1,323 research outputs found

    Hematological response in sheep given protracted exposures to Co 60 gamma radiation

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    Leukocyte count changes in sheep after prolonged exposure to gamma irradiation at rate of 1.9 R/h

    Information theoretic approach to interactive learning

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    The principles of statistical mechanics and information theory play an important role in learning and have inspired both theory and the design of numerous machine learning algorithms. The new aspect in this paper is a focus on integrating feedback from the learner. A quantitative approach to interactive learning and adaptive behavior is proposed, integrating model- and decision-making into one theoretical framework. This paper follows simple principles by requiring that the observer's world model and action policy should result in maximal predictive power at minimal complexity. Classes of optimal action policies and of optimal models are derived from an objective function that reflects this trade-off between prediction and complexity. The resulting optimal models then summarize, at different levels of abstraction, the process's causal organization in the presence of the learner's actions. A fundamental consequence of the proposed principle is that the learner's optimal action policies balance exploration and control as an emerging property. Interestingly, the explorative component is present in the absence of policy randomness, i.e. in the optimal deterministic behavior. This is a direct result of requiring maximal predictive power in the presence of feedback.Comment: 6 page

    Measurements of the effect of collisions on transverse beam halo diffusion in the Tevatron and in the LHC

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    Beam-beam forces and collision optics can strongly affect beam lifetime, dynamic aperture, and halo formation in particle colliders. Extensive analytical and numerical simulations are carried out in the design and operational stage of a machine to quantify these effects, but experimental data is scarce. The technique of small-step collimator scans was applied to the Fermilab Tevatron collider and to the CERN Large Hadron Collider to study the effect of collisions on transverse beam halo dynamics. We describe the technique and present a summary of the first results on the dependence of the halo diffusion coefficient on betatron amplitude in the Tevatron and in the LHC.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to the Proceedings of the ICFA Mini-Workshop on Beam-beam Effects in Hadron Colliders (BB2013), Geneva, Switzerland, 18-22 March 201

    FUSE Observations of a Full Orbit of Hercules X-1: Signatures of Disk, Star, and Wind

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    We observed an entire 1.7 day orbit of the X-ray binary Hercules X-1 with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE). Changes in the O VI 1032,1037 line profiles through eclipse ingress and egress indicate a Keplerian accretion disk spinning prograde with the orbit. These observations may show the first double-peaked accretion disk line profile to be seen in the Hercules X-1 system. Doppler tomograms of the emission lines show a bright spot offset from the Roche lobe of the companion star HZ Her, but no obvious signs of the accretion disk. Simulations show that the bright spot is too far offset from the Roche lobe to result from uneven X-ray heating of its surface. The absence of disk signatures in the tomogram can be reproduced in simulations which include absorption from a stellar wind. We attempt to diagnose the state of the emitting gas from the C III 977, C III 1175, and N III 991 emission lines. The latter may be enhanced through Bowen fluorescence.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    The Origin of Soft X-rays in DQ Herculis

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    DQ Herculis (Nova Herculis 1934) is a deeply eclipsing cataclysmic variable containing a magnetic white dwarf primary. The accretion disk is thought to block our line of sight to the white dwarf at all orbital phases due to its extreme inclination angle. Nevertheless, soft X-rays were detected from DQ Her with ROSAT PSPC. To probe the origin of these soft X-rays, we have performed Chandra ACIS observations. We confirm that DQ Her is an X-ray source. The bulk of the X-rays are from a point-like source and exhibit a shallow partial eclipse. We interpret this as due to scattering of the unseen central X-ray source, probably in an accretion disk wind. At the same time, we observe what appear to be weak extended X-ray features around DQ Her, which we interpret as an X-ray emitting knot in the nova shell.Comment: 18 pages including 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astrphyisical Journa

    Secondary-Structure Design of Proteins by a Backbone Torsion Energy

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    We propose a new backbone-torsion-energy term in the force field for protein systems. This torsion-energy term is represented by a double Fourier series in two variables, the backbone dihedral angles phi and psi. It gives a natural representation of the torsion energy in the Ramachandran space in the sense that any two-dimensional energy surface periodic in both phi and psi can be expanded by the double Fourier series. We can then easily control secondary-structure-forming tendencies by modifying the torsion-energy surface. For instance, we can increase/decrease the alpha-helix-forming-tendencies by lowering/raising the torsion-energy surface in the alpha-helix region and likewise increase/decrease the beta-sheet-forming tendencies by lowering/raising the surface in the beta-sheet region in the Ramachandran space. We applied our approach to AMBER parm94 and AMBER parm96 force fields and demonstrated that our modifications of the torsion-energy terms resulted in the expected changes of secondary-structure-forming-tendencies by performing folding simulations of alpha-helical and beta-hairpin peptides.Comment: 13 pages, (Revtex4), 5 figure

    Characterizing two solar-type Kepler subgiants with asteroseismology: KIC10920273 and KIC11395018

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    Determining fundamental properties of stars through stellar modeling has improved substantially due to recent advances in asteroseismology. Thanks to the unprecedented data quality obtained by space missions, particularly CoRoT and Kepler, invaluable information is extracted from the high-precision stellar oscillation frequencies, which provide very strong constraints on possible stellar models for a given set of classical observations. In this work, we have characterized two relatively faint stars, KIC10920273 and KIC11395018, using oscillation data from Kepler photometry and atmospheric constraints from ground-based spectroscopy. Both stars have very similar atmospheric properties; however, using the individual frequencies extracted from the Kepler data, we have determined quite distinct global properties, with increased precision compared to that of earlier results. We found that both stars have left the main sequence and characterized them as follows: KIC10920273 is a one-solar-mass star (M=1.00 +/- 0.04 M_sun), but much older than our Sun (t=7.12 +/- 0.47 Gyr), while KIC11395018 is significantly more massive than the Sun (M=1.27 +/- 0.04 M_sun) with an age close to that of the Sun (t=4.57 +/- 0.23 Gyr). We confirm that the high lithium abundance reported for these stars should not be considered to represent young ages, as we precisely determined them to be evolved subgiants. We discuss the use of surface lithium abundance, rotation and activity relations as potential age diagnostics.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, 5 tables. Accepted by Ap