

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    BACKGROUND: There is controversy regarding the optimal therapy for primary non-Hodgkin gastric lymphoma with some authors defending surgical extirpation either alone or in association with radiotherapy and or chemotherapy, especially in relation to the earlier stages of the disease. AIM: To analyze the clinical-pathological features and the results of management approaches for patients with primary early-stage non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the stomach operated in Surgical Gastroenterology Department, "Hospital do Servidor Público Estadual", São Paulo, SP, Brazil. The literature is reviewed to highlight the aspects of diagnosis, prognostic factors and role of the various treatment regimens. METHOD: Sixteen patients with primary early-stage gastric lymphoma underwent curative surgical treatment. The variables analyzed were age, sex, location, size, type of surgery, number of lesions, depth of invasion, histological type in accordance with Kiel's classification, involvement of lymph nodes, Ann Arbor stage classification modified by Musshoff and Schmidt-Vollmer, histological grade, margins, adjuvant therapy, clinical course and survival. RESULTS: Ten patients (62.5%) underwent subtotal gastrectomy and six (37.5%) underwent total gastrectomy. The majority (9/56.2%) of the lesions were located in the antrum. Single lesions (10/62.5%) were more frequent than multiple lesions (6/37.5%). Thirteen patients (81.2%) were classified as stage IE and three (18.7%) as stage IIE1. Primary gastric lymphoma classified histologically as low or high grade was presented by 10 (62.5%) and 6 (37.5%) patients, respectively. The most frequent histological types were the lymphoplasmocytic cytoid (4/25.0%) and centroblastic (4/25.0%). Ten patients (62.5%) received adjuvant treatment (chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy). Nine patients (56.2%), all in stage IE, reached a survival greater than 5 years and of these eight (50.0.%) had received adjuvant therapy. Two (12.5%) patients with stage IIE1 presented peritoneal relapse and died 3.0 years and 3.5 years after their respective operations. The mean overall survival was 42,5 months. CONCLUSIONS: Among the patients with primary early-stage gastric lymphoma (IE and IIE1), the gastric resection enabled an accurate clinicopathological staging, in addition to obtaining sufficient material for histopathological study and extirpation of the lesion. Furthermore, for patients with stage IE disease, the gastric resection combined with adjuvant therapy was associated with a greater than 5-year survival. Until prospective randomized studies are realized in order to evaluate the real efficacy of the different types of treatment for primary early-stage gastric lymphoma, management approaches should be individually tailored