44 research outputs found

    Empirical Study of the Use of Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Among Bank Customers in Ibadan Metropolis, South Western Nigeria

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    Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is perceived to offer considerable benefits and challenges both to the banks and their customers, yet these are rarely empirically investigated. The study was conducted in purposively selected eight ATM location points of four banks in Ibadan metropolis, Nigeria. The sample size was made up purposively selected one hundred and eight-two (182) and another twelve (12) respondents for survey and in-depth interviews respectively. Data were collected and analyzed through quantitative and qualitative methods. Results showed that most respondents were utilizing the machine for various purposes. Also, respondents mentioned convenience, quick funds transfer, and time saving as the real benefits of the machine. Some respondents mentioned fear of armed robbery attack, technical hitches, invalid debit and perennial network failure as the challenges of utilizing the machine. On the whole, most respondents (67.0%) evaluated the machine as having benefited them more than it had cost them. The bivariate analysis showed that more female bank customers (?2=6.469; p<0.05); more relatively younger customers (?2=66.846; p<0.05); more customers with relatively higher level of education (?2=26.892; p<0.05) and more student customers (?2=61.196; p<0.05) agreed the machine had benefited them more than other groups. Qualitative data also confirmed the various benefits and challenges of the machine to the customers. Using the modernisation and rational choice theories, the study argued that ATM is a modern technology which some bank customers were selectively adopting based their real subjective and objective experiences. The study concludes that for the benefits of ATM to be consolidated and to gain wider acceptance among bank customers, the challenges inherent in the machine should be addressed. Keywords: ATM, bank customers, benefits & challenges, modernisation, rational choic

    Information Seeking Behaviour of Physicians for Patient Care in University Teaching Hospitals in North-Central, Nigeria

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    The study investigated information seeking behaviour of physicians for improved patient care in University Teaching Hospitals in North Central Nigeria. To achieve the research objectives, the study sets to find out: information seeking behaviour of physicians for improved patient care in University Teaching Hospitals, in North-Central, Nigeria; determine the extent to which the medical library provides the needed information for physicians in University Teaching Hospitals, in North-Central, Nigeria; determine the extent to which physicians use the medical library in University Teaching Hospitals, in North-Central, Nigeria. Three research questions were formulated to serve as a guide to the study. A descriptive survey research design was used for the research. The population of the study consisted of eight hundred and fifty (850) physicians who work in the teaching hospitals were used for the study. Census sampling technique was employed. Data was collected through electronic questionnaire which was face validated by two experts in the Department of Library and Information Science and one from test and measurement unit of Science Education, University of Nigeria Nsukka. The data collected was analysed using percentages, mean scores, and standard deviation. The findings of the study revealed that physicians prefer seeking information on the internet as compared with other sources. Also, it was revealed that physicians do not get information literacy skills training from the medical library. In addition, physicians do not use reference services in the medical library. Furthermore, it was revealed that physicians visit the medical library once in a while. Thus, the study recommended that library management should consider physicians behaviour in designing a good information system in the medical library

    MED and MUC Equations: A Comparative Analysis of Counter-Current Development Model for Developing Countries in the Knowledge Driven Economy

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    This paper compares two sub-models under the Counter-Current Development Model in order to discover the remarkable differences between the two. These models are Meritocracy, Excellence and Development (MED); and then Mediocrity, Underdevelopment and Corruption (MUC). The equations are formulated and explained so as to let any developing country who wishes to advance to another level grab the ideas and employ them. Acceptance and application of the MED model would result in radical positive change (and such nations will be MADE); whereas neglect of MED would result to presence of MUC which is evidenced by continuous economic stagnation or backwardness (and such nations will be MOCKED).  Recommendations are given for the promising and rewarding development model. Keywords: Counter-current development, MED model, MUC model, Developing countries, Knowledge econom

    Emotional Intelligence of Library Leaders and Innovative Library Services in South East Nigeria

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    Innovations are driven by leaders in any organisation. Emotionally intelligent leaders (EI) have the capacity to introduce and sustain innovations because they are adept at perceiving, appreciating, controlling and utilizing negative/positive feelings and using them as indicators to create solutions. This study explored the EI of Library leaders in Anambra and Enugu States and how the array of skills relates to innovative services in libraries. The population of the study was made up of 42 Heads of libraries and different departmental Heads in the two States. The questionnaire was used for data collection. Using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation, it was established that though high levels of some components of EI could be found among the leaders that positively related with innovative services, there was a noticeable lack in the area of interactions with stakeholders outside the library circles. The paper therefore, recommended that library leaders within the States under study should synergize with other stakeholders in the information provision chain to bring about innovations in their libraries. They should be able to lobby within their institutions and government circles to attract funds for creative services, should leverage the use of ICT to enable innovations and finally library leaders need to be more assertive, scale up their social and relationship skills and network within and outside their library workforce to bring about  innovation and creativity in their libraries

    Reduced serum tetanus antibody titre in HIV infected subjects with malaria co-infection in a malaria endemic area of Nigeria

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    Tetanus infection is widespread and difficult to completely eradicate. Thus the present study was designed to assess the tetanus antibody titre in HIV infected subjects in relation to the presence or absence of malaria parasitaemia. 107 subjects consisting of asymptomatic group (asymptomatic HIV, n=17 and asymptomatic HIV-Malaria co-infection, n=17), symptomatic group (symptomatic HIV, n=18 and symptomatic HIV-Malaria co-infection, n=17), and control group (control without malaria, n=19 and control with malaria, n=19) participated in the study. Blood sample collected from the participants were used for the determination of packed cell volume, CD4+ T cell count, malaria parasite, HIV seropositivity and tetanus antibody titre using standard laboratory methods. The tetanus antibody titre was significantly reduced in symptomatic HIV infected subjects with malaria co-infection compared with symptomatic HIV infected subjects without malaria (

    Knowledge and Management Practices Against Malaria in Isulo Community, Orumba South L.G.A Anambra State, Nigeria

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    A study to determine the knowledge of, and management practices against malaria among thepeople of Isulo community in Orumba South Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria, wascarried out between April and June 2014. Structured questionnaires were issued to 500 individuals in thecommunity. Personal data including age, sex, educational status, marital status and occupation werecollected with the questionnaire. Educational attainment of the participants were Primary education100(20.0%), Secondary education 60(12.0%), tertiary education 45(9.0%), and non-formal education250(50.0%). All the respondents, 500(100%), were aware of the malaria disease. All the respondents,500(100%) mentioned body weakness, headache and fever as the common symptoms of alaria.480(96.0%) respondents attributed malaria to mosquito bites, 290(58.0%) attributed it to consumption oftoo much of oil, 320(64.0%) attributed it to drinking dirty water. On protective measures against mosquitobites, 500(100%) reported putting of nets on the windows and doors and 485(97.0%) believed on sprayinginsecticide inside houses and sleeping under insecticide-treated nets could prevent mosquito bites. Most ofthe respondents 490(98.0%) believed that malaria needs to be treated while 10(2.0%) said that it was adisease that heals on its own without treatment. Malaria treatment methods of the people included visit tohealth centres or hospital 410(82.0%), buying drugs from chemist shops 195(39.5%), visiting prayer andhealing homes 170(34.0%), use of herbs 415(83.0%), avoidance of oily foods 325(69.0%), self-medication165(33.0%) and no treatment 30(6.0%). There is need to empower them with information about the causesof malaria and proper management practices

    Serum adiponectin and metabolic profile in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome in relation to body mass index

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    Background: Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a common endocrine disorder which affects approximately 5-10% of women in reproductive age. It is both a reproductive endocrinopathy and a metabolic disorder.Methods: 160 women aged 18 to 40 years attending obstetrics and gynaecology clinic at Federal medical centre, Owerri, Imo State Nigeria were recruited and divided into 2 groups (women diagnosed with PCOS using Rotterdam criteria and control) of 80 participants each. Anthropometric data were collected, and participants categorized into 3 based on BMI. Fasting blood samples was collected for biochemical analyses. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences SPSS version 23.0, and level of significance set at p<0.05.Results: The mean serum levels of adiponectin and high density lipoprotein (HDL-C) were significantly lower while fasting plasma glucose, serum insulin, homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance, total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL-C), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL-C) and triglyceride were significantly higher in women with PCOS when compared with the control (p<0.05) as well as in obese when compared with normal weight women with PCOS (p<0.05). BMI negatively correlated with serum adiponectin and HDL-C, but positively correlated with FPG, insulin, HOMA-IR, TC, TG, LDL-C and VLDL-C in women with PCOS (p<0.05).Conclusions: This study highlights the prevalent biochemical and metabolic derangements in PCOS patients and was more evident in the obese and overweight patients. Early detection with subsequent application of preemptive measures including lifestyle modifications are therefore essential in the management of PCOS patients

    Effects of Salt, Detergents and Alum on Fatty Acid Profile in Cooked Eggs

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    In Abakaliki, as in most other parts of Nigeria, it is a common practice among commercial sellers of boiled eggs to boil them with chemicals such as omo, klin, table salt and alum, which gives the egg ashy appearance after cooking.  The effects of cooking with these chemicals on the fatty acid profile of eggs from four species of birds (gallus gallus): Quail (corturnix delegorgei), Guinea fowl (Numida meleagris), local chicken (Gallus varius) and high-breed chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) were investigated. Fifteen eggs from each bird were bought from various places where they are reared in Abakaliki. Eggs were divided into five groups: A, B, C, D and E, with three eggs in each group. Eggs in groups A, B, C, and D were boiled with omo, klin, table salt and alum, respectively. Group E eggs served as the control group and were boiled with water only. Fatty acid profile was determined using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC, AKAPTA). The results showed significant (P&lt;0.05) reduction of fatty acids contents of the eggs compared to the control. The effects which were species-dependent were found to be least in the quail egg and highest in the high-bred chicken. The detergents (klin and omo) had more devastating effects compared to alum and table salt. Thus boiling eggs with any of the chemicals studied reduces their nutritional quality and should be discouraged. Keywords: Egg, fatty acid profile, detergents, salt and alu

    Wikipedia edit- a -thon in a Nigerian academic library

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    This study examined Wikipedia edit-a-thon programme in a University Library in Nigeria. It adopted the descriptive design. Unstructured questionnaire and interview were used for data collection. A total of 25 people participated in the study. These are the University Librarian and two female deputy University Librarians, four library staff that serve as facilitators and eighteen participants of the edit-a-thon project. Interview was conducted with the University Librarian and her two deputies while the rest responded to an unstructured questionnaire. Data gathered were analysed using frequency counts and narrative. Findings show that the library engages in edit-a-thon for a few reasons amongst which are to contribute to open knowledge and help bridge the gender gap in Wikipedia editing which is dominated by men amongst others. Discoursing and winning the library managements’ consent to host edit-a-thon, is an important activity to ensure a successful edit-a-thon. Both the library, participants and facilitators have benefited from the programme. Despite the gains of participating in Wikipedia edit-a-thon, there are challenges of time constraint and infrastructure on the part of the library, lack of institutional support, problem of attracting new participants (editor) and retaining older ones as facilitators and lack of published information on Nigerian Women to support entries on Wikipedia. The implication of the study is that participating in Wikipedia edit-a-thon is an encouraging initiative for the library, an experience which every academic library in Nigeria should endeavour to have to contribute to open knowledge. Unveiling the achievements and contributions of notable women in Africa is a step towards building role models for the upcoming generatio

    Packed cell volume and serum iron in subjects with HIV-malaria co-infection in Nnewi, South-Eastern Nigeria

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    The present study was designed to assess the PCV and serum iron in HIV-malaria co-infected subjects in Nnewi, South Eastern Nigeria. 207 participants aged between 16-72 (44 ± 28) years were recruited andclassified as follows based on standard screening and WHO criteria: (i) Asymptomatic HIV stage I subjects with or without malaria. (ii) Symptomatic HIV stage II subjects with or without malaria and not on (ART). (iii) HIV/AIDS subjects with or without malaria and on ART. (vi) HIV seronegative control subjects with or without malaria. Blood sample from these participants were analyzed for HIV seroreactivity, Plasmodium falciparum antigen, parasite density, serum iron concentrations and PCV using Standard Laboratory methods. The result showed that serum iron and PCV were significantly reduced amongst all the groups studied when compared with the control (