13 research outputs found

    Novos conhecimentos sobre a doença de Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada

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    Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease (VKH), a well-established multiorgan disorder affecting pigmented structures, is an autoimmune disorder of melanocyte proteins in genetically susceptible individuals. Several clinical and experimental data point to the importance of the effector role of CD4+ T cells and Th1 cytokines, the relevance of searching a target protein in the melanocyte, and the relevance of the HLA-DRB1*0405 in the pathogenesis of the disease. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease has a benign course when early diagnosed and adequatey treated. Full-blown recurrences are rare after the acute stage of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease is over. On the other hand, clinical findings, such as progressive tissue depigmentation (including sunset glow fundus) and uveitis recurrence, indicate that ocular inflammation may persist after the acute phase. Additionally, indocyanine green angiography findings suggest the presence of choroidal inflammation in eyes without clinically detectable inflammation. The aim of this paper is to review the latest research results on Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease pathogenesis and chronic/convalescent stages, which may help to better understand this potentially blinding disease and to improve its treatment.A doença de Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) afeta vários órgãos que têm em comum a presença de pigmento. É doença autoimune que agride os melanócitos de indivíduos geneticamente susceptíveis. Inúmeras evidências clínicas e experimentais demonstram a importância de células T CD4+ como células efetoras da resposta imune celular, das citocinas pró-inflamatórias Th1, da procura da proteína-alvo dentro do melanócito, e da relevância do HLA-classe II DRB1*0405 na patogênese desta doença. A doença de Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada apresenta bom prognóstico visual desde que o diagnóstico seja precoce e o tratamento instituído seja adequado. Recidivas com acometimento do segmento posterior são raras após a fase aguda da doença. No entanto, achados clínicos como a progressiva despigmentação do fundo, incluindo o aspecto em por do sol, e as recidivas da uveíte indicam que a inflamação ocular pode persistir mesmo após a fase aguda da doença. Os achados da angiografia com indocianina verde também sugerem a presença de inflamação da coróide mesmo em olhos sem inflamação clinicamente detectável. O objetivo do presente trabalho é rever os mais recentes estudos sobre a patogênese da doença Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada e sobre os aspectos clínicos da fase crônica e/ou convalescente da doença, permitindo melhores conhecimentos sobre esta doença potencialmente mórbida e oferecendo terapias mais adequadas

    Orbital space-occupying lesions: an 11-year study of cases with histopathologic analysis seen at Hospital das Clínicas of FMUSP

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    OBJETIVO: Estudar a incidência das lesões expansivas orbitárias submetidas à biópsia em uma casuística de 11 anos no Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP, e avaliar quais as principais especialidades envolvidas no diagnóstico e no tratamento de tais afecções. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Solicitou-se ao setor de arquivos do hospital todos os casos de tumores e lesões de órbita submetidas à biópsia no período de 1993 a 2004. Dos 924 prontuários obtidos, 115 foram separados após análise dos dados segundo os resultados histopatológicos obtidos. Outros 111 pacientes foram obtidos por meio dos arquivos pessoais da patologista encarregada da Oftalmologia no Departamento de Patologia, dos quais 45 pacientes foram excluídos por coincidirem com a fonte anterior. Os dados foram contabilizados e comparados com os de outros serviços. RESULTADOS: Das 181 lesões orbitárias estudadas, 70% eram primárias, 23% eram secundárias, 6% consistiam de metástases e linfomas e 1% não foi classificada. Em relação à especialidade responsável diretamente pelo paciente, 72,37% dos pacientes foram assistidos por oftalmologistas, 14,36% por cirurgiões de cabeça e pescoço, 6,62% por neurocirurgiões e 6,62% por outros setores do hospital. CONCLUSÕES: As afecções orbitárias são atendidas em sua maioria pelos oftalmologistas especializados em tal área, e ao se incluir nesta casuística outras especialidades, nota-se um aumento no número de casos de lesões tumorais secundárias quando comparada ao de outros trabalhos realizados em serviços no exterior. Há necessidade de criar-se um registro confiável dos casos de lesões expansivas orbitárias nos serviços especializados brasileiros, e confirma-se o caráter multidisciplinar do objeto deste estudo.PURPOSE: To report the incidence of orbital space-occupying lesions in an 11-year interval study of patients examined at the Hospital das Clínicas of FMUSP, and to evaluate which are the main specialties involved in the diagnosis and treatment of such conditions. METHODS: All cases of orbital space-occupying lesions in the period from 1993 to 2004 were revised. Of 924 obtained medical records, 155 were selected after histopathological analysis. Another 111 cases were gathered from the personal archives of a pathologist responsible for Ophthalmic Histopathology, from which 45 cases were excluded because they had already been included in the first source analysis. The data were analyzed and compared with the results from other institutions. RESULTS: Of the studied 181 orbital space-occupying lesions, 70% were primary, 23% secondary, 6% metastatic and lymphomas, and 1% was not classified. The most common specialties involved ophthalmologists in 72.37% of all 181 cases, head and neck surgeons in 14.36%, neurosurgeons in 6.62%, and others in 6.62%. CONCLUSIONS: The orbital mass lesions were treated mostly by an expert ophthalmologist. When other specialties were included, there was a modest increase in secondary tumor incidence when the final result was compared with previous studies on this subject. Our findings indicate that the creation of a trustworthy register of all orbital space-occupying lesions in Brazilian specialized services is necessary. The multidisciplinary character of the orbital mass lesions is corroborated by this review

    Importância da tomografia de coerência óptica e do eletrorretinograma na retinosquise senil

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    Retinoschisis diagnosis can be very difficult in atypical forms. Special exams are necessary to differentiate retinoschisis from other pathologies such as retinal detachment. Case Report: A 61-year-old black woman presented for routine examination. Fundus of the right eye reveled a superior periphery lesion extending to the posterior pole. The ultrassonography of the same eye showed a high reflective membrane. An inferior field absolute scotoma was detected. The OCT scan that was positioned at lesion in the outer retinal break demonstrated the fragmentation of the retinal layer. The scotopic ERG showed a reduction of the b wave amplitude of the right eye compared to the left eye (Negative electroretinogram). The multifocal ERG was normal in both eyes. The OCT demonstrated to be an useful toll to detect morphological alterations. The ERG and the absolute scotoma in the inferior field, demonstrated the retinal functional defect. A negative electroretinogram, showed a normal a wave and a reduced b wave demonstrating that the photoreceptor inner segments were relatively intact and that the initial damage in this disorder would seem to occur in the inner retinal layers. In doubtful cases especial exams are necessary and a careful investigation must confirm the diagnosis. The indications for treatment should be seriously analysed to avoid any intervention that can be harmful for the patient's prognosis

    Leituras de Grande Sertão Veredas: sua tradução alemã e a correspondência de Guimarães Rosa com seu tradutor alemão Curt Meyer-Clason

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    The present article gets organized around two main axles. The first one briefly presents a discussion of aspects related to the study of epistolary documents as research source and discusses some issues of the correspondence exchanged between João Guimarães Rosa and his German translator Curt Meyer-Clason. In the sequence, elements are presented that, on basis of an analysis of published and unpublished letters, lead one to the consideration of work points and author’s poiësis aspects not yet openly considered by the specialized criticism on him.O presente artigo organiza-se em torno de dois eixos principais. Tratase, no primeiro, da rápida discussão de aspectos relativos ao estudo de documentos epistolares como fonte de pesquisa e da apresentação do caso da correspondência trocada entre João Guimarães Rosa e seu tradutor alemão Curt Meyer-Clason. Na sequência são apresentados elementos que, com base na análise de documentos publicados e de documentos inéditos, levam à consideração aspectos da obra e do fazer poético do autor ainda não ponderados publicamente pela crítica especializada

    Intravitreal injection of polysorbate 80: a functional and morphological study

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    ABSTRACT Objective : to determine the functional and morphological effects at rabbits retina of PS80 concentration used in the preparation of intravitreal drugs. Methods: eleven New Zealand rabbits received a intravitreal injection of 0.1ml of PS80. As control, the contralateral eye of each rabbit received the same volume of saline. Electroretinography was performed according to a modified protocol, as well as biomicroscopy and retina mapping before injection and seven and ten days after. Animals were euthanized in the 30th day and the retinas were analyzed by light microscopy. Results: eyes injected with PS80 did not present clinical signs of intraocular inflammation. Electroretinography did not show any alteration of extent and implicit time of a and b waves at scotopic and photopic conditions. There were no morphological alterations of retinas at light microscopy. Conclusion: intravitreal injection of PS80 in the used concentration for intravitreal drug preparations do not cause any functional or morphological alterations of rabbit retinas. These results suggest that PS80 is not toxic to rabbit retinas and may be safely used in the preparation of new lipophilic drugs for intravitreal injection