909 research outputs found

    Another Old Babylonian barley loan from Gula’s temple

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    The article is the edition of a new Old Babylonian loan of barley from the Gula temple in Larsa

    Laser induced distortion of band structure in solids: an analytic model

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    We consider a spatially periodic (cosine) potential as a model for a crystalline solid that interacts with a harmonically oscillating external electric field. This problem is periodic both in space and time and can be solved analytically using the Kramers-Henneberger co-moving frame. By analyzing the stability of the closely related Mathieu-type differential equation, the electronic band structure can be obtained. We demonstrate that by changing the field intensity, the width of the zero-field band gaps can be drastically modified, including the special case when the external field causes the band gaps to disappearComment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Egy szépirodalmi szöveg adekvát felolvasásáról

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    Beszámoló a szántóföldi kutatásokat bemutató szakmai találkozóról

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    Az ökológiai szántóföldi növénytermesztés területén az információhiány komoly problémát jelent, melyre az ÖMKi próbál megoldást nyújtani. Szántóföldi kutatásaik két fő témaköre: a gabona biológiai alapokat célzó és a termesztéstechnológiai fejlesztéseket célzó kutatás

    Kárpátalja 1939. évi hivatalos helységnevei

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    Oscillating spin-orbit interaction in two-dimensional superlattices: sharp transmission resonances and time-dependent spin polarized currents

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    We consider ballistic transport through a lateral, two-dimensional superlattice with experimentally realizable, sinusoidally oscillating Rashba-type spin-orbit interaction. The periodic structure of the rectangular lattice produces a spin-dependent miniband structure for static SOI. Using Floquet theory, transmission peaks are shown to appear in the mini-bandgaps as a consequence of the additional, time-dependent SOI. A detailed analysis shows that this effect is due to the generation of harmonics of the driving frequency, via which e.g., resonances that cannot be excited in the case of static SOI become available. Additionally, the transmitted current shows space and time-dependent partial spin-polarization, in other words, polarization waves propagate through the superlattice.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure
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